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Debate - Duna or Eve? Why?


Which do you like better: Eve or Duna?  

150 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you like better: Eve or Duna?

    • Eve
    • Duna
    • I can't pick. I like them the same
    • Never been to them, so I don't know

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While Eve is a beautiful planet and an absolute challenge, especially when it comes to getting back from its surface, Duna is great for grand scale exploration with orbital and ground bases, spaceplanes, frequent supply missions between orbit and surface and has some nice hidden eastereggs.

^ This sums up how I feel, plus Eve's heavy grav environment makes me feel heavy, lead footed... floating around Duna's orbits or hopping on it's surface is a much..freer movement.

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Has anyone here made a one-way-trip to purposely colonize Eve and simply transmit results? I might send a scientific expedition with a lab and rovers down there one day if I ever get mad at a few of my kerbals...

I've never sent a Kerbal anywhere without the intent at the start to at least have a WAY to bring him home.

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I recently spent a looong time driving across the surface of Eve. 600 km of tedium and anxiety that one of my wheels would blow out during phys-warp. However, I guarantee it would have been worse on Duna. Most of my drive was parallel to the Explodium Sea, so at least I had something to look at besides rolling hills.

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I prefer Eve, for a multitude of reasons. One, it always seemed so much more daunting, which gave any mission there an extra sense of gravity (pun intended). I almost always make it my first manned IP mission, but just land on Gilly and do the orbital science for Eve, then land a small probe for Eve surface data. Also, it looks gorgeous with the Edge of Oblivion visual pack.

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I like both Eve and Duna in their own ways. But if I had to pick, I'd choose Duna. Mainly because I feel that every ship I send out containing a Kerbal has to be able to return to Kerbin, so by its nature Duna gets a lot more frequently travelled than Eve.

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Has anyone here made a one-way-trip to purposely colonize Eve and simply transmit results? I might send a scientific expedition with a lab and rovers down there one day if I ever get mad at a few of my kerbals...

I'm setting up my 'Eve to stay' colony at the moment. It seemed more sensible to commit resources to a permanent outpost rather than a visit and difficult ascent.

The three ship armada met up in orbit. Base commander Admund, chief engineer Gilbrett and scientists Gus and Obski have detached the base and prepared for deorbit. Lenke is still aboard the space station and will pilot the rover/plane hybrid down later. Three of the crew won't be landing on Eve, instead doing a side-mission to Gilly before returning to Kerbin.


In we go! The landing zone is betwen the two rows of hills. The nearby lakes will be one of the first exploration destinations.


With no backup, lots of parachutes to make sure of a soft landing


Admund and Gilbrett look pleased with their new home. Gus and Obski were apparently too busy analysing the descent data in the lab to pose for photos.


More to come soon- there's the aerospike rover/plane docked at the station which will be brought down next, plus a smaller ion-powered roverplane, 4-man rover and two more colonists on the way in. :)

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Eve. Eve is easy so long as you plan on staying, and the challenge of leaving is well-known.

Duna, on the other hand, is deceptive and brutal. Its atmosphere lulls you into believing an aerocapture or a landing will be easy, but it's treacherously thin and instead leaves you to fly on past or slam into the surface.

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As much as I hate her, I gotta vote Eve. She's just too beautiful.

As you're far more likely to get stuck on Eve ...permanently, I believe that should be the other way round :P

Yep, she's like that crazy chick that you can't get away from.

... What? So I have a type...

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Eve is like Mount Everest. Difficult, expensive, and requires a lot of planning and preparation to make a successful round trip.

Duna is like Halfdome. Not too difficult, easy to get to and return from, but still an accomplishment worth talking about and has a gorgeous view.

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Duna. It's calm, it's farther "outside", it will let you come and it will let you leave whenever you wish. It's just straightforward ... male sotosay.

Eve on the other hand, well ... once you're there she'll lure you in, just a small manoeuver. But then problems start, the biggest is that she won't let you go easily. Female ?



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I actually like Eve more for the colour and the oceans and it's ability to aerobrake me from 12 km/s... but it's basically a trap. Fine to drop proberovers onto, but not something I expect to get surface samples from for a very long time (in my low science career game).

Duna thus wins for being able to actually return from it. There shall be many manned missions for the red rocks :)

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Eve is a trap: easy to get onto, hard to get out of. Its satellite is just an evil elusive asteroid. Its atmosphere is a poisonous gas that knows many methods to kill my kerbals. During the night, it's gloomy dark and I swear the probes I've sent there reported hearing ghastly moans!

Finally, Duna isn't a purplish death trap of doom with a sneaky green dawn to lure you in.

That being said, I've sent an orbital science station around each of these planets. I should have told the kerbals onboard that the return trip wasn't planned.

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Duna. I've sent probably two thirds of my manned interplanetary missions there...because I know I can get back. I've sent manned missions to Eeloo, Dres, Duna, Ike, Gilly, and returned from them all so far. I still have yet to conquer the Joolian system with manned missions, though I have sent a series of probes there.

The most I've done on Eve is aerobrake for missions to Gilly and send down unmanned rovers capable of safely travelling across the surface at about 25 M/s.

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So, so hard to choose. I have fond memories of both.

When science first got added to the game, my first real mission (aside from the obligatory Mun return) was a Duna return. This was, of course, back when you could spam experiments to gain science. I hauled every single science part to Duna, hitting Ike on the way, keeping the massive array of antennae busy for hours while they transmitted the experiments back so I could reset and do more science (man I'm glad they changed that).

The landing on Duna didn't go as planned (never get aerobraking right on Duna), I was trying to land at the base of the big mountain, but ended up a quarter of the way around the planet instead. Jeb had been looking forward to using his jetpack for some altitude assisted low gravity exploration, but ended up just grabbing a surface sample, planted a flag and returned.

Eve, on the other hand, is a harsh mistress. I was severely misinformed the first time I planned a mission, landed at sea level a short walk from the shore (always my preference because the terrain is nice and flat) and planned for returning in a simple unmanned SSTO lander running on a single 48-7S. The thrust succeeded in making the lander very slightly taller as the loading on the legs decreased, but otherwise the lander didn't budge. I christened the spot a permanent base, and sent Jeb to plant a flag in a much, much bigger return vehicle. Ladder didn't reach the ground and you can't jump/jetpack to save your life on Eve, so I had to send a second ship with a modified ladder to bring him home.

To date, that cluster.... of a mission is my only successful Eve return.

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