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Steam sale! What did you buy?


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It's time again!

So, did you already buy a game? Is it one you were waiting for a price drop? Or is it one you just bought because it was cheap and looks interesting on first looks?

So far I'm waiting for a better price of Divinity: Original Sin. Still costs 32€. :(

Take On Mars only got a 15% discount. 12€ for a game where you basically only drive a rover is a bit... expensive.

I guess I have to wait a bit more.

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  Camacha said:
I bought FSX, as I have been thinking about fiddling with some aircraft again. For that kind of money you cannot really go wrong.

You'll be needing these, FSX is best when you start modding it



nothing for me this time, Christmas is here so I'm skint and saving up for a new Joystick to go along with Elite Dangerous.

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  MartGonzo said:
You'll be needing these, FSX is best when you start modding it



I promised myself I would not start modding FSX right away. I have been busy getting KSP and a fresh game of Skyrim to where I want them and I am not really prepared to start all over with a new game. Maybe later :) I must say, flying around was actually more familiar than I would have imagined. Time to work out the controls sometimes soon.

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my most wanted this year :

Divinity Original Sin

Wolfenstein The New Order

Dark Souls II


Total War Rome II

Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth

Ultimate General Gettysburg

Gods Will Be Watching

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

The Long Dark

Edited by segaprophet
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  Camacha said:
I promised myself I would not start modding FSX right away. I have been busy getting KSP and a fresh game of Skyrim to where I want them and I am not really prepared to start all over with a new game. Maybe later :) I must say, flying around was actually more familiar than I would have imagined. Time to work out the controls sometimes soon.

I understand that, the missions are especially fun.

but I do love a nice spitfire, one of those is a must :cool:

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  Spartwo said:

I'll give you 55 cent.

EDIT: I haven't looked at it since it came out but now that I'm reading the reviews...

It has a demo which you may want to try. I played it for only half-an-hour before getting bored and giving up. It really is just a stripped-down Civ V with some new mechanics I wasn't motivated to learn about. Although apparently Civ V was pretty terrible at launch, but the expansion packs made it into a great game. Hopefully Beyond Earth gets a similar treatment.

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  Drunken Hobo said:
It has a demo which you may want to try. I played it for only half-an-hour before getting bored and giving up. It really is just a stripped-down Civ V with some new mechanics I wasn't motivated to learn about. Although apparently Civ V was pretty terrible at launch, but the expansion packs made it into a great game. Hopefully Beyond Earth gets a similar treatment.

I'll probably wait then. Sadly due to some issues with Steam I missed out on FSX, hopefully it'll be back up.

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I haven't bought anything yet (GASP!), but I'm waiting for Doom Classic Complete, Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil, the Wolf Pack (Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein), the Quake Collection and Quake IV. If they all go on sale for 75% off, I'll only spend about $23.35

I'd also like to see the Unreal series and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series go on sale for 75% off.

My current motto for video games is "Don't buy unless it is 75% off or more".

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