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[1.8.x+] Waypoint Manager [v2.8.1] [2019-10-22]


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On the distance to waypoint shown on under the altimeter. Any chance you could add heading to waypoint. The icons on the navball are huge and it would be so much easier to line up on the waypoint with a heading.

Love the mod by the way. :)

Check the settings menu - heading is there, but disabled by default.

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Nice...I'll have to check this mod out soon...I wonder if it can be tied in with Kerbal GPS (Figaro) somehow?... Even if only to make this mod dependant upon signals from a working Figaro constellation...???

What?!? How is it I've never heard of this mod? I'll throw up a github issue for optional Figaro support - but no promises until I look into it.

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Yeah, its a little old in the tooth, and has been around since at least 0.17 or 0.18, when i first started KSP'ing, and it hasnt seemed to need much updating since 0.23.5, so I dont think its been really pushed, since back then to where newer people have heard of it...The only place to get it seems to be on Curse, and i think that hasnt been updated since before Spaceport went down...If you read the install instructions, it even lists the OLD method, before /GameData came into being... (It DOES seem to work by placing it into /GameData, as-is, though...)

I've recently started re-using the mod, and My OCD has always been a little tingled by having a "hand held" looking receiver surface attached to my ships and rovers... lol

I've also gotten interested in seeing how difficult it is to model parts, so I'm working on my first ever 3D model, and decided to do a GPS antenna, to replace the Figaro GPS receiver... Its mostly done, just trying to get the node parameters figured out for it... :rolleyes:

There is also the Persistent Trails mod that I've been wanting to try, and see how that can be used with Figaro:


I havent played KSP or been active on the forums for a month or so, but the past couple weeks, i have been thinking it would be awesome to have a RPM screen for IVAs dedicated to full GPS functionality, including Figaro, Persistent Trails, and some kind of waypoint management system, and how difficult it would be to author a plugin for the waypoint management and RPM display so your mod is VERY timely... :D

Edited by Stone Blue
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Yeah, its a little old in the tooth, and has been around since at least 0.17 or 0.18, when i first started KSP'ing, and it hasnt seemed to need much updating since 0.23.5, so I dont think its been really pushed, since back then to where newer people have heard of it...The only place to get it seems to be on Curse, and i think that hasnt been updated since before Spaceport went down...If you read the install instructions, it even lists the OLD method, before /GameData came into being... (It DOES seem to work by placing it into /GameData, as-is, though...)

I've recently started re-using the mod, and My OCD has always been a little tingled by having a "hand held" looking receiver surface attached to my ships and rovers... lol

I've also gotten interested in seeing how difficult it is to model parts, so I'm working on my first ever 3D model, and decided to do a GPS antenna, to replace the Figaro GPS receiver...

There is also the Persistent Trails mod that I've been wanting to try, and see how that can be used with Figaro:


Been mulling the idea of a contract pack to create a GPS network, simply because the network design aspect is kind of neat. But I haven't pulled the trigger since I didn't think there was enough content. Maybe with Figaro...

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That was actually another thing i was thinking would be kewl for someone to do...Whenever i start another round of KSP (sandbox), a KEO comm constellation is usually the first thing I do...Then i'll start on a GPS constellation...Then I have to start thinking of things to do that will actually take advantage of and USE the GPS...lol

I've been using RemoteTech sincce i started playing, and same thing...Always trying to think up ways to best utilise it...I've pretty much only played sandbox...But with the new Remotetech contract pack out, I want to give that a try too...

Edited by Stone Blue
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Getting a bunch of NullReferenceException when entering the tracking station. According to exception Detector they are continuously being generated the entire time in the tracking station. When I finally exits back to the space center it had detected over 1100 NREs. The log shows several pages of the following:

[EXC 17:43:57.753] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
WaypointManager.Util.GetDistanceToWaypoint (WaypointManager.WaypointData wpd)
WaypointManager.WaypointData.CacheWaypointData ()
WaypointManager.WaypointManager.OnGUI ()

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Sweet! Can't wait to try this!

- - - Updated - - -

Hehe, I'd started to work on that feature, but didn't like how it worked from a player's perspective (basically anytime you clicked on the globe (including clicking on a vessel) it would pop up the create waypoint box.

I'll probably revisit for the next version - it'll probably be a "mode" in the add window that allows you to click the map to populate the lat/lon values.

How about require alt-click, or something similar?

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Getting a bunch of NullReferenceException when entering the tracking station. According to exception Detector they are continuously being generated the entire time in the tracking station. When I finally exits back to the space center it had detected over 1100 NREs. The log shows several pages of the following:

[EXC 17:43:57.753] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
WaypointManager.Util.GetDistanceToWaypoint (WaypointManager.WaypointData wpd)
WaypointManager.WaypointData.CacheWaypointData ()
WaypointManager.WaypointManager.OnGUI ()

Derp, I should've double checked that before releasing. I'll get a fix out as soon as I can.

Sweet! Can't wait to try this!

- - - Updated - - -

How about require alt-click, or something similar?

Alt-click may be the way to go - problem is that it wouldn't be obvious to the user without somehow telling them...

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Then you make it obvious... somehow... okay, so I may not have any suggestions of how but at least it's the beginning of a solution... sorta...

Actually, aftewards I started thinking I'd make it a configurable option - so if the user goes to the settings and sees an option that says "Allow creating new waypoint via alt-left click" or something like that, then they'd clue in. I'll probably also add the button as well though. That should cover all bases.

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New version out, now with the ability to create waypoints by clicking on the map (toggled from the new waypoint GUI). Download it here!

Waypoint Manager 2.1.0

  • Display waypoint marker while it is being created (in flight and map view).
  • Toggle to automatically set the waypoint to ground level when creating a waypoint.
  • Allow setting the waypoint location by clicking on a celestial body in the map view.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Does this work in Science mode? Or only career? When I click save waypoint nothing happens :(

Let me look into it - I have a feeling that it won't work outside of career mode, because the underlying core system (the FinePrint waypoints) are completely contracts based. Still, you never know, I may be able to hack it to work.

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For some reason it's putting its settings file in my KSP folder under the name "\GameData\WaypointManager\WaypointManager.cfg" rather than in its own folder in the GameData folder. Probably something to do with the backslashes.

Yup, that one was already reported on GitHub - I'll try to get a fix out tonight. It's due to my naïvety - I assumed that the Mono CLR would provide platform independence.

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for some reason, updating this from inflight waypoints to waypoint manager erased all my Final Frontier ribbon data. :( other than that, love the way this mod's going.

Forgot to reply on this one yesterday. Basically, final frontier seems to have some major issue with how it is storing things in the persistence file (you can see lots of people reporting it in that thread). Unfortunately Nereid has real life commitments that have been keeping him away from modding - so he hasn't been able to look into it.

TL;DR - I can't take responsibility for what happens to your FF data.

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Love the update. At last I can turn off on-screen waypoints and use only navball direction icons and distance data to navigate making it a bit more realistic and enjoy the view of grasslands and mountains not crowded by those colored blips all around.

Custom waypoints with custom icons is a tasty feature too.

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Have you any plans to integrate it with Raster Prop Monitor? Would be nice to see those waypoints while IVA.

No plans, but I can always be convinced. I only have a passing familiarity with RPM. Does it have stock camera views where you'd want to see the waypoints displayed, or were you thinking of something else?

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