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[1.4.x] Contract Pack: RemoteTech [v2.1.4] [2017-08-27]


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  Munitions said:
Yep. It's a new installation & save with these versions. Diffed a manual download of the plugins just to make sure- all the files are identical. KSP's up-to-date too.


Could you send your save file? That might help in confirming why the contract isn't completing.

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So, uh, visual glitches in the contract text aside I managed to fix it. I switched between sats to make sure they were all on the right orbit. One wasn't. Fixing that rectified the problem with the contract..

I'm going to guess because I used 4 sats and one of them wasn't in the right orbit, it was only matching 3 sats. Assuming I only had 3, it would be correct in saying that they didn't have a circular link... Or.. something like that. Still, confusing text bugs. (Vessel III must not be Vessel III, etc).

But I'll PM you a backup I made before I got it working.

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I have exactly the same problem as Munitions, but for me it is not going away, unfortunately... :(

I have put up 4 satellites into a 400km orbit, they all have stable connection between them and KSC.

I verified in time warp, the network is stable for days.

However, the timer does not start, the text also says something like "CommSat III (new): Vessel: not CommSat IV" (unchecked)

See here:




I double-checked each satellite's orbit, inclination, PE, eccentricity - it's all fine.

What might be missing here??

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  TheDog said:
I have exactly the same problem as Munitions, but for me it is not going away, unfortunately... :(

I have put up 4 satellites into a 400km orbit, they all have stable connection between them and KSC.

I verified in time warp, the network is stable for days.

However, the timer does not start, the text also says something like "CommSat III (new): Vessel: not CommSat IV" (unchecked)

See here:




I double-checked each satellite's orbit, inclination, PE, eccentricity - it's all fine.

What might be missing here??

Are you able to post up your save file? That may help here.

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Been having some issues with the EverythingSat contract and I wanted to see if this was as intended.

On that contract, a bonus objective is to establish a KSO with one of the CommSats. An orbit guide is supplied, which matches the distance for KSO. But if you match it exactly, the WAYPOINT for the bonus objective drifts normal/antinormal by several kilometers of the orbit guide (as viewed with WaypointManager). It seems to imply that the waypoint is following a different orbit (slight inclination). In order to complete the bonus objective, you need to be right on top of the waypoint for 4 hours, but without a guide for it, I've had to resort to using RCS to drift normal/antinormal with it for the full 4 hours (which brought up another issue I'll mention below.) Is it intended that the KSO waypoint doesn't follow the orbit guide exactly and we're supposed to drift with it or find a way to match inclination with it blindly?

The second issue that came up happens about two hours into my waypoint drifting. At some point, eventually the game becomes unresponsive and I'm forced to restart. It seems like it's checking contract progress, and due to either the amount of contracts I have, or the complexity of tracking a certain contract, it will freeze the game. Tho I usually have 10+ contracts going, it was only after I picked up this contact that when clicking on the contact button, the game would lag for a few seconds before it would display the menu. Scrolling through the menu is laggy as well. I'm not sure if this is an issue with this contract, RemoteTech, or KSP.

Thanks for looking into it!

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  Addesso said:
Been having some issues with the EverythingSat contract and I wanted to see if this was as intended.

On that contract, a bonus objective is to establish a KSO with one of the CommSats. An orbit guide is supplied, which matches the distance for KSO. But if you match it exactly, the WAYPOINT for the bonus objective drifts normal/antinormal by several kilometers of the orbit guide (as viewed with WaypointManager). It seems to imply that the waypoint is following a different orbit (slight inclination). In order to complete the bonus objective, you need to be right on top of the waypoint for 4 hours, but without a guide for it, I've had to resort to using RCS to drift normal/antinormal with it for the full 4 hours (which brought up another issue I'll mention below.) Is it intended that the KSO waypoint doesn't follow the orbit guide exactly and we're supposed to drift with it or find a way to match inclination with it blindly?

