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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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The last time I checked it was four moons for Urlum. One has elements of Miranda, but the inspirations for the rest I'm keeping a secret :D. After we get the next update out, we'll move onto Urlum's moons, some of which are already being worked on by Eudae55, so the wait after that should be shorter than now.

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We need a Charon analog for Plock. And somehow they need to be in a binary orbit. Or you could make Plock orbit "Charon", so it's clear it's analogous for a binary system.

Pluto's a dwarf planet, not a planet. Charon's a dwarf planet, not a Moon.

I love Pluto/Charon.

I love Charon.


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Binary orbits are not possible in KSP in a non-hacky, gameplay-breaking way. So once we making a Charon analog together with a Plock overhaul, it'll follow the current International Astronomical Union's classification of Pluto as a dwarf planet and Charon as a moon :P All quirks of the Pluto-Charon relationship that I can get working, I will get working though.

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The last time I checked it was four moons for Urlum. One has elements of Miranda, but the inspirations for the rest I'm keeping a secret :D. After we get the next update out, we'll move onto Urlum's moons, some of which are already being worked on by Eudae55, so the wait after that should be shorter than now.

Miranda is a great choice. Landing on a jumbled terrain will be challenging.

I'd suggest at least one retrograde orbit satellite in the whole mod. For example Sarnus could have one more like that, as an analogue to Phoebe. Also, Iapetus is an intriguing satellite.

Well if you need any help (and if I'm capable of it), I'll be happy to provide it. This mod is something I hope to see in stock version. It is similar to our system, but it's something else, and that's good. :)

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Whilst I'm not overly fussed about whether a moon orbits retrograde or not (I'm more interested in the quality and interesting-ness of the body itself), this got me wondering.

Whilst it has been said that due to limitations in the engine (I think) it isn't possible for Urlum to have a very prominent axial tilt. However, would it be possible to put the rings on a 97° inclination to at least give the impression of the planet's tilt? Also, are the moons planned for Urlum going to orbit in the same equatorial plane as Sarnus, or will they orbit at approximately 90°? Again, I don't mind - the standard model will make landing on the moons easier - but it would certainly be pretty cool.

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I'm working on some planets myself and I'm at the biome stage...

Did you make your biome map in photoshop? What method did you use to get the map so precise?

Don't make biomes for now, they will override the stock biomes of your template.

Unless it is fixed in KopernicusTech and I didn't notice it.

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Whilst I'm not overly fussed about whether a moon orbits retrograde or not (I'm more interested in the quality and interesting-ness of the body itself), this got me wondering.

Whilst it has been said that due to limitations in the engine (I think) it isn't possible for Urlum to have a very prominent axial tilt. However, would it be possible to put the rings on a 97° inclination to at least give the impression of the planet's tilt? Also, are the moons planned for Urlum going to orbit in the same equatorial plane as Sarnus, or will they orbit at approximately 90°? Again, I don't mind - the standard model will make landing on the moons easier - but it would certainly be pretty cool.

I agree, it would be very cool to have such highly inclined satellites.

As Urlum is a gas giant on which you can't land, its rotation is not something which could be changed. A texture could be made so that it looks as if the planet is standing on its side and the rotation could be set to zero (or tidal locked to Kerbol; can't wrap my head around this at the moment). Rings could be set at high inclination, as well as the orbits of the satellites.

Urlum's year is a long time so this is a plausible solution.

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I'm working on some planets myself and I'm at the biome stage...

Did you make your biome map in photoshop? What method did you use to get the map so precise?

I used a combination of height (colour) selection using height maps and masks to have biome colours only appear in the places I wanted.

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Whilst I'm not overly fussed about whether a moon orbits retrograde or not (I'm more interested in the quality and interesting-ness of the body itself), this got me wondering.

Whilst it has been said that due to limitations in the engine (I think) it isn't possible for Urlum to have a very prominent axial tilt. However, would it be possible to put the rings on a 97° inclination to at least give the impression of the planet's tilt? Also, are the moons planned for Urlum going to orbit in the same equatorial plane as Sarnus, or will they orbit at approximately 90°? Again, I don't mind - the standard model will make landing on the moons easier - but it would certainly be pretty cool.

Rings only form on the equator and would thus look very weird when tilted with respect to the equator (believe me). I tried a workaround by tilting the texture too, but the way the texture is applied to the sphere doesn't make that work. So Urlum will remain untilted. Since it'd be unrealistic for major moons to form at 90 degree inclinations with respect to the equatorial plane of their planet and such inclinations would probably make the moons very difficult to get to for the non-veterans, the moons will align with the normal plane like the other planets. That being said Urlum will have a major moon that is inclined around 10 degrees compared to that plane and Neidon will have a small moon with an extreme inclination.

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I've installed with CKAN and have the same issue - no new planets.


Based on the manual download package, it looks like CKAN isn't designating all of the dependencies. DDSLoader isn't marked for installation along with OPM for instance. Doing this manually, however; didn't solve my problem, but there CKAN seems to only install the OPM folder.

