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[1.4.1] Magico13's Modlets (Sensible Screenshot, Dated QuickSaves, etc.)


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  Corovaneer said:
Sensible screenshot reliably crashes my game after an hour or so of use.

I find that difficult to believe since it only does any work when you take screenshots, and all it does is rename some files (unless you also have conversion to JPG turned on, in which case it would need to use a bit of RAM and I could imagine it might not release the RAM properly). I'll entertain the idea if you supply logs and proof that it's Sensible Screenshot causing the crashes and not something else. If you're getting crashes, I'd ideally like to see the whole crash report, but just the logs will suffice.

I'd also like to see the settings you're using for Sensible Screenshot, a mod list, info about what OS you're on, and what you're doing during these sessions (ie, taking screenshots about every minute during a flight to the Mun). If during that hour you never take a screenshot, then I don't believe Sensible Screenshot is even related. If you're taking thousands of screenshots then I could believe it. If it happens when you take a screenshot under particular conditions (in flight, over the Munar Poles biome, with a particular craft) then I could definitely believe it then.

So far you haven't given me any info to work with, other than a claim that has a good chance of being related to something else. If you can reliably crash it, then the reproduction steps would be very helpful. As you can imagine, there are virtually limitless differences between any two KSP games (mods installed, missions being run, operating systems, KSP versions, game settings, etc) and often times bugs require a specific combination of things to go wrong.

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The other day Field Experience gave my Kerbals a couple levels, yet when I got beck to Kerbin they all went back to 1 star. Anyone else have that issue? KSP 1.0.4.

KSP Version: 1.0.4

Installed Modules: Ignore the far left column. (Taken from ckan.exe command line)

