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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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Howdy, I've been playing with this in 1.0, and I'm quite impressed. It looks like the contractual issues have dissipated, but I did want to let you guys know about one thing.

ISRU contracts need to forbid planets where the resource request cannot be fulfilled, to prevent contracts to drill ore from appearing on say, a gas giant. It's a part of each individual resource request, since some resource requests could possibly be siphoned from the atmosphere of gas giants - just not Ore. It's a fairly easy thing to modify, and could be worked into a ModuleManager configuration.

In GameData/Squad/Contracts/Contracts.cfg, head down to the ISRU section, where you will find a RESOURCE_REQUEST for Ore. By default it forbids the Sun and Jool. You want to add these lines in there to make OPM fully compatible:

Forbidden = Sarnus

Forbidden = Urlum

Forbidden = Neidon

Other than that and the somewhat harmless warnings thrown by the resource system, I'm not seeing any issues so far. This is so great CaptRobau!

Edited by Arsonide
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Hmmm.. I can't get the planets to load. I'm using 1.6.5, and have all the parts installed. I'm using a few mods, but none that have ever caused any problems, other than texture replacer, but I removed that and the problem remained.

EDIT: I also have KER, but it's the latest version, so I don't know what is going wrong.

EDIT2: Nevermind, fixed it! I just had an old version of MM! Silly me.

Edited by xXIndestructibleEVAXx
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Is DDSLoader still required? I thought it was stock now... I get a bunch of texture load errors on startup:

Load(Texture): OPM/KopernicusConfigs/SarnusMoons/Textures/Ovok_map

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

Texture load error in 'C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\OPM\KopernicusConfigs\SarnusMoons\Textures\Ovok_map.dds'

EDIT: Reinstalled this and now I get the planets, both with and without DDSLoader. I still get load errors on the height map loading though, and hyperediting out to orbit slate, the planet changes from what it's supposed to look like to I don't know what depending on how zoomed in/out I am.

EDIT 2: It seems as the loading errors are limited to the *_height.dss files. The ones from sigma's load fine, and zooming doesn't affect how the surface looks (too much). Slate for example goes from its quite varied look to just grey semi-mountainous terrain. None of the mountains or craters seen when zoomed out match anything when zoomed in.

Edited by INSULINt
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I've encountered no such problems.

DDSLoader can be left in 1.0 without problem, and might still be necessary for the KittopiaSpace.dll to function (as someone mentioned that it required it to function).

Even with the DDSLoader included in this mod, and after clearing out ATM's cache (or even without ATM) I get this:

Javascript is disabled. View full album

It doesn't happen with Pluron/Khato from sigma.

Logs: https://www./folder/www9p3ggqwki4/Slate_Logs

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I see. I don't know how to recreate it and I'm planning on releasing a beta version of 1.7 soon, which will run on just Kopernicus which is far more up-to-date. That will probably prevent the problem in the future. 1.6.5 was designed for 0.90 so it's a wonder it starts up at all in 1.0, so strange things like above are pretty likely.

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Getting the same problem as INSULINt above on Wal. Fine in map view and from far away, but as soon as am zoomed in anywhere near the view changes from what it's supposed to look like to a rather uniform mountainous off-white/grey which nears no resemblance to the expected terrain. Indeed, it is possible to be zoomed out such that I can see both the normal terrain and the mountainous off-white whatever it is. They clearly don't match and seem to have no connection to each other.


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I can confirm the planets suddenly become gray featureless mountains when you get close. Who (other than the author of the mod) doesn't get this problem?

It's really creepy because if you zoom the camera out it suddenly fades and becomes the yellowish Wal again.

Just tried it on career, and still no contracts for me. I've deleted it, I'm gonna wait till that gets sorted out.

Sometimes I've noticed you don't get contracts for even the stock planets where expected. You have to keep exploring and cycling your contracts for them to show up.


Edited by WolfCoder
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WAY stoked on this mod, but only now found out about it. Problem is, I use a lot of mods...USI, KAS, etc.

Does this mod take a ton of RAM (don't want to crash if only on 32 bit) or does it only take up active memory when I'm nearish...the 2.3km distance from objects thing? (I guess that distance rule is different with planets but you know what I mean)

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I have downloaded the mod into my game data folder, yet I don't see any new planets. I followed the instructions and when loading KSP I can see that the game data files are being loaded. Also, all of the mods that could be incompatible due to having previous version are up to date, including texture replacer.

My Mods:

Active Texture Management

B9 Aerospace


Crossfeed Enabler

Custom Asteroids

DDS loader

Distant Object

Visual Enhancements





Kerbal Engineer

Kittopia Space


KW Rocketry

Magic Smoke Industries

Mech Jeb

Near Future Series


Outer Planets Mod

Planet Shine


Smoke Screen

Station Science

Texture Replacer

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About the height issues, this was posted in the TR thread:

In 0.90, .dds files needed to be flipped upside down (along the horizontal axis) as well, that's probably the issue.

Tried turning slate's height and maps rightside up in GIMP, but then the mod wouldn't load. Reverted them to what came in the zip, and it was fine. I foolishly didn't clear ATMs cache after flipping them tho, and I don't have time tonight for further testing.

I'm literally doing this out of curiosity btw, so don't feel like I'm impatient, just relaying stuff I'm trying :D

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I have downloaded the mod into my game data folder, yet I don't see any new planets. I followed the instructions and when loading KSP I can see that the game data files are being loaded. Also, all of the mods that could be incompatible due to having previous version are up to date, including texture replacer.

My Mods:

Active Texture Management

B9 Aerospace


Crossfeed Enabler

Custom Asteroids

DDS loader

Distant Object

Visual Enhancements





Kerbal Engineer

Kittopia Space


KW Rocketry

Magic Smoke Industries

Mech Jeb

Near Future Series


Outer Planets Mod

Planet Shine


Smoke Screen

Station Science

Texture Replacer

Do you have Linux by any chance?

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Think this mod is awesome, please put it on CKAN :D

I really don't reccommend using CKAN if you are new to modding. Actually having to put files where they go is a good part of knowing how to troubleshoot, and a good explanation for why your game keeps crashing if you have 100+ mods.

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Hey guys, it appears this mod isn't working correctly for me or maybe I'm doing something wrong? The planets aren't loading. Only the standard 8. I've verified installation. No incompatible mods that I can see and everything looks right to me.

I don't see what can be wrong.



Mechjeb (not compatible with 1.02 or something.)



Outer Planets Mod (and the mods that were in the pack.)

Joolian Discovery Mod

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