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[1.1.3] Procedural Parts - Parts the way you want 'em - v1.2.5 July 3


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I noticed the module manager dll in my gamedata directory, which came with this mod. After I got rid of that and the associated config files, my overheating issues disappeared. So, it must have over-written some of the modules by default? Seems odd and rude.

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Ever since .90 I've been experiencing weird no-texture bugs with some/all parts some mods have to offer, same happens with these mods (procedural wings/parts/airships[?] with the exception of fairings).

Right clicking on a part to select texture say something like *missing texture* / *no texture*.

Any ideas what could the problem be?


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I've got a strange issue with tweakable parts after installing the SETI mod. Specifically, my solid rocket booster (first level) produces a different amount of thrust and TWR before I launch then after I revert to fly it a second time. For a roughly 2-meter tapered cone SRB, the delta-V goes from ~1,900 m/s and 1.6+ TWR to 1,500 m/s and 1.16 TWR, with no change to the craft itself. Although I have no experience with tweakable parts and SETI before, I find this behavior very odd.

Worse, I'm running with KCT and the performance differs from where I design a rocket, simulate it (first time is OP, second time functions differently). Then once I actually build and fly the rocket, its overpowered again.

Any thoughts? And its not just a misreported KER value, as the craft itself on the first launch accelerates like a bat out of hell, and once I revert and fly it a second time, performs much differently (slower, less thrust). This is making it quite difficult to properly design a craft, since with DR and FAR I keep losing critical parts (parachutes) to overheating on my small rockets.

Ok, I think this may have had something to do with interactions between tweakscale and PP. I pulled tweakscale, as I actually meant to install tweakable everything instead.

nope - see below.

Edited by zilfondel
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  rynak said:
Thank you - an additional infobit: On the issuetracker, i saw another thrust-related bug which supposedly happens when KIDS is installed and the option "thrust varies with ISP" is checked. This is the case for me, so perhaps this is related. Unlike what that issue states however, the thrust remains constant in the editor at the SPH.

Here's a wild guess: When i tested those SRBs, i was actually surprised by the sheer amount of thrust they generated - despite them only being two with 40 thrust. Perhaps as soon as i enter flight, the thrust DOES reset to the default (much higher), so that might be why the burntime no longer matches and is much shorter?

Hi, I've ran into this issue - its quite annoying. I just documented my findings here:


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I have the same problem with Procedural Parts As MotoKid600. Just like him, I right click a part and the UI does not show up. However, if I click umpteen times in different places, it eventually shows up. It appears that I have to hit a specific "hot" pixel or something. (It seems to be on the midline of the tank, below center)

It is very frustrating. Is there any other way to edit a Procedural part in the VAB, or a way to reliably make the UI show up? This is a serious issue and any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated. What do the rest of you do?

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@Peter Balholm - I can't for the life of me remember if I ever found a fix for it. What I can remember is switching to RSS with Real Fuels, so... Completely different situation. I remember working with liquid fuel and oxy at the time so I can't imagine it was the issue of having both RF and MFT installed at the same time. But for what it counts make sure that's not the case for yourself.

If I remember correctly it was with smaller radial tanks I wanted monoprop in. ( or maybe it was a mono tank I wanted LF/O in ). It wouldn't let me open up the MFT ui to change it. But I switched over to RSS/RO soon after.

Edited by Motokid600
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Hi! I too was looking for a way to reduce part count in-flight using proc parts for MKS/OKS bases. I won't comment on resources offered by proc parts - enough to say everything is where is should be.

However i do hope that proc tanks could benefit with few textures from EL, TAC-LS and OKS/MKS. For example, MKS/OKS licensing is open enough to transfer textures to proc parts to allow more seamless looking crafts/bases. Does similar apply for EL and TAC-LS ?

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Hi!me too have issue with SRB's...when i go for launch the rocket collapse and jump and everything do strange things...first i tough that was the super hoffman i took but tit do the same even when the acid go down....iv e got ksp 32 bit,tweakable everything,tweak scale,three hand,some coloured stuff on my screen,and many mods...don t know

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  Fattek23 said:
Hi!me too have issue with SRB's...when i go for launch the rocket collapse and jump and everything do strange things...first i tough that was the super hoffman i took but tit do the same even when the acid go down....iv e got ksp 32 bit,tweakable everything,tweak scale,three hand,some coloured stuff on my screen,and many mods...don t know

Use launchclamps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i seem to have a problem with the SRB's. I do not use 64 ksp, i do use FAR and deadly reentry.

The SRB's seem to overheat very quickly and will even explode. I am sure it is not because i have to much to close together because i have only one. Can anyone tell me why this is?

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  EVDE said:
i seem to have a problem with the SRB's. I do not use 64 ksp, i do use FAR and deadly reentry.

The SRB's seem to overheat very quickly and will even explode. I am sure it is not because i have to much to close together because i have only one. Can anyone tell me why this is?

Yes this is because deadly re entry rescale max temps for all parts. He also intelligently scale heat production. However with pp srbs heat is a factor of size. In the .cfg file for the srb there is a variable called heatperthrust. This variable isn't changed by DR and causes the srb to produce stock heat with reduced part max temp so your srbs blow up. You can open that .cfg and change that number to a lower number I feel they should never explode from there own thrust as long as it's reasonable. So I cut the number in half. YMMV

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  EVDE said:
i seem to have a problem with the SRB's. I do not use 64 ksp, i do use FAR and deadly reentry.

The SRB's seem to overheat very quickly and will even explode. I am sure it is not because i have to much to close together because i have only one. Can anyone tell me why this is?

As svm420 said. I made a pull request to PP with a compatibility config that was accepted so it should be fixed in the next version. In the mean time throw the following in a cfg file.

@maxTemp = 1250
@heatProduction = 55
@heatPerThrust = 14

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This is a great mod! I use it regularly. Thank you very much for it.

Here is just a little feature request: An option to make slanted parts. This would be great for aircraft fuselages and side boosters.

I think it could be implemented quite easily as a shearing transformation that is applied to all vertices of the final mesh, i.e. multiply vertices with the matrix

(1, s, 0)

(0, 1, 0)

(0, 0, 1),

where s is the amount of shear which should be adjustable with a gui slider.

Just an idea. :)

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Being lazy, I thought I'll ask here:

LiquidHydrogen & ArgonGas MM patch someone, with realistic tankage weights (that includes XenonGas modeled after Carbon/Kevlar/Epoxy/Ti commercial offerings)? Just need it to support NFP with RSS so far...

And how to do those neat 45/55% (or 100%) buttons on tanks? Should I dig into ModularFuelTanks instead maybe?

Nevermind, indeed I should.

Oh, one more thing: seems like the latter is incompatible with AIES - tank size always stays the same despite I rescale them... But that's off topic I guess.

Edited by cipherpunks
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Would it be hard to make a plugin to swap between stock part textures? I'm interested in making my own texture variants for the stock parts and be able to swap in editor between them.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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I'm pretty sure you can do custom tanks via config files, you just need to work out a reasonable capacity/volume set-up compared to stock then you can copy the config for a fuel tank and adjust it, either as a standalone mod or using ModuleManager?

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