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[1.1.3] Procedural Parts - Parts the way you want 'em - v1.2.5 July 3


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I'm currently reading the tutorial on making an asset from start to finish as I'm thinking I will make a modified version of the shielded NASA docking port designed to survive re-entry and use that as the nose. I want to edit the texture so its black/dark grey, make the part slightly heavier, and give it a super high max temp to simulate that the shell is made of some advanced ceramic material.

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15 minutes ago, EricSan said:

That's a good idea. Is this in ModuleManager.ConfigCache? I see a value for proceduralNoseCone that lines up with what I see in game, maybe I could just edit that and it will modify the part?

Nope, changing the configcache is not smart haha. 

You need to make a seperate config, this can be done by anyfile that allows you to change text or create text, notepad for instance.

The following should be copied to that file:

	@maxTemp = 2000
	%skinMaxTemp = 3000 // for lifting reentries

Finally to save the file, click on save as -> all files. In the filename, type someting like ' RO_MyProceduralNoseCone.cfg'. The '.cfg'  is the most important do include it in the filename
Save it somewhere into the gamedata, I would suggest to add a folder in Kerbal Space Program/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/MyOwnMMpatches (new folder)/....


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11 hours ago, DrLicor said:

Nope, changing the configcache is not smart haha. 

You need to make a seperate config, this can be done by anyfile that allows you to change text or create text, notepad for instance.

The following should be copied to that file:

	@maxTemp = 2000
	%skinMaxTemp = 3000 // for lifting reentries

Finally to save the file, click on save as -> all files. In the filename, type someting like ' RO_MyProceduralNoseCone.cfg'. The '.cfg'  is the most important do include it in the filename
Save it somewhere into the gamedata, I would suggest to add a folder in Kerbal Space Program/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/MyOwnMMpatches (new folder)/....


Ahh thanks for walking me through that. It worked perfectly https://imgur.com/a/C5m3A

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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...

hi there, is the whole RSS thing kind of dead it seems to me?  Or is the problem that 1.8 just released
I played it a lot 2 years ago. 1 year ago everything was unplayable.

Now want to continue playing and it seems some things improoved but there is still the same issue with procedural parts, if you load a vessel the parts attached to prcedural tanks are at the wrong position and the attatchment nodes are gone, you have to rebuild the whole rocket :(

That is just like 2 years ago. I tried to report the issue but I don't know how. Are the devs aware of this? Are there any devs?
What now?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, guys. Thank you very much for your job. Have you thought about to make a part of procedural surface between two one-procedural linear bars with a vector parameter for each end of each part? It would be useful to create parts of hull for example. Is it possible to make it, what do you think? 

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, thanks for all the work on this devs, I truly appreciate what it takes.  A couple of things that have been recurring to me. 

First, I was wondering if the possibility to have one's flag displayed on the side of procedural parts was on the list of todos.  Basically having a "toggle flag" option as many of the stock command pods and some other parts allow in the right click menu.  A minor thing, but when it comes to screen shot time those big procedural tanks are perfect for displaying the logo/flag.

Second, there are a few points in the edit process where with a procedural part the top and bottom can get reversed (like putting symmetrical cone shaped fuel tanks around the COM for balance by copying one and flipping it over) then when adjusting dimensions later the 'top' is now the 'bottom'.  Then with the procedural decoupler it is very hard to know for sure which side it separates and which side it sticks to, but come to think of it I'm not sure if I've ever noticed if it sticks around as debris after decoupling.  Maybe it goes out of game completely so the orientation issue doesn't matter.

Then finally, the main reason I came here is that I want to start playing with making textures for various parts in ksp and was looking for pointers on how to make a texture for procedural parts.  Is GIMP adequate to do this?  Do they need to be compiled into something or just put as files somewhere with maybe updating some cfg file as to their existence?  Any clues appreciated and any decent textures I make will of course be made freely available

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I'm in the editor I get a lot of this in the logs coincident with ksp hanging for a minute or more sometimes.  It spams the log the entire time the freeze is occurring


[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:9581 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-3618788655 SimulationResource was not found.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)



I'm I clicked on the VAB with no build in progress, it should be empty.  I have no mods that autoload last ship or anything and it just freezes and this is what my log looks like:

(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:28643 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:21916 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:21916 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:21738 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:21738 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:9581 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:9581 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:1 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

[PartSet]: Failed to add Resource -1154601244 to Simulation PartSet:1 as corresponding Part Procedural Liquid Tank-289105523 SimulationResource was not found.
.... over and over

Edited by darthgently
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Hey, I don't know if anybody still reads this. I'm sorry if it's already been mentioned, but I couldn't find anything regarding my problem.