Oooh, that's good. Contrary to popular belief, KSC is not on the equator, but at a latitude of -0.10266804865356. I did a quick calculation, and when you're all the way up in an equatorial orbit, that small latitude difference makes the point directly over KSC 12 km away. So if you set yourself up right at the waypoint, you'll drift up to 24 km away at the other side of the orbit.

So I think what I'll do is move the waypoint to zero latitude to match the orbit. A clever player (or one that reads this post) will know that it's not exactly over KSC... but it's close enough. :)

Raised [#13] against the contract pack.

  Addesso said:
The second issue that came up happens about two hours into my waypoint drifting. At some point, eventually the game becomes unresponsive and I'm forced to restart. It seems like it's checking contract progress, and due to either the amount of contracts I have, or the complexity of tracking a certain contract, it will freeze the game. Tho I usually have 10+ contracts going, it was only after I picked up this contact that when clicking on the contact button, the game would lag for a few seconds before it would display the menu. Scrolling through the menu is laggy as well. I'm not sure if this is an issue with this contract, RemoteTech, or KSP.

Thanks for looking into it!

That one unfortunately is a KSP issue. This is the first report I've heard of it in 1.0+, so you've dashed my hopes that it was fixed. In short, the stock contracts app queues up all the updates to contracts while it's closed, and then when you open it, it goes crazy trying to catch up (it seems to be quadratically worse the more updates you add). Having big contracts or lots of contracts exacerbates it (sounds like you have both). I have tons of logic in Contract Configurator to limit the amount of updates that actually make it through to the window which has made it mostly manageable, but you've got the extreme case.

Anyway, workarounds are to have the contract window open all the time or use DMagic's Contracts Window +. Or have fewer contracts. :)

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  nightingale said:
Or have fewer contracts. :)

Argh, I guess I'll have get around to swapping my Kerbals in space stations and throwing up tiny satellites instead of building spacefaring monstrosities.

Ahh, so that's the addon I've seen for the different contract menu. Good to know! Thanks for the quick reply!

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Hey guys I'm fairly new to the community. (Just a couple of months)

I had the same problem as TheDog and Munitions where the timer would not start to count down and the contract would say "CommSat III (New), Vessel: Not CommSat IV" I thought that it was because I set the satellites up in the wrong order. I did CommSat I, II, and accidentally did IV then I did III, but the contract highlighted the right stuff. So I was like why are you not working. I followed the RemoteTech tutorial to learn how to set up a perfect or almost perfect network. Anyway I also edited the satellites orbits like in the tutorial to have them sync up with each other by editing the "persistent.sfs" file in my save game. I don't call it cheating if you're a perfectionist like me. Anyway I then went through the file with a fine-tooth comb and found something that just didn't add up.

name = ContractVesselTracker
scene = 7, 8, 5
key = CommSat I
id = 784ac4c7-0607-4055-892a-a61cb6325880
hash = 2780334805
key = CommSat IV
id = a1407b9b-fd9e-4f53-8d7b-7f8e698ad9df
hash = 2075591612
key = CommSat II
id = a628146d-ab83-4c5b-9d8f-14791235d1ea
hash = 3118026093

I was like where's CommSat III? So I searched for all the CommSats and finally found "pid =" number and compared them with the stuff above, and obviously they were different.

    pid = f7fb523180024745950732e73bfdb506
name = CommSat I

pid = 784ac4c706074055892aa61cb6325880
name = CommSat II

pid = a628146dab834c5b9d8f14791235d1ea
name = CommSat III

pid = a1407b9bfd9e4f538d7b7f8e698ad9df
name = CommSat IV

So I changed the Scenario "key = CommSat IV" to "CommSat II" and "CommSat II" to CommSat III"

I also changed the "id =" to the pid number and added the dashes where they need to go.

name = ContractVesselTracker
scene = 7, 8, 5
key = CommSat I
id = f7fb5231-8002-4745-9507-32e73bfdb506
hash = 2780334805
key = CommSat II
id = 784ac4c7-0607-4055-892a-a61cb6325880
hash = 1958485102
key = CommSat III
id = a628146d-ab83-4c5b-9d8f-14791235d1ea
hash = 3118026093

Then I went back into the game and the magical timer started to count down. I was so happy, because I have never done anything like this before. I guess it beginners luck!!:D Right? I hope this helps for everyone.

