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WIP - Environmental Visual Enhancements Development


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Hi rbray!

I have started the process of applying your work to other bodies. I noticed this strange bug which only shows up for the night side of Laythe. The bug only happens at the edge of the land and the ocean.


I have the configs at http://www.infradead.org/~Jsimmons/Eve-Overhaul.zip if you need to reproduce it. You will need Kopernicus if you want to duplicate the problem.

Edited by jsimmons
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  jsimmons said:
Hi rbray!

I have started the process of applying your work to other bodies. I noticed this strange bug which only shows up for the night side of Laythe. The bug only happens at the edge of the land and the ocean.


I have the configs at http://www.infradead.org/~Jsimmons/Eve-Overhaul.zip if you need to reproduce it. You will need Kopernicus if you want to duplicate the problem.

Yeah... I know what is going on here in the shader, I just need to figure out what the best way to address it is.

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This is awesome. ... game changing even.

Just a small request.

Could you possibly call it something different than E.V.E....

"Awesome Atmospheres" something... anything. KSP already had an Eve before E.V.E., and now there is E.V.E. (overhaul)... not everyone is a google search ninja, and this is too awesome to be so hard to find.

Party on.


Hey guys, I thought I'd write a few more lines here. I do realise that rbray89 made the original E.V.E. Thanks rbray89 :) ! ... and thinking about it I can understand what a monumental task it would be to change the name of a mod already in progress. That said, I hang out on twitch a lot and get to talking to people about new mods. It can get confusing especially to newbies.

Edited by MrChumley
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  MrChumley said:
This is awesome. ... game changing even.

Just a small request.

Could you possibly call it something different than E.V.E....

"Awesome Atmospheres" something... anything. KSP already had an Eve before E.V.E., and now there is E.V.E. (overhaul)... not everyone is a google search ninja, and this is too awesome to be so hard to find.

Party on.

You do realize rbray made they original EVE? He is overhauling the original.

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  sp1989 said:
You do realize rbray made they original EVE? He is overhauling the original.

He might be talking about the planet, I believe. In any case, one can just google what the acronym stands for: Environmental visual enhancements.

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I still have to read a few pages (on 46 now).

But I want t write my 5 cent before I forget ...

1st It looks great.

2nd I still have some problems. Like:

  1. the atmosphere visual effect extends over 70km ... actually it extends way over 150km.

  2. Also a massive frame rate drop. At launch of a 50 part rocket I had a frame rate in single digit range. Normally I do not have any problems with my system ... maybe if I go over 400 parts, then I see the frame rate go down a bit... It was also the worst frame rate I ever had with any Eve. Let it be the old ones or the older WIP.

  3. In map view I had a sunset red on the planet when the sun was in my back and I was directly looking at the planet. Like: Sun --- me > -- Planet

  4. Also opaque clouds in map view have proven themselves to be not be practical. (can't see where you aiming at). My suggestion is to turn them either off or make them see through.

  5. The cost lines are glowing at night ... and I think they shouldn't.

  6. But I somehow miss the clouds /effects in KSP main menu. But I think they will come back when most is fixed.

  7. Something that would be nice would be if you would add some sort of build number ... so that player (e.g. I) can figure out more easily if something has changed between my last installed and the currently available...it also helps if I wan't to go back to an older version if the current one is less stable ... right now I only have a bunch (actually only two right now) of x86-Release.zip and can only figure out which one is newer on the date I have downloaded them.

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To the naming of EVE...

To be honest EVE is a pretty good name for it. All of the letters are needed, and none less or more are. It applies enhancements to the visuals of the environment surrounding the ship in KSP. That sentence covers everything the mod does (well, rbray may correct me here, sorry!), and that sentence has all the words of the acronym, so...

I think EVE is a good name.

However...there is an Eve the planet in KSP, and EVE online the MMO game. EVE is a pretty popular thing.

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  SamboUK96 said:
To the naming of EVE...

To be honest EVE is a pretty good name for it. All of the letters are needed, and none less or more are. It applies enhancements to the visuals of the environment surrounding the ship in KSP. That sentence covers everything the mod does (well, rbray may correct me here, sorry!), and that sentence has all the words of the acronym, so...

I think EVE is a good name.

However...there is an Eve the planet in KSP, and EVE online the MMO game. EVE is a pretty popular thing.

You can subscribe to the thread to get regular updates. If you want to google for it type "eve ksp wip overhaul"

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  sashan said:
Would it be possible to add at least bimpmap to the terrain? Looks awfully flat in stock, the main thing that sets back my interest in base construction.
You actually already can. Just make your own height texture (normal flagegd) and put both textures in EVE overhauls terrain editor. and turn some values to right numbers so details look right
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  MrChumley said:
This is awesome. ... game changing even.

Just a small request.

Could you possibly call it something different than E.V.E....

I'd like to point out that rbray's 2 major mods have a bit of a naming scheme, A.T.M. and E.V.E.

Adam and Eve.

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  zombiphylax said:
I'd like to point out that rbray's 2 major mods have a bit of a naming scheme, A.T.M. and E.V.E.

Adam and Eve.

Ha! That's awesome xD. I somehow doubt that was your original intent though haha.

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  zombiphylax said:
I'd like to point out that rbray's 2 major mods have a bit of a naming scheme, A.T.M. and E.V.E.

