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Bring Back the Barn!

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Okay, all these complaints about how hideous/ugly the barn WAS are completely ignoring the fact that SQUAD already said it was unfinished. They KNEW it was not finished, they PLANNED to finish it, they just wanted to show off the idea before the models got finished.

Was it a mistake to show unfinished models to the public? Apparently yes, because you people won't shut up about how ugly and unfinished it was. You're acting like that was the final model and how it would have looked in the 0.90 patch.

The whole point behind this thread is those of use that were NOT bitching about it (because we liked the idea and/or never saw the unfinished product) want to have our voices heard too. All the naysayers bitched and complained and the barn got pulled before it got finished and now we have boring buildings at our space center. It's time for the rest of us to be heard.


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I'm so glad the people who hated the Barn so much weren't around when Mun got procedural craters. They'd have complained so much about the jaggy crater edges that Squad would have probably just removed the entire world from the game.

Come on, stop catastrophizing already. You'll get your damn barn. There's something to be said for delayed gratification.

You could have had your marshmallow then, but you'll get two later instead.

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Come on, stop catastrophizing already. You'll get your damn barn. There's something to be said for delayed gratification.

You could have had your marshmallow then, but you'll get two later instead.

That is one of the most hilarious things I've read in a while.

I dread the idea of having to look at that barn every time I load the game.

It's pots and kettles all the way down.

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Burn the barn! We need science revamp instead!

Instead? If SQUAD only had one person working on this game, that might be a valid argument. As they have a whole team, some of which are graphics design and others that do the programming and systems design, I think they can work on both at the same time.

Though if asked whether I would prefer the Barn or Science revamp and had to pick one, I'd direct the questions to the Tech Tree and Parts discussion as my #1 priority. Changing the way the Tech tree is laid out to better give choice back to the player would also (probably) necessitate a change to the science methods and numbers.

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There are so many more valuable things Squad members can do with their time, rather than concern themselves with whether the first VAB is a barn or styled traditionally.

I find this debate ridiculous. I'd rather see a single new structural part of any kind, than see VAB 1 reworked into a barn (or not).

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Well, I'm not sure it would be a re-work of Tier 1 as the addition of Tier 0, as that tier was removed before the release of 0.90 because of the complaints.

Also, because KSp is now in BETA, they will be working all over the place on all parts of the game that currently exist. I'm not demanding they bring back the barn FIRST, I'm just throwing my vote in that it should come back.

There are discussions all over this board about what people want to see changed/added/improved, and as I happen to agree with this one as well as many others, I am letting my opinion be heard in the ones I agree with. We welcome those that disagree as well, but to call this discussion ridiculous is to call ALL similar threads ridiculous. The game is still in development and many of us who really enjoy the game are letting our voices be heard about how we would like to see it go forward. We won't all get what we want, but we enjoy discussions of what we DO like and maybe we'll get what we want as a Mod instead.

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To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the whole barn idea as the origin of the KSC. Instead, I would much prefer something less uhm... banal :rolleyes: as the starting space center, for instance Jeb's junkyard around an (Aztec) temple/pyramid complex (which can function as rudimentary observatory). The monolith currently located near KSC would add perfectly to this story and it would also explain the Kerbal's fascination with reaching the stars. Additionally, it would be a nice gesture/wink to SQUAD since the company is based in Mexico.

My 0.02√

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the idea of the barn was part of the whole Jeb's Junkyard thought, with the trailer park and all. I would like to see the barn, the trailer park, and then the first tier research center could even BE Jeb's junkyard.

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Can we do something about the level 1 and 2 building altogether? I do not think they should look like a barn, but I think they do not fit the quality of the level 3 buildings either. They still look like placeholders, rather than the eye pleasing beauty that the level 3 buildings have blessed us with.

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Can we do something about the level 1 and 2 building altogether? I do not think they should look like a barn, but I think they do not fit the quality of the level 3 buildings either. They still look like placeholders, rather than the eye pleasing beauty that the level 3 buildings have blessed us with.

While I happen to like the barn idea, I do agree that the level 1 and 2 buildings aren't quite in line with the level 3 buildings quality wise.

One important thing is that my support for the barn is partly based on the concept that the barn would be the new level 1 building, and the others would all move up one, so that our upgrades weren't quite so steep, and the cost could be spread out (same total, but smaller installments)

Like 18t-50t-140t-inf (or something) and 30-90-255-inf (or whatever) instead of 18t-140t-inf / 30-255-inf.

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Id love to see the tier 2 take on a 1950'-60's space age aesthetic.

Im thinking a mix of space-age industrial:

Apollo Launch site:


Soviet Constructivism:


And Oscar Niemeyer:




Yeah, I agree on the new players vs those of us here being a better reference. I don't mind the kerbals at all, frankly, I just wish their heads were a little smaller (for fitting in the crafts without me constantly thinking it's like a tent in a cartoon).

My kids like the kerbals, and think they are so cute they cannot bear to harm them, so they have the opposite effect in that sense, but my kids are an n of 2, YMMV.

I like the idea up the thread that any such barn tier should start with sounding rockets... the idea that you start small, and have to launch entirely unguided rockets to learn basic principles might actually be useful.

A set of small diameter parts (liquid and solid engines, tanks, etc). Perhaps a launch rail that is designed such that on the pad the player can drag the (marked!) angle it launches at. There would be no probe core to start.

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