PS: Don't forget to BACKUP your save game, and FYI your numbers might be different so don't copy the numbers.

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  nightingale said:
So I think what I'll do is move the waypoint to zero latitude to match the orbit. A clever player (or one that reads this post) will know that it's not exactly over KSC... but it's close enough. :)

Did this last night by modifying the code. And it works. But there was a nagging part of me saying the "right" way would be to adjust the orbit guide to precisely coincide with the movement of KSO through space. Seems like there is no easy way to make one determine the other, so you'd have to calculate it then check to see if the two actually overlap correctly.

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  Addesso said:
But there was a nagging part of me saying the "right" way would be to adjust the orbit guide to precisely coincide with the movement of KSO through space.

The problem there is there no valid orbit that precisely coincides with the movement of KSC through space, since it is not on the equator.

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  futrtrubl said:
The problem there is there no valid orbit that precisely coincides with the movement of KSC through space, since it is not on the equator.

Ah ok, I was thinking that would be the case as its movement doesn't go through the center of the planet.

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  Red2blue said:
This looks really awsome. Guess, this it not compatible with the Antenna Range mod :wink:!




Maybe I should take a look at Remote Tech....

It's more like this contract pack is written specifically for RemoteTech (and would be useless without RemoteTech). Looking at what antenna range does, by its very nature it's incompatible with RemoteTech.

But not all hope is lost for you, as Kerbas_ad_astra is working on something that may be exactly what you're looking for, he posted this on the Contract Configurator thread yesterday:

  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
I'm working on an AntennaRange contract pack, and I want to make it general rather than planet-specific by using the list syntax <... snip a bunch of boring technical stuff>

So if you want you can get in touch with him and ask if he needs a beta tester. :)

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Yay, pretty sure I've got the shenanigans with the Kerbin contract all fixed in Contract Configurator 1.1.0 (look for it in the next couple days). Unfortunately I had a lot of trouble getting the messed up contracts unstuck - so if you're having the issue described in the last few pages with that contract, may be best to just hack the save file as described on the last page. :)

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  nightingale said:
It's more like this contract pack is written specifically for RemoteTech (and would be useless without RemoteTech). Looking at what antenna range does, by its very nature it's incompatible with RemoteTech.

But not all hope is lost for you, as Kerbas_ad_astra is working on something that may be exactly what you're looking for, he posted this on the Contract Configurator thread yesterday:

So if you want you can get in touch with him and ask if he needs a beta tester. :)

Thanks a lot for your answere and the heads up. I like the AntennaRange Mod, cause it is a little bit more simpler then Remote Tech. I didn't tried it so far, but it seems quite unforgiving if you make a mistake. But thanks again. Will take a look at what Kerbas does. Or I will give Remote Tech a try and load your pack ;)!

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I have a problem with the contract to create a Kerbin comm network.

I launched a single rocket with 4 satellites, into a 300km orbit. I then released all the satellites (due to a Kraken bug, I had to release them all at once), renamed each satellite to CommSat 1/2/3/4 respectively, and then, one at a time, boosted each into a 600 KM orbit, spacing them around so that they essentially formed a huge square around kerbin. Each satellite had 6 antennas; 4 DTS-M1, and 2 Reflectron KR-7. Each also had a Reflectron DP-10 for local comm, and a Communitron 16 for medium range comms.

The booster rocket also had 4 antenna on it; a DP-10, 2 Communitron 16 and a DTS-M1, which I used during the ascent since the satellites were all enclosed in a fairing.

I got all of them into orbit, and then noticed that the contract had failed.

On each satellite, I pointed one DTS-M1 at each of the other satellites, and the 4th at mission control. The KR-7s were used to target the Mun & Minmus (for another contract).