Adam and Eve.

Haha, I never even noticed that.

E.V.E will be keeping its name for the meantime at any rate.

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  Reveral said:

I noticed you missed P in the name of this shader


Was it supposed to say ShPere instead of Shere?

Haha, it *should* but as that shader isn't used, it won't matter :)

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here is one minor bug by the way. I know that terrain part is still work in progress, but anyway. Alpha channel in _color in terrain material does not respond to changes.

Everywere else alpha channel works fine

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  Reveral said:
here is one minor bug by the way. I know that terrain part is still work in progress, but anyway. Alpha channel in _color in terrain material does not respond to changes.

Everywere else alpha channel works fine

Alpha doesn't do anything there... It isn't supposed to.

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Hi all. Just wondering if the community fix for AVP in 1.0.4 works with EVE Overhaul? It's beautiful as is (but requires the x64 hack to work usably) but this water is just incredible, and the clouds and the sky and all of it. I'll try and find the post in the AVP thread with the community repack if anyone wants it.

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What your doing with WIP Enviromental Visual Enhancements is just incredible, Thankyou so much for helping make Kerbal space program look the way it deserves to :-)

And thankyou also to everyone who has contributed to and helped Rbray do what he has done ^_^

What Proot (proot's work brought me here), PingoPete (those 45 screenshots of his work on RSS... Almost impossibly beautiful for KSP.... So don't forget about Real Solar System Support ^_^) and others have been doing with the platform you have provided and your own help is spectacular, keep doing what you do, have fun and don't let yourself get under too much pressure, its supposed to be a relaxing hobby for you and we should all remember that good things can never be rushed :-)

I think it's great how you are working with Blackrack with his own work on atmospheric scattering, I love it when devs working on similar or related things team up and communicate and share ideas ect, often making the results of both separate works better, and also hopefully play nice and collaborate/work together better in game together and not step on each other's toes.

Also looking forward to KSP on Unity 5, Hoping for the best, Hopefully it makes things easier and opens up whole new possibilities for you explore, I also hope squad gets 64 bit working with unity 5, I think that it will be needed to get the ground terrain in Real Solar System up to the point where it is detailed and "Not too Flat everywhere" using really big terrain height files ect.

When my nephew is old enough for Kerbal Space Program I hope to have a really good build ready for him to explore Rocketry, aeronautical engineering, Ground vehicles and other contraptions in a fun accessible entry level way... That he can use real life knowledge to achieve things in game, so I hope to have it as realistic as possible but not overcomplicated, just that things in the game behave as true to life as their Real life counterparts, So means Real Solar system and FAR ect, Hopefully the quality of the ground textures and physical interaction/terrain can be improved in RSS as I can imagine he will be playing about with car/truck/crane/boat type contraptions before he can handle flying things :-)

Edited by GorillaZilla
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  gkorgood said:
Hi all. Just wondering if the community fix for AVP in 1.0.4 works with EVE Overhaul? It's beautiful as is (but requires the x64 hack to work usably) but this water is just incredible, and the clouds and the sky and all of it. I'll try and find the post in the AVP thread with the community repack if anyone wants it.

You kinda can make most part of AVP pack work with this version of EVE. It what I was trying to do for last 2 weeks. You just have to translate old cfg files to new system cfg cystem. Then you need manually to look up all dependand mods forum threads and look for latest versions.

Things that dont work is LensFlare, because doing anything with .asset file doesent work any more.

Also I would recommend delete terrain CFGs from terrain part of EVE overhaul, both from Kerbin and Mun because it doesent work properly yet, and will mess up a bit. Reason is because terrains part of EVE messing up stock KSP terrain textures.

Example as soon as you plug in any kind of texture to it, - Stock steep, mountan textures disapears or goes black, and all overall ground textures goes to much darker mode. Which will make visuals wors, plugging in midtex custom textures, like cornfields would fix that, but you cant do that, because then your cornfields will be visible from space as a tiles, including from ocean.

I guewss you could use kopernicus if you really want to make ground textures look nicer.

What you should do, is

1st. install this EVE first, delete terrain in gui from Kerbin and Mun. then ckick apply then save. Alt+E is for ingame gui. In gui create clouds for any planet you want, then create atmosphere, tweak all corresponding values like colors, density and such. all the cfgs from AVP that you would use, will not work with this EVE, but you can take the values from old cfgs and translate them your self into GUI, or new cfg file.

2. After you done with clouds install TextureReplacer, mostly for changing skybox.

3. Install latest Scatterer plugin. Tweak lightning in scatterers gui, so your planet does not look like a ghost.

4. Distant objects

5. planet shine

6. chatterer.

Remmember, all the CFGs from this mods that dependand of EVE will not work. You have to translate all numbers and cfgs by your self. It is easy while you get a hand of it

Edited by Reveral
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  Reveral said:
You actually already can. Just make your own height texture (normal flagegd) and put both textures in EVE overhauls terrain editor. and turn some values to right numbers so details look right

For the _BumpMap is it the same as the normal map used by Kopernicus for a body or does it need to be modified?

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  jsimmons said:
For the _BumpMap is it the same as the normal map used by Kopernicus for a body or does it need to be modified?

It doesn't have to be modified. When blank, it re-uses the one provided by default.

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