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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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works good so far. no errors and uses very little ram.

hopely once u add moons they dont add to much to the ram footprint. probaly best is to try to make the moons modular for example this pack adds 1 for each planet another might add 5. that way people can tailor it ram usage as planets tend to eat alot of ram.

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works good so far. no errors and uses very little ram.

hopely once u add moons they dont add to much to the ram footprint. probaly best is to try to make the moons modular for example this pack adds 1 for each planet another might add 5. that way people can tailor it ram usage as planets tend to eat alot of ram.

Surprisingly, they don't. I've created a whole star system with custom terrain and no lag and relatively low RAM usage.

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The ribbons look great and the MM file will make a Kopernicus Core compatible version easy. I'd love to add the ribbons to my mod, is that okay as long as I credit you? I'm not feeling adding more asteroids though. All asteroids in the game are the same (no real differences between main belt asteroids, trojans, KBOs). The moonlets I added myself get a pass because they offer people refueling places for Regolith and are more easily accessible once you get into an orbit around one of the gas giants. But the trojans and KBOs you added are so out of the way that I think few if any people would bother with them. With that being a likely scenario, the extra asteroids that spawn would just slow down people's computers. Maybe if Squad/CustomAsteroids makes asteroids more interesting in the future that the types you added would be an asset to this mod. But for now I'll pass on them if you don't mind.

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The ribbons look great and the MM file will make a Kopernicus Core compatible version easy. I'd love to add the ribbons to my mod, is that okay as long as I credit you? I'm not feeling adding more asteroids though. All asteroids in the game are the same (no real differences between main belt asteroids, trojans, KBOs). The moonlets I added myself get a pass because they offer people refueling places for Regolith and are more easily accessible once you get into an orbit around one of the gas giants. But the trojans and KBOs you added are so out of the way that I think few if any people would bother with them. With that being a likely scenario, the extra asteroids that spawn would just slow down people's computers. Maybe if Squad/CustomAsteroids makes asteroids more interesting in the future that the types you added would be an asset to this mod. But for now I'll pass on them if you don't mind.

Okay, one note though: changing reference bodies with MM doesn't actually work.

And I have figured out how to make more interesting asteroids: Just make or copy whatever part you want and add the ModuleAsteroid thingy. CustomAsteroids or the stock system will spawn it, I think.

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I just managed to put a probe into orbit of Neidon, taking a total of almost three hours of real time, at maximum stock timewarp, to get there. However, I managed to get into orbit using only chemical engines (the one I used was from RLA Stockalike).

I did notice one bug, though. My Gravioli Detectors seem to not be able to make science reports from the orbit of any of the new planets. Not sure if that's this mod's fault, as I am running quite a few other mods as well.

Anyway, here are some (badly misspelled, thank you very much Jeb!) images from the mission.


The Atlas-K and Neidon Orbiter, before faring installation. The Neidon Orbiter is built with a single, low-power central engine, and four drop tanks rigged in pairs around it. Since RCS is only needed while the drop tanks are full, that entire system is attached to the primary tank pair, and is jettisoned along with them.


The upper stage only manages about half of the Neidon Transfer Burn. After that, the probe itself takes over, burning completely through the fuel in the secondary drop tanks and jettisoning them, then burning half the fuel in the primary drop tanks before achieving transfer velocity.


Arriving and Neidon 25 mission years later necessitated another 1,200 m/s burn to enter orbit, burning through the rest of the primary drop tanks and most of the probe's internal fuel reserve.

Edited by AlbertKermin
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Would it be possible for someone to make a 6.4x RSS config for this?

Here is a quick and dirty 6.4 config for the Outer Planets Mod that I put together. You will need to do one of two things to correct Eeloo's orbit. Either replace Eeloo's semiMajorAxis in your 6.4 RSS config to 3.429335719×10¹², or delete Eeloo's semiMajorAxis data from the RSS config. The reason you need to do this is OPM's Kopernicus config conflicts with the RSS config and if left untouched the RSS config will override it. As for the values, I increased the semiMajorAxis, radius and mass or each of the OPM planets by 6.4. I have not modified any other values so I don't know if this config is 100% correct. Also, I have not taken a craft to each of the new planets with this config yet. Use at your own risk! That said I am open to suggestions on how the config can be changed.


These files will edit the planet rings so they are visible. Just drop this folder in the KittopiaSpace folder and overwrite the Sarnus & Urlum files.

Edited by nebuchadnezzar
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I just managed to put a probe into orbit of Neidon, taking a total of almost three hours of real time, at maximum stock timewarp, to get there. However, I managed to get into orbit using only chemical engines (the one I used was from RLA Stockalike).

I did notice one bug, though. My Gravioli Detectors seem to not be able to make science reports from the orbit of any of the new planets. Not sure if that's this mod's fault, as I am running quite a few other mods as well.

Science collection can at times be a bit buggy. Cool mission though. Warms my heart seeing people enjoying my game like this.

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