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[1.8-1.12] TextureReplacer 4.5.3 (8.2.2022)


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I have unstable bug time to time: one side of skybox didn't load sometimes. But most of the time (>50%) it's ok. And it is always the same side of skybox.


I'm not sure is it actually bug of TextureReplacer or just some corrupted data in the image. So here link to my skybox textures. Hope it helps.

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  ZobrAA said:
I have unstable bug time to time: one side of skybox didn't load sometimes. But most of the time (>50%) it's ok. And it is always the same side of skybox.


I'm not sure is it actually bug of TextureReplacer or just some corrupted data in the image. So here link to my skybox textures. Hope it helps.

Where'd you get that Kerbin texture?

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  ZobrAA said:
I have unstable bug time to time: one side of skybox didn't load sometimes. But most of the time (>50%) it's ok. And it is always the same side of skybox.


I'm not sure is it actually bug of TextureReplacer or just some corrupted data in the image. So here link to my skybox textures. Hope it helps.

Don't use TGAs, they are half-broken from KSP 0.24 on. Sometimes they load correctly, sometimes not, and sometimes they crash KSP.

- - - Updated - - -

  helaeon said:
I've been hoping Scart91 would gift us a layered PSD when the new pack is released. He was saying that it should take about a month to have the new texture pack ready so... that should be coming up shortly. Either way we'll have the female textures then.

Proot may or may not be working on something as well, but I think he's mostly working on EVE and Scatterer at the moment from his activity in the forums.

necKros was also working on some female heads for us as well.

I don't believe Scart has any layered files, his textures seem pretty inconsistent, probably he edited each one separately. You have layered PSDs/XCFs in Sylith's & derived packs.

- - - Updated - - -

  Athywren said:


...just occurred to me - there isn't some horrifying legal reason that nobody else has posted this yet, is there?

Yes, hacking *.assets is forbidden by KSP's licence. Only GameData/ contents can be touched.

- - - Updated - - -

  Mitchz95 said:
My custom skybox isn't showing up on my 1.0.2 game. It worked the first time I loaded the game, but now it always loads the stock skybox even though it should be using the new one.

Ditto for my EVA suits, though I think that's due to the changes made to the structure in 1.0.2. Is there a way to modify the Pimp My Kerbals suit pack to work in the current game?

Log please? Pimp My Kerbals should work just fine with the latest KSP and TR. Since TR 1.4 on there were no significant changes that would break texture packs.

Edited by shaw
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  shaw said:
Don't use TGAs, they are half-broken from KSP 0.24 on. Sometimes they load correctly, sometimes not, and sometimes they crash KSP.

Thx for the tip! I'll try convert them into dds :)

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Here is a pack of simple female Kerbal textures.




Not as good as some of the other texture packs out there, I'm afraid, but since nobody has yet released a set for the new female Kerbals, I thought it would be nice to have at least a basic one to play with. As tempting as it was to mess with them endlessly, I wanted to get something up sooner rather than later, so I only spent a couple hours on this, most of which was learning to make halfway-decent hair textures in GIMP--I will probably tinker with it some more and maybe upload a better version later--would like to add some different hairstyles rather than just different colors at the very least. Shame we can't edit the ponytail mesh.

My first mod by the way, hope I'm doing it right.


Download from SpaceDock

Download from Dropbox



Edited by Hotaru
added SpaceDock link
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When using this Kerbal locks up. Sort of. I can load it all just fine, I don't get any errors thrown, I can go to the KSC screen, twirl my camera around, time warp to morning. But clicking on the Hanger or vab, it locks up. Sort of. I can still click the buttons like exit to menu, though it won't actually exit, and I can still time warp, but that's it.

The log file has this:

[LOG 23:20:23.089] FF: - End of Statistics -

[LOG 23:20:23.090] FF: saving hall of fame (0 logbook entries)

[LOG 23:20:23.091] FF: hall of fame saved in 0ms

[LOG 23:20:23.107] Game State Saved to saves/Oort Industries/persistent

[LOG 23:20:23.107] Going to Hangar! CachedShipType: None

[EXC 23:20:23.114] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

ApplicationLauncher.RemoveModApplication (.ApplicationLauncherButton button)

TextureReplacer.TRGui.onGUIApplicationLauncherUnreadifying (GameScenes scenes)

EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data)

ApplicationLauncher.OnSceneLoadRequested (GameScenes scene)

EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data)

HighLogic.LoadScene (GameScenes scene)

