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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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  On 4/28/2016 at 5:11 PM, Sigma88 said:

let me know if you need help with the new system :)

but it should be easier to set up than the old sigmabinary system


Already did it. Very easy to use and with @WillThe84th's example I also got the specifics like name working like they did before. Good job on that. Much more elegant system than before.

  On 4/28/2016 at 5:23 PM, KillAshley said:

You'll need to tweak the shininess & specular values accordingly. The 1.1 update changed a lot about the shaders, even the scaledspace shaders got a good look over. As such a lot of things have changed...I can't give you a detailed explanation as of yet, but with a bit of experimenting you'll find the right balance :wink:



  On 4/28/2016 at 5:27 PM, Poodmund said:

Its also worth nothing that NathanKell has mentioned that the shaders are going to be modified slightly for the upcoming 1.1.1 release which will probably make the planets/moons less bright/shiny again so it may be prudent to wait for that to happen also.


Glad to know it's a shader thing. Will wait for 1.1.1. Even if it doesn't fix it, the issue is not so bad that it couldn't be fixed with 2.0. It just looks little bit less good than before. That's all.

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Update on the update(s):


Pretty much done. Kopernicus needs to be updated for 1.1.1, so I can check if the issues caused by it have been fixed by this new version of KSP, but other than that it's close to done.


Made some good progress today on making the terrain for many of the larger planets more detailed and less blocky in places.

The biggest change is that I've now started using Moho as a template for all my larger planets which really helped move things along. In the early days of Kopernicus editing, before anyone knew more than adding a height map and a color map, I gave each OPM body a different stock body as a template. This helped me make things more varied without having to write a planet from scratch, but when I took a good close look at the stock bodies, I saw that they all do things in different ways and some just produce worse/better results. This is because Squad made these bodies at various times and with various people. Before I tried to fix each template's issues, but that's harder and slower than just sticking with one and modifying it so it fits the new OPM body. My choice fell on Moho:

  • It combines a height map with a very good PQSMod for turning this height map texture into something more detailed. This reduces that blockiness that using a height map can give.
  • It has good standard textures. Tylo's (previously used for Slate) textures really masked terrain detail at high altitudes. It's not perfect and in the end I'll replace all the textures with custom ones, but for the terrain overhaul phase it's nice to have something half-decent to work with.

Some screenshots. The final version will have improved texture work and procedural craters in some places, so expect this to look even better.



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@OP I'm INCREDIBLY excited for this mod release! Your last post said you expected to push out a release this weekend and I've been refreshing CKAN every hour or so since! By no means am I rushing you :wink:, but rather just wanted to say thanks and that the screenshots look great.

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  On 5/1/2016 at 4:58 AM, Interplanet Janet said:

Is it possible that you may add new stock craft? (Like a Jool Probe, Sarnus Probe, Urlum Probe, etc.) Or merge it with the Planet Nine challenge?


Haven't even thought about something like that. I'll have to look up what the P9 challenge is.

  On 5/1/2016 at 6:38 PM, t@ngent said:

@OP I'm INCREDIBLY excited for this mod release! Your last post said you expected to push out a release this weekend and I've been refreshing CKAN every hour or so since! By no means am I rushing you :wink:, but rather just wanted to say thanks and that the screenshots look great.


Monday evening (GMT+1) has become the earliest opportunity for me to bring it out. Had a thing today and tomorrow I start work again. So since it took until late Saturday for Kopernicus+ModuleManager to work with 1.1.2, I haven't had the change to give it a good look over. Needs a bit of checking and it takes too long too upload to do that before Monday evening.

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Does this mod make KSP run any slower? My computer isn't the fastest thing in the world and I don't want to go down the fastest graphics option route, and I really like the idea of this mod! 

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  On 5/2/2016 at 2:14 AM, ThatOneBritishGuy... said:

Perhaps it would also be possible to write additional entries for each of the planetary bodies in this mod to add to the KSPedia so as to make it more complete. Dunno how feasible that is/how moddable the KSPedia is, but it would certainly add to the mod's stockalike feel.


In this topic, they are testing integrating dv map into KSPedia. As theis topic alreasy has a OPM dV-Map, I think it'll be easy.


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Well, first of all - thank you for this incredible mod, IMO this is one of the best "add-new-planets" mod.

The problem is: it seems that Outer Planets somehow causes memory crashes in my 1.1.2 KSP.

First of all, error logs are quite strange:


KSP.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module KSP.exe at 0023:006ca6ef.

Etc, etc, tl;dr


Which is VERY unusual becasuse if my KSP runs out of memory it is always an exception in Mono.dll

The second thing - when does my game crashes? Sometimes it's an ordinary "crash when you push go-to-space-center button or exit\enter the building", which are completely familiar to anyone who plays with MOAR MODZ. That's OK, I am used to this.