X Achievements 1.8.1

- ActsEW 1.5

- AdjustableLandingGear v1.2.0

- AGExt 1.33

- AlternateResourcePanel

- AmpYearPowerManager 1:V0.18

- AnimatedDecouplers-x86 1.1.4

- AstronomersPack-AtmosphericScattering Interstellar.V2

- AstronomersPack-Clouds-Low Interstellar.V2

- AstronomersPack-DistantObjectEnhancement Interstellar.V2

- AstronomersPack-Eve-Jool-Clouds-2K Interstellar.V2

- AstronomersPack-PlanetShine Interstellar.V2

- AstronomersPack-Sandstorms Interstellar.V2

- AstronomersPack-Snow Interstellar.V2

- AstronomersPack-SurfaceGlow Interstellar.V2

X AtmosphericSoundEnhancement 2.2

- AutoAsparagus v0.9.1

X AutoSmartParts alpha_0.0.4d

- B9AerospaceProceduralParts 0.40

X BahamutoDynamicsPartsPack v1.2.0

* BDAnimationModules v0.6.1

- BetterBuoyancy v1.3

X BoxSat A.02e

X CactEye2 BETA_5.2

- CapCom 1.1

X Chatterer 0.9.5

- ChopShop 0.7.2

- CoherentContracts 1.02

X CollisionFX 3.2

- ColorCodedCans 1.1.1

- CommunityResourcePack 0.4.2

- CommunityTechTree 2.1

- ConnectedLivingSpace

- ContractConfigurator 1.5.0

X ContractConfigurator-AdvancedProgression 4.5

- ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor 1.2.2

- ContractConfigurator-ContractPack-SCANsat v0.5.2.1

- ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.0.5

- ContractConfigurator-GrandTours 1:0.1.7

- ContractConfigurator-KerbinSideJobs 1.4

- ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2.2

- ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 1.1.4

- ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.1.5

- ContractConfigurator-UnmannedContracts 0.3.10

- ContractFilter 1.4

- ContractsWindowPlus 5.2

X CoolRockets 0.08

- Corvus125mTwoKerbalPod 1.1.1

X CrewPortraits 1.1

X CrewQueue ksp1.0_release1

- CriticalTemperatureGauge 1.0.4-a

- CrossFeedEnabler v3.3

- CrowdSourcedScience v3.0

- DFInterface autodetected dll

- DistantObject v1.5.6

- DiverseKerbalHeads 1.0

X DMagicOrbitalScience 1.0.4

X DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.2

- EditorExtensions 2.12

X ElectricalParts 1.6

- EngineLighting 1.3.6

- EnhancedNavBall

X EnhancedThermalData 0.1.1

- EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 7-4

- EVAManager 6

- ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads 5.2.0

X ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpadsExtendedPartPack 50

X FantomWorksKAXPartPack 0.3.1

X FASALaunchClamps 5.34

- FerramAerospaceResearch 1:v0.15.3.1

- FieldExperience 1.0.1

- FilterExtensions 2.3.0

- FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig 2.3.0

- FinalFrontier 0.8.6-1370

? Fingerboxes ksp1.0-beta1

X FingerboxesCore ksp1.0_release1

- Firespitter v7.1.4

- FirespitterCore v7.1.4

- FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.1.4

X FlagRotate 1.1.1

X FMRS 1.0.00

- FogOfTech 0.1

- ForScienceContinued 1.0.4

- FreedomTex 1.4

- FuelTanksPlus 0.11.1

- Fusebox 1.31

X HeatResistantSpaceplanePartsHRP 1.1

X HexTruss 0.3.1

- HGR-Props 1.3.0

- Historian 1.1.0

- HotRockets 1.0.4

- HotRocketsCommunityConfigs 7.25

- HotSpot 0.4.2

X HullcamVDS 0.40

- HyperEdit 1.4.1

- Impact v1.0.1

* InfernalRobotics v0.21.2

X InfernalRobotics-Sequencer 0.3

X IntakeBuildAid 0.6

- InterstellarFuelSwitch 1.14

- InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 1.14

X IR-Model-Rework-Core v01b

X IR-Model-Rework-Expansion v01b

X JDiminishingRTG 1.3a

X K2CommandPod 1.3.2

- KAS 0.5.2

- KDEX v1.04

X KeepFit

X KerbalAircraftExpansion v2.5.1.repackage0

- KerbalAlarmClock v3.4.0.0

- KerbalEngineerRedux

- KerbalFlightData R19

- KerbalFlightIndicators R10pre

- KerbalGPS

- KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1.4

- KerbalKonstructs 0.8.0_HOTFIX

- KerbalStats 2.0.0

- KerbinSide 1.0.2

- KerboKatzSmallUtilities-Afterburner 1.0.1

- KerboKatzSmallUtilities-AutoBalancingLandingLeg 1.0.0

- KerboKatzSmallUtilities-DisableTempGagues 1.0.0

- KerboKatzSmallUtilities-FillSpotsWithTourists 1.0.0

- KerboKatzSmallUtilities-FPSLimiter 1.1.2

- KerboKatzSmallUtilities-ModifiedExplosionPotential 1.0.1

- KerboKatzUtilities 1.2.10

- KIS 1.1.5

- KlockheedMartian-Gimbal

- Kopernicus 1:beta-01

