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I had a weird dream about ksp last night...


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In the dream, ksp was a lot more advanced and futuristic. The menu looked a lot like the starcraft 2 menu, with notifications about the in-game planets and stars across the top.

Also, the version was 0.83.1. Slightly strange considering that we're in 0.90.1 right now.

Surprisingly, the editor looked exactly the same, execept that there was this weird blue engine part with a ring around it that was an aclubierre drive, and several other strange ring parts that i'd assume were its fuel.

i remember flying to this other star system with this truly massive (but surprisingly dim) red giant star. it had surprisingly vivid surface detail, with coronas and bright spots and "waves" made of energy on it. Then i tried to land on this small red bumpy planet close to the star. the planet was kind of a cross between bop and the old 0.17 moho, and it had a really tilted eccentric orbit. Of course I crashed into it :P

the planet also had really good surface detail, even close up.

I might post some pictures showing you what it was like.

Wierd, huh?

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  KerBlam said:
This is when you know a game has really got a grip on you.

And that's when it's time to turn off the PC and head outside. You know, that door that people come through when they enter your house? Yeah, go through it. After a good nights sleep and a meal.

Talk about freaking unhealthy.

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Best game dreams I ever had were Fallout 3... I definitely OD'd hard on that game.

Yet to have Kerbal dreams, but I have to admit I've been sending myself to sleep thinking of mission designs and what I'd like to accomplish next... :|

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  xcorps said:
And that's when it's time to turn off the PC and head outside. You know, that door that people come through when they enter your house? Yeah, go through it. After a good nights sleep and a meal.

Meh. Outside has way too many bugs, the admins always try to take funds from you, and it also takes a long time to level up, 365 days. You also get one life...

I'd rather be playing Kerbal Space Program. That game is fun.

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A loooooooooooong time ago I had a dream I was in the "Station One" scenario and was onboard that spacecraft orbiting Duna. We landed on Duna, but wasn't able to get into orbit. Stranded, I simply sat inside looking out at the lifeless red horizon that night had fallen on.

Of course that's not nearly as weird as the dream I had where Bill and I hunted dragons in a dungeon (not kidding!). :P

Edited by Thomas988
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  xcorps said:
And that's when it's time to turn off the PC and head outside. You know, that door that people come through when they enter your house? Yeah, go through it. After a good nights sleep and a meal.

Talk about freaking unhealthy.

I tried going outside once. The gameplay wasn't bad, but the graphics were AWESOME!!

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I also had a ksp like dream. I watched the testflight of the first ftl capable ship constructed but it ripped itself appard in the atmosphere. we found shelter from the parts raining down on us but then some apemen atacked us.

The night before i had a creepy dr who dream where 'the silence' atacked earth and me and my friends were the only ones defending earth. this or i am a timelord and need to find my watch :D

Edited by Scrat
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Well I don't remember my dream from last night, but when I woke up I looked at my alarm clock (still half asleep) and said: K stands for Kerbal!

Luckily the GF wasn't fully awake as well! That would have been weird.

I played a lot of KSP yesterday evening...

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  T-Bouw said:
Well I don't remember my dream from last night, but when I woke up I looked at my alarm clock (still half asleep) and said: K stands for Kerbal!

I played a lot of KSP yesterday evening...

You should print and sell bumper stickers with that sentence.

Easy money.

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I'm a coder for living, play games at night, and I often drift off to sleep thinking about some KSP design problem.

Dreams often involve a combination database and spacecraft engineering in equal parts.

The other night I recall, I had to hurry up and finish a spaceship for one of my clients!

(yes as some said that's when KSP has you.)

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Write it down and wait 'till squad goes back on their decision to do .90 and starts the next update at .27 and then it gets up to .83.1 and you'll have some crazy insane Deja Vu. :3 Jk, :P I don't think Deja Vu is real(in the sense that you had a dream and it came true)

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I usually don't dream about video games (I hardly ever play them unless it's for video making purposes), but while I still played League of Legends it occasionally happened that I saw fragments of actual matches. That game kind of gets into your head, man.

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Thought this thread was weird a few days ago but I had a short dream about KSP this morning.

Landed Jeb on Eve and the graphics were way better than normal. There were glowing plants dotting the landscape and I walked over a small hill to find an iron bench sticking out of the purple soil. The seat was at a Kerbals sitting height, but the back curved upward on the right side pretty dramatically. I was going to search for more Victorian artifacts but then I woke up. Maybe I should visit Eve again.

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Not really a dream, but once I spent 16 hours straight playing a single game (Shining Force, back in those days), and after I shut things down I could clearly hear the game music, like it was a bit distant but right there. I actually went back to see who was playing, only to find the empty room. It was frightening.

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