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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. However since I have not seen that movie yet, I must select a random corruption from the hat:

You are eaten by a raging bat golem with telekinetic powers and a love for writing code in Python.

I wish for an infinitely fast (completely subserviently) computer with infinite memory.

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Everything proceeds as normal, because no two events (be they cellular reproductions, starbirth, star death, John Smith waking up one morning and discovering a note on his dining room table, Vanamonde posting to the KSP forums, the nucleation of a new universe, the decay of a normally-stable baryon, Elara Avior brushing her hair as she floats through a pressure hatch on her home space station, a cat catching, killing and eating a mouse, or someone's phone vibrating to alert its user that the machinery back at the lab finally found something noteworthy) can ever happen exactly the same way twice, and are therefore not counted as exact repetitions.

I wish for cooler weather.

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Hired Gun becomes Dissociated Plasma Cloud!

Spock then comes into contact with reality and, due to the difference in vacuum energy states between fiction and reality, flashes out of existence from nucleon decay.

I wish the staff at my dorm would stop handing out violation slips for every tiniest thing we do that's not even technically against the rules.

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Granted. The Wishmaking Fairy installs a giant magnet that interrupts a random given communications line and points it towards your phone. It just so happens that Spock gets beamed down into your phone today..

I wish that logic was more Spockical.

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