EditorDriver.StartEditor (EditorFacility facility)

SpacePlaneHangarBuilding.OnClicked ()

SpaceCenterBuilding.EnterBuilding ()

SpaceCenterBuilding.OnLeftClick ()

SpaceCenterBuilding+.MoveNext ()

[EXC 23:20:28.759] NullReferenceException

UnityEngine.Component.get_transform ()

PQSCity.OnSphereReset ()

PQS.Mod_OnSphereReset ()

PQS.ResetSphere ()

PQS.OnDestroy ()

It happens on a brand new save, too

Edited by Sabor
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  shaw said:
Log please? Pimp My Kerbals should work just fine with the latest KSP and TR. Since TR 1.4 on there were no significant changes that would break texture packs.

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/omtjt2rkzxd79dc/Log.rtf?dl=0

Just to clarify, the PMK suits work fine for IVAs. It's just for EVAs that the game uses the stock suit regardless of what I have set in TR. Also, it appears the skybox from Proot's Renaissance Compilation (which use .dds files rather than jpeg) works fine.

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  Mitchz95 said:
Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/omtjt2rkzxd79dc/Log.rtf?dl=0

Just to clarify, the PMK suits work fine for IVAs. It's just for EVAs that the game uses the stock suit regardless of what I have set in TR. Also, it appears the skybox from Proot's Renaissance Compilation (which use .dds files rather than jpeg) works fine.

Which PMK are you using? The updated PMK linked in the OP uses DDS textures, while the original PMK is only compatible with TR < 1.3.

What if you remove ATM?

- - - Updated - - -

  Sabor said:
When using this Kerbal locks up. Sort of. I can load it all just fine, I don't get any errors thrown, I can go to the KSC screen, twirl my camera around, time warp to morning. But clicking on the Hanger or vab, it locks up. Sort of. I can still click the buttons like exit to menu, though it won't actually exit, and I can still time warp, but that's it.

The log file has this:

It happens on a brand new save, too

Try this DLL: file:///home/davorin/Razvoj/VegaTech/TextureReplacer/GameData/TextureReplacer/Plugins/TextureReplacer.dll

Maybe I fixed it. Please send me the log, even if it works fine, because it prints some additional diagnostics.

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  shaw said:
Which PMK are you using? The updated PMK linked in the OP uses DDS textures, while the original PMK is only compatible with TR < 1.3.

I updated PMK and it replaces the stock suit properly. But I'd like to be able to use the IVA suits for EVA as well. How do I set that up?

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1st you need to read OP, so you get the basic idea what TR is doing.It's really well documented and you could get 99% of your answers there.

  Mitchz95 said:
I updated PMK and it replaces the stock suit properly. But I'd like to be able to use the IVA suits for EVA as well. How do I set that up?

There are two textures EVAtexture.*(for EVA suit) and kerbalMainGrey.*(for IVA suit),wich PMK alreadi contain in Suits directory.You need to go to KSP_win\GameData\TextureReplacer\Suits\(Blue,Green...),copy the kerbalMainGrey.* and remame it to EVAtexture.*.So now you have both textures in same directory.

  KerbMav said:
What do I put into the settings for Valentina to show up with the stock textures?

The easiest way is to do this in game.When in space center screen click on TR icon(right top corner)find Valentina and set her appearance.2nd,you can edit @Default.cfg:

Valentina Kerman = F GENERIC GENERIC

Edited by sebi.zzr
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I'm discovering that the TR reflection plugin seems to ignore normal maps on parts if the "window" portion of the piece isn't defined as a separate mesh from the base part. I'll have to live with that for WindowShine. ;.;

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  shaw said:
Unfortunately, KSP doesn't use such texture masks (like most other engines do) but it abuses alpha channel for that purpose. It has several shaders each treating alpha differently: "[KSP/][bumped ]Diffuse" and "[KSP/]VertexLit" shaders ignore alpha, "[KSP/][bumped ]Specular" treat it as specular mask, "Transparent/Diffuse" and "Transparent/VertexLit" treat it as transparency etc.