But it turns out that games crashes (quite often, every second\third time) during landing on new planets from OPM. This is somehow connected with texture loading - this happens always on the same radar altitude over terrain, when the game starts to load more hi-res textures for touchdown. Tried more than a dozen times on almost all OPM planets. BTW game crashes faster and more frequently if I use physical warp during landing  - as I understand, this is because KSP loads more textures and runs out of memory faster.

Then I installed Trans-Keptunian - well, same problem there. Crashes on loading texture. Maybe I should also test this with Kerbol PLus Remade.

Tried several times landing on vanilla planets (Cres, Ike, Bop) - COMPLETELY no crashes\texture problems\whatsoever.

Removed OPM - no memory crashes at all.

I have little understanding of where the problem actually is - in OPM, Kopernikus or somewhere else, so sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread.

Oh, and I have that feeling that texture compression could save the day but (as I got it) DTL is still not ready for 1.1.2 and ATL is quite obsolete and doesn't work.


Edited by BoPET
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  On 5/2/2016 at 4:18 PM, BoPET said:

Well, first of all - thank you for this incredible mod, IMO this is one of the best "add-new-planets" mod.

The problem is: it seems that Outer Planets somehow causes memory crashes in my 1.1.2 KSP.

First of all, error logs are quite strange:

Which is VERY unusual becasuse if my KSP runs out of memory it is always an exception in Mono.dll

The second thing - when does my game crashes? Sometimes it's an ordinary "crash when you push go-to-space-center button or exit\enter the building", which are completely familiar to anyone who plays with MOAR MODZ. That's OK, I am used to this.

But it turns out that games crashes (quite often, every second\third time) during landing on new planets from OPM. This is somehow connected with texture loading - this happens always on the same radar altitude over terrain, when the game starts to load more hi-res textures for touchdown. Tried more than a dozen times on almost all OPM planets. BTW game crashes faster and more frequently if I use physical warp during landing  - as I understand, this is because KSP loads more textures and runs out of memory faster.

Then I installed Trans-Keptunian - well, same problem there. Crashes on loading texture. Maybe I should also test this with Kerbol PLus Remade.

Tried several times landing on vanilla planets (Cres, Ike, Bop) - COMPLETELY no crashes\texture problems\whatsoever.

Removed OPM - no memory crashes at all.

I have little understanding of where the problem actually is - in OPM, Kopernikus or somewhere else, so sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread.

Oh, and I have that feeling that texture compression could save the day but (as I got it) DTL is still not ready for 1.1.2 and ATL is quite obsolete and doesn't work.



Are you using the 64bit binary?

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  On 5/2/2016 at 4:18 PM, BoPET said:

The problem is: it seems that Outer Planets somehow causes memory crashes in my 1.1.2 KSP.


Well, CaptRobau plans to release the 1.1.2 version this week (possibly today, pending RL allowances). I'd say wait for the release and see if you can replicate the issue?

Also, if you run in 64-bit you should need DTL (since you should have CONSIDERABLY more RAM to pull from) and ATM is completely obsolete since stock already loads textures in .dds format. 

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The most likely reason that OPM is crashing in 1.1.2 at this time is due to Kopernicus' On Demand Loading. Thomas P is aware of this issue and is looking into it. Sit tight for now.

Also, I'm not sure if this is overstepping a boundary but I got bored and played around in Unity for a bit.


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  On 5/2/2016 at 8:25 PM, Poodmund said:

The most likely reason that OPM is crashing in 1.1.2 at this time is due to Kopernicus' On Demand Loading. Thomas P is aware of this issue and is looking into it. Sit tight for now.

Also, I'm not sure if this is overstepping a boundary but I got bored and played around in Unity for a bit.



My god, how did you do that?! :0.0:

Edited by The White Guardian
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Extra, Extra, Read All About It: 1.9.5 Is Out!

Since 1.1+ required some changes to OPM to keep it playing as optimally as before, I decided to address these issues as well as pull some features forward from the long-awaited terrain overhaul patch OPM 2.0.


1. Choose one of the two available mirrors for Outer Planets Mod (the CKAN version should get the update within the day, probably within a few hours)

SpaceDock mirror

Curseforge mirror

2. Download Kopernicus, which is a third-party mode required for OPM to work


This version of OPM was designed with Kopernicus 1.0.3 in mind.

3. (Optional) Download Sigma Binary to make Plock-Karen a true binary system like Pluto-Charon. It's not necessary to play, but we consider it 'the' way that the Plock-Karen should look.

