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[1.12.x] Sounding Rockets! Start small. Dream big!


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oh I just wanted the old style payloads for visuals.... I like the internal parts better as they can be used on aircraft etc. so I just wanted both... maybe make the old style ones as heavy as the rack + 4 internal bits so they are about the same weight as the rack and radial attached payloads. what ever, not a big deal. I just liked the way the older ones looked is all.

as for the launch issues, I found the SR radial attached probe core, and the rack is the root part. I think my issues may be RT related. since this is an "unmanned" vehicle I think RT is preventing me form using it. I will have to look into the patches Gfurst made.

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Remote tech has a patch for Sounding rockets included that works great. No issues with Remote Tech 2 at all here. Some other mods have issues and I patched them myself.

I am planning on releasing my patches (including a small change in the techtree once I figure out how to use MM for the techtree, for now I have an editted techtree itself).

Can I also include my Sounding Rockets parts (resizing yours) under the same license?


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well I loaded the gfurst MM patch for sounding rockets and I see in the file where it should be working with RT, but I still cant get one to launch. I should be able to just place one on the launch pad and launch it right? all I need is a booster, and the SR probe core and it should fire correct? If this is the case there must be another mod conflicting.. I will have to strip down to vanilla and start adding them all back in and see which one is the cause.

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batteries??!?!? umm no...

lol, ok back to the drawing board.... Is there documentation on these somewhere I should be reading? I was wondering what that battery shaken out of jeb's remote was for. I assumed it was just "extra" power. not "only" power.

EDIT: Ok yes things work much better with batteries in them... however now I am stuck on the "Staging" I have tried to put all boosters in one stage, and they all fire at once.... I have tried to place them in different stages and they do stage in order as I press space bar, but the lower stage does not separate? are there stack separators now? I thought these were supposed to have decouplers built in. Also this battery is using electric charge... does this mean standard batteries, solar panels, RTG, etc. will now work on the sounding rockets? it is no longer limited to the charge on the system at launch? It seems I have missed out on quite a bit of changes since this was first released.

EDIT 2: Ok dug through 176 mods worth of crap... Found the decouplers for these. it is just not Tier 1... so my new career game could not see them. I must say this mod has come along way since I last used it.

Edited by Bit Fiddler
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Remote tech has a patch for Sounding rockets included that works great. No issues with Remote Tech 2 at all here. Some other mods have issues and I patched them myself.

I am planning on releasing my patches (including a small change in the techtree once I figure out how to use MM for the techtree, for now I have an editted techtree itself).

Can I also include my Sounding Rockets parts (resizing yours) under the same license?


I would prefer you to ask your users to download this mod, and then they can use your MM files. Makes it easier support wise for me.

And yes, these use regular EC now.

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I would prefer you to ask your users to download this mod, and then they can use your MM files. Makes it easier support wise for me.

And yes, these use regular EC now.

Yep that was exactly what I meant :) Maybe I worded it poorly :P.

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The parts don't show up in the vab.

What Roverdude said.

How did you install it? CKAN or manual install?

CKAN should have done the right thing, but if you do it manually, it is possible to put it in the wrong directory.

- - - Updated - - -

Yep that was exactly what I meant :) Maybe I worded it poorly :P.

Ummm, check the license of the mods you have patches for.

If they are CC-BY-ND, then technically you can't even distribute patches for them, according to the license.

Sadly, I know this because I just finished discussing this with the moderators, and this was the consensus.


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What Roverdude said.

How did you install it? CKAN or manual install?

CKAN should have done the right thing, but if you do it manually, it is possible to put it in the wrong directory.

- - - Updated - - -

Ummm, check the license of the mods you have patches for.

If they are CC-BY-ND, then technically you can't even distribute patches for them, according to the license.

Sadly, I know this because I just finished discussing this with the moderators, and this was the consensus.



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Okay, gotta hand it to you, RoverDude... these parts mesh together quite well with some of the parts from the SSR Microsat pack. The Ion engine from that pack is the EXACT same size as the smaller payload rack from your pack, and the little xenon tanks and the solar panels fit neatly within the fairings. End result?


Over 1300 m/s dV tucked into this thing... No science, but that wasn't the point of the design. It was to see just how small I could make a craft capable of flying to the Mun under the right conditions.

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Yes, that is a godsend. Now, it's practical to pack multiple compact probes for, say, scouting out Jool's moons. No more hauling out several tons of 0.625 meter stuff... Throw a couple of these in a Mk II cargo bay, detach them, and let them fly!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello. I was curious, is it working as intended for two of the science modules to be destroyed during any water landing? I was launching rockets in various directions around the space center, and noticed that any water landing results in two of the science modules being instantly destroyed. I'm pretty sure the default values for how dangerous water is have changed since this mod was last updated, so I'm wondering if the lack of waterproofing is because of changes to KSP's oceans, or if I should just avoid trying to launch the sounding rockets towards the ocean. I can check later to see which two keep getting ripped off, but I'm pretty sure it's always the same two experiment pods. I also tried putting them into a materials bay on a ship with enough parachutes to land at about 4 meters per second, and the parts still vanish as soon as it touches the water. Or are they just meant to be that delicate?

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Hello. I have a small question : Is the small decoupler upside down ? Because I found it more fitting when attached after reversing it with the W key.

Anyway I had a lot of fun yesterday launching missiles... sounding rockets, for science of course :D

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Hello. I was curious, is it working as intended for two of the science modules to be destroyed during any water landing? I was launching rockets in various directions around the space center, and noticed that any water landing results in two of the science modules being instantly destroyed. I'm pretty sure the default values for how dangerous water is have changed since this mod was last updated, so I'm wondering if the lack of waterproofing is because of changes to KSP's oceans, or if I should just avoid trying to launch the sounding rockets towards the ocean. I can check later to see which two keep getting ripped off, but I'm pretty sure it's always the same two experiment pods. I also tried putting them into a materials bay on a ship with enough parachutes to land at about 4 meters per second, and the parts still vanish as soon as it touches the water. Or are they just meant to be that delicate?

It's designed for you to not launch a ton of science modules till you unlock additional parachutes :)

Hello. I have a small question : Is the small decoupler upside down ? Because I found it more fitting when attached after reversing it with the W key.

Anyway I had a lot of fun yesterday launching missiles... sounding rockets, for science of course :D

It's just a bit fiddly.

Also - a refresh of this mod is underway, once I finish adding in a new surprise or three

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Nice new science bay on this version. Yay! :D

Brilliant. I do however have a bit of a problem with the parachutes. The just don't work for me. At all. The rocket is not slowed down and the chute just rips off. It seems like they have absolutely no effect regardless of when deployed. This might have something to do with have FAR or Real Chutes installed. I don't know. Although it looks strange I don't bother with them anymore and use Real Chutes instead. Very strange. I wonder what is causing the standard sounding rocket chutes to bug out. Any ideas?

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The small chutes don't work in stock either. Even if it's just one frame, one parachute, one control core, one experiment and two batteries, the parachute doesn't slow it down enough for the frame to not explode on impact.

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