Is Kopernicus an actual dependency? If so, I will try that.

EDIT: manually adding the OPM, DDSLoader, and Kopernicus folders has done the trick, and I now have outer planets. Currently CKAN only installs the OPM folder.

Edited by Desrtfox
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is real solar system 6.4X compatible?

Real Solar System is a plugin that modifies planets, things like 64k, but for the time also this mod, work only with RSS. Since you are asking here though, you might want to know if the Outer Planets Mod is compatible with 6.4x - yes it is as well.

EDIT: manually adding the OPM, DDSLoader, and Kopernicus folders has done the trick, and I now have outer planets. Currently CKAN only installs the OPM folder.

Yup, the CKAN install seems to non functional.

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Yeah CKAN doesn't work yet. KerbalStuff says it's CKAN-compatible, but it's not. Didn't realize people were trying to install it with that. I'll try to add it after the next update. For now I'm adding a part about it in the OP that says you can't get it from CKAN.

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Most bugs are only graphical. A few make a career mode with OPM a bit unbalanced. The only game-ruining ones are incompatible mod conflicting with OPM. If you don't install those or update them (depends on the mod if this help, see Incompatible Mods). If you just play sandbox and or don't need all those incompatible mods, it's not a buggy experience.

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I once posted these ideas on Reddit, don't really know how much they'd converge with what's already been suggested/approved here - so pardon me if I'm repeating other people's ideas. I tried reading a couple pages back, but this thread is so active ^^'

1) If any Triton analogue (I see retrograde moons have been proposed) is implemented, I'd strongly suggest giving it a thin atmosphere. Like, VERY thin. 1% of Kerbin at level zero, fading completely at 10-12 km. I realise it'd have very little gampelay impact, but could still give interesting options (like additional science, or people experimenting with some crazy ion-driven gliders).

2) I see the consensus is that Laythe and Eve offer sufficient Titan analogue. My opinion is that thay don't. Titan has very low gravity (0.14g), combined with a thick atmosphere (1.45 at "sea" level) - something neither Eve, nor Laythe have. I'd gladly fly to such planet only to see what crazy aircraft can be used there...

3) Moons just a bit to small to become spherical, but with some prominent surface features, like huge impact crater (Mimas analogue?) or very high cliffs/deep trenches.

4) I've noticed a Charon analogue being proposed to Plock. Actually, maybe make a more complex system, just like real Pluto? With several small moonlets orbiting Plock at highly eccentric and inclined orbits?

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I'm having some trouble with this mod. The planets and moons don't show up. I've downloaded the zip file from both Kerbal Stuff and Curse Forge, but no difference. When I open the zip, I drag the folders into my gamedata folder just like any other mod and I don't have any mods that would interfere. Can someone help me out here?

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I'm having some trouble with this mod. The planets and moons don't show up. I've downloaded the zip file from both Kerbal Stuff and Curse Forge, but no difference. When I open the zip, I drag the folders into my gamedata folder just like any other mod and I don't have any mods that would interfere. Can someone help me out here?


I have the same problem here. I can't see any new planet, just the stock ones.

Any install hint?

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I'm having some trouble with this mod. The planets and moons don't show up. I've downloaded the zip file from both Kerbal Stuff and Curse Forge, but no difference. When I open the zip, I drag the folders into my gamedata folder just like any other mod and I don't have any mods that would interfere. Can someone help me out here?

I have the same problem here. I can't see any new planet, just the stock ones.

Any install hint?

Can you post a screenshot of the contents of the GameData folder? CaptRobau will be able to help you from there.

- - - Updated - - -

I once posted these ideas on Reddit, don't really know how much they'd converge with what's already been suggested/approved here - so pardon me if I'm repeating other people's ideas. I tried reading a couple pages back, but this thread is so active ^^'

1) If any Triton analogue (I see retrograde moons have been proposed) is implemented, I'd strongly suggest giving it a thin atmosphere. Like, VERY thin. 1% of Kerbin at level zero, fading completely at 10-12 km. I realise it'd have very little gampelay impact, but could still give interesting options (like additional science, or people experimenting with some crazy ion-driven gliders).

2) I see the consensus is that Laythe and Eve offer sufficient Titan analogue. My opinion is that thay don't. Titan has very low gravity (0.14g), combined with a thick atmosphere (1.45 at "sea" level) - something neither Eve, nor Laythe have. I'd gladly fly to such planet only to see what crazy aircraft can be used there...

3) Moons just a bit to small to become spherical, but with some prominent surface features, like huge impact crater (Mimas analogue?) or very high cliffs/deep trenches.

4) I've noticed a Charon analogue being proposed to Plock. Actually, maybe make a more complex system, just like real Pluto? With several small moonlets orbiting Plock at highly eccentric and inclined orbits?

I certainly remember your feedback and it has certainly been taken into consideration. The next release shouldn't be too much longer :)

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