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Squad, You are not limiting the use of the Drone Cores are you?

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-From the Devnote Tuesday:

Felipe (HarvesteR):

On more specific news, I’ve gone through the new Crew Pilot system yesterday, and set it up so that, as explained already, Kerbal Pilots are needed to provide SAS and Autopilot assistance, but also so Probe Cores are also able to do the same. That was done by a rewrite of the old ModuleSAS part module, which before was pretty much just empty. Now it’s used in probes, to specify the level of SAS service provided. Higher-level probe cores provide more AP features, and are of course, much more expensive. I’ve also spent a good deal of time revising the R&D placement for probes, so that you’ll find a nice gradual progression from the simplest model (the Stayputnik) to the top-of-the-line ones all along the control/unmanned branches of the tech tree. This means the so-far very similar probe cores now finally have actual differences between one another.


Squad, I really hope this do not mean you are going to limit the Drone Cores for those of us who are estethicsbuilders - It sounds here as if I make a satelite/unmanned vehicle and believe/see in my vision that a Stayputnik would look best in the wholebuild. Then that satelite/vehicle cant be used as well as one where I have to put on a different core that may look totally wrong in the build.

I like the progression of greater advances of the cores but please don't do a "Sims" fail where: (I the gamemaker think this bed is good looking and I'm giving it 3stars-quality, even though you might think it looks ugly and now have to use a "bad bed" for your house to look nice.)

We all have different views of what looks good or fits a certain place in a build, so all parts need to be 'usefull/available' in the end of the techtree.

Greets n Tnx for a Great game n a Great time given us sofar! :)


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Pretty sure it would be easy enough to mod it though.

They are just making progression makes a bit more sense. Right now there is no reason to use any other probe cores than the one that is most efficient, unless you like the looks. The much more expensive high tech core work just about as well as a Stayputnik at the moment, even though the higher tech core should have more capability to do more things.

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This looks techtree-related so let me just link to this post. It's a summary of the thread discussing a tech-tree overhaul, which among other things will let the player choose any path they want including unmanned flight first.

If you like what you see there consider leaving a note asking the devs to do something like it.

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I wouldn't like it if different probe cores had different abilities, because different probe cores are useful in different construction situations.

I'd be fine with all probes getting better as different levels of the tech tree are opened.

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As long as there is still a probe sized core that provides the whole package, I'm ok with that. Of course aesthetics are important for most people, but to be honest I don't need anything more than the basic SAS function (keep orientated that way!). What I rly hope for is the option for a more agressive SAS, since that softy stock SAS can be a real pain sometimes... :(

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  RainDreamer said:
Right now there is no reason to use any other probe cores than the one that is most efficient, unless you like the looks. The much more expensive high tech core work just about as well as a Stayputnik at the moment,...

Well that was my whole point - for the looks! I shouldnt be forced to use an ugly/non aestheticall Probe Core on my probe just because it is the only one that does all the work. Especially not when I am trying to build something good looking. (Also there are reasons. Hex- Octo core for conformity with Hex- Octo/ Tripple/ Quadrouple symmetry. So big reason right there.)

  Brotoro said:

I'd be fine with all probes getting better as different levels of the tech tree are opened.

I would be totally fine with that, well and the cores appearing on different levels in the techtree, as they are now offcource.

In fact I really hope thats what is coming.

Edited by Roeda
words in the way
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  Roeda said:

Squad, I really hope this do not mean you are going to limit the Drone Cores for those of us who are estethicsbuilders - It sounds here as if I make a satelite/unmanned vehicle and believe/see in my vision that a Stayputnik would look best in the wholebuild. Then that satelite/vehicle cant be used as well as one where I have to put on a different core that may look totally wrong in the build.

I like the progression of greater advances of the cores but please don't do a "Sims" fail where: (I the gamemaker think this bed is good looking and I'm giving it 3stars-quality, even though you might think it looks ugly and now have to use a "bad bed" for your house to look nice.)

We all have different views of what looks good or fits a certain place in a build, so all parts need to be 'usefull/available' in the end of the techtree.

Greets n Tnx for a Great game n a Great time given us sofar! :)


This sort of argument can be applied to pretty much anything.

Say they nerf the the AreoSpike, people can complain that it needs a buff because it needs to look and fit the part.

The thing is adding functionality to the probe cores so they aren't just different sizes of SAS that allow you to control the ship is important. Since there already is different sizes of SAS anyways. The probe cores now will act more as a progression of unmanned skill, which is MUCH more impactful to gameplay. Currently i could just spam stayputnik on EVERY ONE OF MY SHIPS and throw in some SAS and they work just as well as the LARGEST MOST EXPENSIVE DRONE CORES.

I like how things look, but when they look good but make absolutly no logical sense gameplay wise, things need to change.

And as said above, if looks matter so much that it trumphs gameplay, mod it.

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