I suppose I was mainly thinking along the lines of something brand new that KSP wouldn't, obviously, be doing already. Otherwise we'd have stock reflective windows. Take the old mod "KerbPaint" which, before we even had alternative asset loader capabilities (which lead to the DDS loader mod), used texture masks (which were not actually loaded into the game) to define the color replacement regions. I believe it also used custom shaders to accomplish all this. If something similar could be developed to work with the reflection part of TR it would allow much more freedom of texture modification without the need for nearly-completely transparent regions of the texture in the areas where you don't want it to reflect. Either way, this line of thought isn't even a "request" at this point. Just something to look into when you're up to it. If texture-mask usage could be done before, surely it can be done again. Otherwise, we'll never be able to have freely-retextured parts with reflections.

Another way of going might be if we could simply invert the behavior of the "reflection plugin" part of TR in that instead of non reflecting in the transparent areas of the texture, it would treat the transparent areas as the reflective areas. Granted, you'd have to cross some wires somewhere between the texture load and the reflection rendering, and current mod authors would have to invert all their alpha levels to match it, but it would sure do the trick.

I don't really know much about all this though, just thinking out loud, so to speak. With some research and fiddling, all of this might be possible sometime.

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I would have put these together a few weeks ago, but felt sure that a serious texture modder would have already done so by now.


Basically, modified versions of some of the female heads from the Diverse Kerbal Heads pack, altered to fit the new females. Pictured alongside a default kerbal. Awesome space/leisure suits sold separately. :cool:

New link: https://mega.nz/#!4t5DHBaa!t4nQzADq6H3wvx3ts6hGmzG_MzbP9g6j5G9iSPj0H4k

Edited by Cosmic_Farmer
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  Cosmic_Farmer said:
I would have put these together a few weeks ago, but felt sure that a serious texture modder would have already done so by now.


Basically, modified versions of some of the female heads from the Diverse Kerbal Heads pack, altered to fit the new females. Pictured alongside a default kerbal. Awesome space/leisure suits sold separately. :cool:


I've been waiting for this since TR was updated! Thank you so much! :D

EDIT: Do the heads match up with the original pack names? I.e. "Head f1" = "f1m", etc?

Edited by Mitchz95
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I modified MrTheBull's Orange EVA Suit and klesh's Stockalike Space Suits so that they are easier to recognize in IVAs and when kerbals take their helmets off. Tried to keep it "stockalike" as possible.

Jeb, Bill, Bob, Val get orange suits, tourists get purple suits, recruits get white suits. Pilots get red striped helmets and red collars, scientists blue, engineers yellow.





This mostly comes form my frustration in trying to remember if Bill or Bob was the scientist. Also reduced the resolution on the textures to 256x256 from 1024x1024 because 15megs was a bit much just for suit textures, only takes up 2.75mb of memory. Not sure if anyone else will need this but here it is, includes texturereplacer config for automatically assigning the suits to the kerbals based on name or job:

Coloured Space Suits mediafire download link

Edited by veryinky
Updated link for latest version
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  Mitchz95 said:
I've been waiting for this since TR was updated! Thank you so much! :D

EDIT: Do the heads match up with the original pack names? I.e. "Head f1" = "f1m", etc?

I grabbed the pack, and the instructions are based on a folder structure that the archive does not have... AND you have to add

GenericKerbals {
femaleHeads = [I]filename filename filename[/I]

somewhere to get the textures to work correctly (IE girl faces on girl heads, boy faces on boy heads)

I also added a few more.


They are mediocre recolors and one edit giving a new hairstyle with "double sideburns" on BOTH sides of the face. (Purple hair directly inspired by Leela from Futurama)

Hotaru's are nice, but they eyelashes blow it for me. One sideways look in IVA and you'll see what I mean - I much prefer Val's circa 1960 liquid eyeliner look, and the textures Cosmic Farmer derived from Diverse Kerbal heads has nearly that same look.

Edited by tg626
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Hey Guys I need your help here.

The visor reflection seems to vary depending on the commandpod. Sometimes the helmet is disabled and sometimes the reflection on the helmet is different.

I made a testcraft and loaded it with kerbals to show you what I mean.

My KSP 1.0.2 is modded and from all the pods available only those ones have a helmet enabled after the craft is off the ground:

mk2 landercan, mk1 commandpod, mk1 landercan, mk1-2commandpod and the ppd12 cupola module


Now my question:

Where and what do I have to edit to select that? I would prefer to have the helmets disabled while the kerbal is inside a commandpod.

But I really would love a more detailed explanation about how texturereplacer works in this regard.

I searched the web and this forum but couldn't find a solution to this or maybe I couldn't reproduce it properly.

And the reflection on the main menu looks terrible too!


Maybe you are smarter than me and help me figure it out (^^)

Edited by million_lights
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