Download Sigma Binary 1.5.1


  • Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon now use the same cloudy normal map that Jool uses
  • SigmaBinary support updated to new plugin-based workflow
  • Added some missing variables to various bodies, mostly Karen
  • Reworked the atmospheres of the OPM bodies to be more realistic in the same way, courtesy of @OhioBob and his Realistic Atmospheres mod
  • Fixed some of the issues with borders that some of the FinalFrontier badges had
  • Other various small tweaks and fixes


-Removed Module Manager from download (please use the MM version included with Kopernicus)
-Added FlyingAltitudeThresholdvalues to Thatmo's ScienceValues
-Added SpaceAltitudeThresholdvalues to Plock's ScienceValues
-Add a custom gravity value to Karen
-Added ScienceValues to Karen
-Added timewarpAltitudeLimits to Karen
-Removed duplicate value tidallyLocked in Thatmo's cfg
-Redid some older FinalFrontier badges to fix some issues they had
-Fixed two errors in the science blurbs
-Redid the SigmaBinary support as it now has a new plugin-based work flow
-Removed PlockKaren.cfg since it's been made obsolete because of the SigmaBinary changes
-Reworked the temperature and pressure curves of OPM's atmospheric bodies to give them more realistic atmospheres, courtesy of OhioBob
-Switched Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon to use Jool as a template to fix issues with lighting present since 1.1.1
-Removed some values in the ScaledSpace section of the OPM gas giants to account for the switch to the Jool template
-Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon now use the same cloudy normal map that Jool uses
-Updated the AVC version file

Known Issues

These issues apply to the latest version:

  • Due to limitations, some contracts will still generate for the fake Plock-Karen barycenter body that is created by SigmaBinary. Just don't accept them and you'll be fine.
  • Thatmo's ScaledSpace version has bright light on it since KSP 1.1
  • Tal's ScaledSpace not as shiny as it was before KSP 1.1


The new cloud normal map shown on Neidon. This was how it was in earlier versions of KSP before I made the gas giants templateless. I just never noticed that it was gone until now. For the sake of consistency with Jool and because it makes the gas giants feel a bit more lively, I decided to once again add this normal map again.


Edited by CaptRobau
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  On 5/2/2016 at 10:02 AM, Ewypig said:

Does this mod make KSP run any slower? My computer isn't the fastest thing in the world and I don't want to go down the fastest graphics option route, and I really like the idea of this mod! 


Aside from longer loading times, it shouldn't slow it down in terms of framerate. I did read that the current version of Kopernicus has some issues with the feature that makes sure adding planets doesn't degrade performance. Maybe wait until that is fixed (perhaps look around the thread to confirm this, as I've heard this from a secondary source)

  On 5/2/2016 at 11:49 AM, Poodmund said:

@CaptRobau, if you require any help with OPM 2.0 with texturing or even with stock-a-like KSPedia entries for the bodies, let me know. I'd be happy to assist.


Your example looks really great and I'd be glad to include it into the mod. I've looked up how it works and it's too much work for me to get that setup going, but since you clearly know how I'd love to work with you. You can contact me on PM for any feedback/input. So far it looks amazing.

  On 5/2/2016 at 9:07 PM, DasBananenbrot said:

Nice! the update :D Thanks @CaptRobau for your amazing mod. And what a nice surpirse that you included realistic atmospheres 


Thanks and it's a great mod that deserves attention, so it was only natural to adapt to its improved way of doing atmospheres.

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  On 5/2/2016 at 6:35 PM, t@ngent said:

Well, CaptRobau plans to release the 1.1.2 version this week (possibly today, pending RL allowances). I'd say wait for the release and see if you can replicate the issue?

Also, if you run in 64-bit you should need DTL (since you should have CONSIDERABLY more RAM to pull from) and ATM is completely obsolete since stock already loads textures in .dds format. 


Oh yes, and here it is. It is TESTING TIME now! I will report here if the things changed greately. But I am still pretty sure that Poodmund is right and the problem is in On Demand Loading.

Thanks for the advice, I am not running KSP in 64 for now - too much mods incompatible and still too buggy - but in the recent future I am thinking of it. Let's hope rbray89 will fix DTL soon.

Thanks, @CaptRobau, for your great mod and speedy updates.

Edited by BoPET
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  On 5/2/2016 at 9:15 PM, CaptRobau said:

Your example looks really great and I'd be glad to include it into the mod. I've looked up how it works and it's too much work for me to get that setup going, but since you clearly know how I'd love to work with you. You can contact me on PM for any feedback/input. So far it looks amazing.


I'll get a first pass draft up for the Sarnus System and send it your way for disassembly, critique and dismissal. :D I'll proceed with this through PMs.

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Once this post is about 15 mins old you can find hotfixed version of OPM on SpaceDock. In about 30 mins Curseforge should be up-to-date. Only those who've already downloaded it, need to download it again. Anyone else will get automatically from then on.

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  On 5/2/2016 at 9:33 PM, CaptRobau said:

Once this post is about 15 mins old you can find hotfixed version of OPM on SpaceDock. In about 30 mins Curseforge should be up-to-date. Only those who've already downloaded it, need to download it again. Anyone else will get automatically from then on.


Man... I just waited like 30 min. for it to download...

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