Procedural Parts makes any craft with a vertical fin (for lateral stability and yaw control) generate lift (a yellow arrow) to the left. Whether it's two or one or eight vertical stabilizers, they always generate a lift arrow to the left. If I swap out a procedural fuel tank for a vanilla tank (or any other mod), then the problem is solved. This also happens with the vanilla structural tube (the resizable one) if I put the fin directly on that tube. With PP it doesn't care where the part is, it messes up vert stabs for the whole craft, whereas with the structural tube I simply need to move the fin to another part. Any fixes for this or am I just SoL?



Edited by Cap Arcona
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10 minutes ago, Cap Arcona said:

Hey, I don't know if anybody still reads this. I'm sorry if it's already been mentioned, but I couldn't find anything regarding my problem.

Procedural Parts makes any craft with a vertical fin (for lateral stability and yaw control) generate lift (a yellow arrow) to the left. Whether it's two or one or eight vertical stabilizers, they always generate a lift arrow to the left. If I swap out a procedural fuel tank for a vanilla tank (or any other mod), then the problem is solved. This also happens with the vanilla structural tube (the resizable one) if I put the fin directly on that tube. With PP it doesn't care where the part is, it messes up vert stabs for the whole craft, whereas with the structural tube I simply need to move the fin to another part. Any fixes for this or am I just SoL?



Look and read the last posts. This is the wrong thread. There is a newer one.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/15/2020 at 10:11 AM, CardZLol said:

For some reason i cant resize nothing above the "max size" (1.2430 meters and 625mm) no matter what i do. It doesnt go past that. I tried it on 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10.1 (my current version) and NONE work.

Are you in career mode?  If so, the smallest and largest sizes start out in a narrow range on pparts, then allow smaller and larger as you advance.  That has been my experience anyway. Also, this is an old forum, try the new forum at link below 


Edited by darthgently
added new forum link
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/6/2020 at 7:01 AM, darthgently said:

Are you in career mode?  If so, the smallest and largest sizes start out in a narrow range on pparts, then allow smaller and larger as you advance.  That has been my experience anyway. Also, this is an old forum, try the new forum at link below 


I'm on sandbox mode. And i already asked on that forum too, thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

not sure if this is still the relevant thread or the RO thread, but for me, when i use a Xenon tank and increase the size, at first the XenonGas volume increases along with size, but as soon as the part leaves the VAB, it is reverted back to the max volume of the standard size at 747.5 units, even though the size of the tank has increased. What would cause this? any connection to using SMURFF along side it? although its only Xenon tanks that are affected, no others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please help! KSP gets stucked whiling loading "proceduralSRBRealFuels".

With SolverEngines@3.7.5 installed, I tested against multi versions of procedural parts, it seems this happens when ProceduralParts version 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 is installed.

There may be something in version 2.1.1.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/15/2020 at 4:11 PM, CardZLol said:

For some reason i cant resize nothing above the "max size" (1.2430 meters and 625mm) no matter what i do. It doesnt go past that. I tried it on 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10.1 (my current version) and NONE work.

I had the same issue. To fix it, you have to go to check the difficulty game settings > advance settings > Apply every upgrate on every parts.

But, it works maybe only for a new game, I didn't try on an existant game.


PS: Sorry for my English, maybe "Apply every upgrate on every parts" isn't really good translated as my game is in French.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Is it on purpose that these tanks are much more expensive to base part?
If I compare a Rockomax X200-32 with procedural part with the same shape and dimensions the prices are Rockomax (1531 Dry/ 3000 Wet) but procedural is (2931 Dry/ 5497 Wet). Means Dry price is 1.9x higher and wet is 1.8x higher.
And compare to FL-T800 ratio is wet and dry 1.7x higher 

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On 1/12/2022 at 2:40 PM, Baker_02 said:

Is it on purpose that these tanks are much more expensive to base part?
If I compare a Rockomax X200-32 with procedural part with the same shape and dimensions the prices are Rockomax (1531 Dry/ 3000 Wet) but procedural is (2931 Dry/ 5497 Wet). Means Dry price is 1.9x higher and wet is 1.8x higher.
And compare to FL-T800 ratio is wet and dry 1.7x higher 

I think this reflects the cost of one-off manufacturing.  If you want a tank that is exactly the same shape and dimension as an existing non-PP tank, then it makes sense a budget minded player would just use the existing tank.  One thing I'd like to see is that the more a particular dimensioned one-off tank is used, the cheaper it gets.  Especially after the first use, as this would reflect that the re-tooling and design shake out has already been paid or and as it is used more economies of scale kick in.  I'd like to see an option to "compile" a procedural tank to a static .cfg file such that it would no longer be procedural, but a normal tank, but with dimensions not existing in the normal selections.  This compilation would require a one-time tooling and design fee or something like that

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