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love this mod, it's so kerbal.

Btw, is it back, because of my video or was that just coincidence? :sticktongue:

Holy cow! Swdennis?

Omg your videos are the best!

I was inspired by your video as I was very sad that the mod had been abandoned like so many others. Only problem is, I don't know how to model :P

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I agree to Kartofelkuchen, it's a very bad idea, if you ask in EVERY single thread if you can take over, without having any knowledge of coding or modelling.

RubberDuckey did a great job, but I'm not sure if you can maintain this.

P.S. Have you asked RubberDuckey, if you can maintain this, or had you "stolen" this from him?

The license allows me to make a new one.

Anyway, I can maintain this mod and I am learning how to model.

Please stop the criticism.

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The license allows me to make a new one.

Anyway, I can maintain this mod and I am learning how to model.

Please stop the criticism.


If / When Rubbery Ducky returns?

I would hate to take a couple of months sabbatical to find my mod being continued without my blessing.

Simply maintaining seems a very decent thing to do, but adding new models and content is different.

There is the strict black and white world of licences, but also the much greyer world of community goodwill and respect to the original work.

Just my opinion... :sealed:

Edited by Beale
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If / When Rubbery Ducky returns?

I would hate to take a couple of months sabbatical to find my mod being continued without my blessing.

Simply maintaining seems a very decent thing to do, but adding new models and content is different.

There is the strict black and white world of licences, but also the much greyer world of community goodwill and respect to the original work.

Just my opinion... :sealed:

He's said he will never return, but if he comes back I'll hand it over.

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He's said he will never return, but if he comes back I'll hand it over.

But, I mean if you are only just (in your own words) learning to model, why not take it slow and create your own mod from scratch?

Rather than the (arguably unpopular) method of continuing someone's work without their blessing.

I think it is good you want to mod. As others point out you have offered to take over and maintain several other mods. But, I think you will only find it unpleasant and frustrating without the experience of doing your own thing (I have seen what happened with StarSystems from start to finish).

Ultimately, the licence allows it. But, why not go away and create a fuel tank, create an engine or pod. Get comfortable with the tools of the trade. Then you can try take on something bigger like this. :)

Edited by Beale
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It's worth at least PMing Rubber Ducky, s/he might respond. :)

But I think Beale has hit the nail on the head: it'd be great to get started with some simple stuff of your own; certainly for me I learned much better, and more *solidly*, about how to mod by making my own, fresh, simple stuff rather than trying to jump in to a complex existing set of assets/code.

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Ohhhhhh. Don't let them talk you out of working on the mod. I'm so happy to see that someone - anyone - wants to expand on this. There's so much potential here and room for growth. And with the barnyard themes of the 0.90.0 release we're all anticipating, its become an even more appropriate mod for KSP. I'm so encouraged to see someone who is willing to expand upon this, don't let a wet blanket or ten put out your passion to develop it.

Here's what you do, Augustus: Satisfy all concerns by calling your work a branch. Go delete your claim to being the new man-in-charge from the original thread -- and instead, maintain and build out from what Ducky has done, but call it an extension of the original mod. If the models and features you end up adding, along with changes you'll have to make to support new features of the game, are quality (or become quality over time) then you've made everyone happy and kept this flame alive.

And if, after a while, the popular opinion is that they aren't, well, you've done no harm to the original, and you'll have learned a great deal in the process.

It was hasty of you to announce "this mod is mine now," and you earned yourself a little backlash from the community here. Fair enough. Now put that behind you and carry on with what you first set out to do!

That's an order!


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Hi _Augustus_,

I am sure that you are aware of the CKAN packaging effort ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067 ) which is an automated installation system for mods.

I would like to package your mod for CKAN, and it is our policy to ask the authors for permission first, sooooooo.... And seeing how you took over maintaining this mod, I guess you are the one to give blessing :cool:

May I do so, please?



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Hi _Augustus_,

I am sure that you are aware of the CKAN packaging effort ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067 ) which is an automated installation system for mods.

I would like to package your mod for CKAN, and it is our policy to ask the authors for permission first, sooooooo.... And seeing how you took over maintaining this mod, I guess you are the one to give blessing :cool:

May I do so, please?



Sure, Hakan!

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I gotta agree with previous sentiments. If you cannot figure out how to do textures, taking on maintenance of a high quality parts pack like this may not be a good first step into modeling.

It's cardboard rocketry. Not FASA.

Anyway, I'm making my own tech tree kinda like the CTT, but people can (sort of) add their own nodes if they ask as long as they fit in a reasonable spot. BargainRockets will require it.

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I'm not sure where this hostile air is coming from. The original mod is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) which allows copying and redistribution in any medium/format and building upon the original materials, provided that the author of the original mod is attributed and this deriative/successor mod retains the same license.

If you folks have an issue with _Augustus_ handling his own deriative of the Bargain Rocket Parts mod, then make your own fork and show us how it's done. Enough with this crappy atmosphere of hostility.

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No hostility here, but advice given the OP has been repeatedly asking to take over mods while having, as evidenced by the post above, limited experience in supporting or enhancing said mod.

But I do love a challenge, so sure. New fork coming right up (well, after the weekend as I have a rock show to play tonight).

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