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[v0.17] Damned Aerospace Version 1.5.3 + Crewtank


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Questions to Damnyoujapan:

Which parts do you use to craft your test ships? i think it\'s C7 but unsure.


How can you put your plane in the horizontal ramp insted of the vertical one(default)?

Thank you so much

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arvit: I do indeed use C7 parts as a base for my test aircraft. There is currently no way to spawn on the runway, I launch my aircraft vertically like everyone else and then fly them to the runway before I start recording video.

Rocketscienist: What? I\'m not sure what you mean?

Misterspork: The offset is hardly optimal but at the moment it\'s the only way I can make it work.

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I think he means VTOL type turbines.

I was actually asking around to see if it was possible not too long ago.

Its just a matter of changing thrust direction depending on the state of the part (Retracted|Extended)

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Turbines tailored for VTOLS are coming, first up is the VJ-101:


They will however work like all the other engines so you could use any engine setup for your VTOL designs. If you missed it there is a video demonstrating this on page 5.

The development of VTOL tech has sort of sidelined us a little bit end ended up with me doing things like this :

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Turbines tailored for VTOLS are coming, first up is the VJ-101:


They will however work like all the other engines so you could use any engine setup for your VTOL designs. If you missed it there is a video demonstrating this on page 5.

The development of VTOL tech has sort of sidelined us a little bit end ended up with me doing things like this :

I so want to build a huge Muncrawler.

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I just downloaded Rev2.

It says its not available for my version of KSP. Rev1 worked fine. Do you know what the problem is?

Try reinstalling it, and make sure to overwrite the MuMechLib.dll on the Plugins folder. If it\'s still giving errors after that, please attach your output_log.txt from the KSP_Data folder.

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I have to say I was quite upset when I first read this today. I\'m slightly mollified now that I see exactly what you two did. Moving stack nodes is something else entirely.

Anyway, I think I saw someone mention something about autogyros. While this technically doesn\'t count, I clearly over-engineered this one by a factor of 2.


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Just a little thing : after I ended a 'normal' flight, the result screen was spammed by 'C7_Surf was damaged by exhaust from....', and the last line was : 'C7_Surf was damaged by exha'. There was even not enough space LOL !

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I may be a little late to the party, and this may not be the largest helo so far, but I\'m fairly certain nobody else has used this configuration. And I\'m positive nobody would ever build a second after flying the first.


I didn\'t see this yet, and it simply had to be done.



Had two bugs, or perhaps design issues.


That thing would consistently fire 'something' straight up in the air shortly after launch and vertical hover slide. It looked like it was shooting part of the prop very fast Y+, it would only do it once per flight, and I was never able to figure out what exactly it was losing. Those are 0.5m puller props on it.

The other thing you\'re probably already aware of, but the large origin offset seems to exacerbate CoM issues. Perhaps it\'s just my imagination, but even stuff that should be balanced just won\'t stay vertical off the pad. Jeb, Bob, and Bill, along with countless other Kerbals died to get that t-chopper off the ground without a backflip.

Oddly, MechJeb KillVert works perfectly for auto-hover precise positioning on the tailsitter propcopters, but the actual helicopters can\'t hover worth a thing.

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