- kOS 0.17.3

X KronalVesselViewer 0.0.4-1.0



X KSPX 0.2.9b

X KWRocketry 2.7

- LightsOut 0.1.4

- MechJeb2-dev

- MechJebFARExt 1.0.0

- MechJebForAll

- MenuStabilizer 1

X MiniAirbrakes 1.1

- MiniAVC autodetected dll

X MissionController2 1.21

- Mk2Expansion

X Mk3KISCargoContainers 1.0

X Mk3MiniExpansionPack V1.1.5

X MkerbIncScienceInstruments 0.6a

- ModularFlightIntegrator 1.0.repackaged0

- ModularRocketSystem 1.7.2

- ModuleAnimateEmissive v1.4

- ModuleManager 2.6.6

- ModuleRCSFX v4.1

- NavBallTextureExport 1.3

- NearFutureConstruction 0.5.4

X NearFutureElectrical-Core 0.5.1

X NearFutureProps 0.4.2

X NearFuturePropulsion 0.5.1

* NearFutureSolar 0.5.21

X NearFutureSpacecraft 0.4.2

X notes 0.10.1

X NovaPunch 2.09

- OuterPlanetsMod 1:1.7

X PAPIPluginContinued v0.4.4

X PartWizard 1.2.1

X PersistentRotation 0.5.3

X PlanetShine

X PortableScienceContainer 1.3.0

- PortraitStats 3.0

- PreciseNode 1.1.3

- ProceduralFairings v3.15

- ProceduralFairings-ForEverything v0.0.1

- ProceduralFairings-Textures-KSLO 0

- ProceduralFairings-Textures-KW 0

- ProceduralFairings-Textures-TJCCA 0

- ProceduralParts v1.1.6

- ProceduralParts-Textures-SCCKSCS 0

- Protractor v2.5.1

- QuickBrake v1.01

- QuickExit v1.31

- QuickGoTo v1.20

- QuickScroll v1.31

- QuickSearch v1.13

X RadialEngineMountsPPI v0.40

- RasterPropMonitor v0.20.0

- RasterPropMonitor-Core v0.20.0

X RCSBuildAid 0.7.2

X RCSSounds 4.3

- Re3 autodetected dll

X RealChute

- RecoverAll 1.2.1

- RemoteTech 1.6.7

- RosterManager autodetected dll

X RoutineMissionManager 012

X SAVE 1.0.1-672

- SCANsat v12.1

X ScienceAlert 1.8.7

- ScienceFunding 1.1.1

- ScienceRevisitedRevisited 1.3.0

- SelectRoot 2015-05-17

- SensibleScreenshot 1.1.0

- SeriousKerbalBusiness 1.6

- Service-Compartments-6S 1.3

- SETI-Contracts

- SETI-Greenhouse 0.9.2

- ShipManifest

X SimpleOrbitCalculator v1.4.0

- SmartParts 1.6.5

- SmartStage v2.6.2

- SmokeScreen 2.6.3

- SolverEngines v1.4

- SoundingRockets 0.2.1

- SpacetuxSA 0.3.6

- SpaceY-Lifters 0.17.4

- StageRecovery 1.5.6

- StationPartsExpansion 0.3.3

X StationScience 1.5

* StockalikeExpendableLaunchVehicles 1.1

- StockBugFixModules v1.0.2e.3

- StockClamshellFairings 1.0

- StockPlus v1.0.2e.3

- StripSymmetry v1.6

- surfacelights 1.0

- TACLS v0.11.1.20

- TACLS-Config-Stock v0.11.1.20

X TACLSMining 1

- TacSelfDestruct autodetected dll

- TakeCommand 1.1.4

X TestFlight

X TestFlightConfigStock

- TextureReplacer 2.4.6

- ThrottleControlledAvionics

- TMSTACLSRetexture 2.2.1

- ToadicusTools 15

- Toolbar 1.7.9

X Trajectories v1.3.0a

- TransferWindowPlanner v1.3.0.1

- TundraExploration 0.4.1

X TurboNisuReloaded 2015-05-06

- TweakableEverything 1.12

? TweakableEverythingExtras 1.12

- TweakScale v2.2.1

- UKS 0.31.4

- UniversalStorage

- USI-EXP 0.4.1

- USI-FTT 0.4.1

- USI-SRV 0.3.1

- USITools 0.4.1

X VesselView 0.71

- VNG-Parachute 1.2

- VNG-Plugin 0.7.2

- WaypointManager 2.3.4

- xScience 4.6

- ZeroPointInlineFairings 1.0.1

Edited by blnk2007
Listed installed mods
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  magico13 said:
I'm actually using it in a pretty realistic career mode by roleplaying a corporation that just buys parts that are developed by other people. Basically, I turned off science and turned on part purchases and just unlock nodes that the R&D center would allow me to based on level. I hate grinding out science so it's made the game much more fun for me :D

Well, I hate grinding too, so this could have it's uses.

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KSP freezes and crashes upon pressing F1 (once, not a quick succession) after some time in the game. I've become careful with F1 lately.

Taken a typical mission to Mun with 6 or 7 screenshots, the one on Kerbin reentry might crash it - so, between one and two hours in game.

Screenshot which causes crash is generated, named and converted to .jpg.

KSP-format crash dumps (dated folder) are not generated.

I am using stock screenshot supersampling 2.

OS is Win8 with 8gb ram, KSP is 32bit 1.04 non-steam, resolution is 1920x1080 fullscreen.