It appears that not all of the satellites were recognized, and that the launcher itself was being interpreted as a satellite. What puzzles me is why it failed; from what I see, there is no expiration on the contract, so I expected it to simply be active until it was fulfilled.

Here is link to the persistent.sfs file

Here is a link to my complete modlist

There are a lot of mods, most of which aren't needed for this mission.

and this is a link to the craft file

This is 1.0.2, will all mods fully updated using CKAN

The following is what appears in the Mission Control:

Vessel: Kerbin Comm Launcher Probe: Complete

Connected to KSP: Complete

Vessel: Not CommSat 3: Complete

Vessel: Not CommSat 1: Failed

Vessel: Not CommSat IV (new): Complete

Orbit: Periapsis: Above 248,528m,; Eccentricity: Below 0.0040; Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete

Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete

Situation: Orbit: Incomplete

Periapsis: Above 248,528 m: Incomplete

Eccentricity: Below 0.0040: Incomplete

Inclination: Below 1.0: incomplete

Vessel: CommSat 3: complete

Direct connection to: Kerbin Comm Launcher Probe: Complete

Vessel: Not CommSat 1: Failed

Vessel: Not CommSat IV (new): Complete

Connected to KSP: Complete

Orbit: Periapsis: Above 248,528m,; Eccentricity: Below 0.0040; Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete

Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete

Situation: Orbit: Incomplete

Periapsis: Above 248,528 m: Incomplete

Eccentricity: Below 0.0040: Incomplete

Inclination: Below 1.0: incomplete

Vessel: CommSat 1: complete

Vessel: Not Kerbin Comm launcher Probe: Complete

Direct connection to: CommSat 3: Complete

Vessel: Not CommSat IV (new): Complete

Connected to KSP: Complete

Orbit: Periapsis: Above 248,528m,; Eccentricity: Below 0.0040; Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete

Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete

Situation: Orbit: Incomplete

Periapsis: Above 248,528 m: Incomplete

Eccentricity: Below 0.0040: Incomplete

Inclination: Below 1.0: incomplete

Complete any ONE of the following: Incomplete

Vessel: CommSat 1: Incomplete

Direct connection to : Kerbin Comm Launcher Probe: Complete

Orbit: Incomplete

Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete

Situation: Orbit: Incomplete

Periapsis: Above 600,000 m: Incomplete

Vessel: CommSat IV (new): Incomplete

Completion: 75,000

Direction connection to: Kerbin Comm Launcher Probe: Complete

Vessel: Not CommSat 3: Complete

Direction connection to: CommSat 1: Incomplete

Connected to KSP: Complete

Orbit: Periapsis: Above 248,528m,; Eccentricity: Below 0.0040; Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete

Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete

situation: Orbit: Incomplete

Periapsis: Above 248,528 m: Incomplete

Eccentricity: Below 0.0040: Incomplete

Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete

So, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I properly fulfill the contract with the 4 satellites at 600km altitude? If so, is there a way to change it from failed to completed in the game?

Let me know if there is anything else you need


Edit: I'm wondering if this is the same issue raised on the previous pages. But I'm running Contractconfigurator 1.1.3, Contract Pack Remote Tech 1.1.3 as well

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  nightingale said:
I think I have it fixed for the next release - there shouldn't be anything in that contract that should actually cause it to fail.

OK. Is there any way I can fix my save, or should i just delete the failed contract and do it again?

Also, when do you expect to release it? Not putting pressure, just want to manage my expectations.



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  linuxgurugamer said:
OK. Is there any way I can fix my save, or should i just delete the failed contract and do it again?

Also, when do you expect to release it? Not putting pressure, just want to manage my expectations.



Should be able to delete the failed contract and try again - but to get it to show up again you may have to temporarily disable some requirements on the contract via the alt-f10 debug menu.

Not sure when I'll be releasing... should be by the end of the weekend.

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  nightingale said:
Should be able to delete the failed contract and try again - but to get it to show up again you may have to temporarily disable some requirements on the contract via the alt-f10 debug menu.

Not sure when I'll be releasing... should be by the end of the weekend.

All right.

Thank you


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