Taking screenshots without mod does not cause problems.

Modlist is here http://pastebin.com/uz8QbqK4

My guess is a spike in RAM consumption, or something related to RAM.

However I am surprised that a single mod dedicated to screenshots can cause a RAM spike big enough, compared to all the mods that are already installed.

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  blnk2007 said:
The other day Field Experience gave my Kerbals a couple levels, yet when I got beck to Kerbin they all went back to 1 star. Anyone else have that issue? KSP 1.0.4.

People have been reporting similar issues. I haven't gotten the time to take a look at it, but for some reason it seems to be adding more experience than it should sometimes. Since Field Experience doesn't write anything to the save file, the experience should reset to the proper values when recovered. When I get the chance, I'll take a look at it further.

  Corovaneer said:

Screenshot which causes crash is generated, named and converted to .jpg.

I am using stock screenshot supersampling 2.

My guess is a spike in RAM consumption, or something related to RAM.

However I am surprised that a single mod dedicated to screenshots can cause a RAM spike big enough, compared to all the mods that are already installed.

I have a feeling that the RAM from loading the screenshots to convert them isn't being freed properly. Coupled with the large file sizes from the super sampled screenshots, I can see how it might become an issue. I'll see what I can do and will have a new release for you to test shortly.

Thank you for the additional info! It was tremendously helpful.

Edit: I uploaded a new version. Let me know if you keep getting the crashes, but hopefully any RAM leaks are gone now. If you do get crashes still, turning off conversion to JPG should prevent them from happening (since Sensible Screenshot doesn't load any data then)

Edited by magico13
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  Corovaneer said:
I tested the new version - there may have been an improvement, but I had one crash on pressing F1 still. But the time in game definitely extended, even though I added few more mods.

In my testing it seemed like the RAM was going back to the level before, but each time you take a screenshot it requires up to 100 MB more RAM while processing. It's possible you're teetering on the edge of the RAM limit and the screenshot is pushing you over. If that's the case, the only things I can recommend would be either not supersampling, or not converting to JPG (or both) as both of those options will require more RAM. If you see another crash can you upload the output_log.txt file from the KSP_Data directory? I'm curious if it has anything logged in there that might provide more answers.

Are you running with OpenGL instead of the default DirectX (you would know if you are)? I wonder if that has any effect, since apparently textures are loaded into memory twice with DirectX9. If you're not running with OpenGL but are close to the RAM limit, it might save you a gig or more of RAM, which should alleviate any RAM related crashes you're getting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for Re3. Really helped after the heat update. And used it to add one part to my Mun science lander/rover that would make it a lot easier to land.

Just needed to fly it away from my Mun space station to be able to Alt+F6 it back from VAB (else it would go to the landing pad, but not back into space).

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  ArmEagle said:
Thank you for Re3. Really helped after the heat update. And used it to add one part to my Mun science lander/rover that would make it a lot easier to land.

Just needed to fly it away from my Mun space station to be able to Alt+F6 it back from VAB (else it would go to the landing pad, but not back into space).

I'm glad that it worked for you! It's a bit finicky, and I'm not sure I'll be able to fix that, but when it works it can be quite helpful for those "missing one part..." issues.

I released a new modlet called Dated QuickSaves!

It does what it sounds like. It adds the current in-game date and time to the quicksave filename so that you always know how far back you're going when you load the quicksave. It additionally serves to act as a backup so you can't accidentally overwrite a useful save (say, right before the deorbit burn) with a useless one (like, 10 meters above the ground and going 2 km/s). Currently it doesn't try to limit the number of saves it makes, so you'll want to manually clear it out every now and then.

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  5thHorseman said:
Random question, how does the game know which quicksave to load when you hit F9?

It's the only one named "quicksave.sfs". Now I need to confirm this for myself (by making a quicksave not named that) and seeing if it actually loads it. BRB.

Edit: Verified. Making a quicksave not named "quicksave.sfs" and then holding F9 just causes it to do nothing. Gives the following message in the log:

[Log]: No save file found for path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/../saves/qs_test/quicksave.sfs

Edited by magico13
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  5thHorseman said:
I must be misunderstanding. So "Dated QuickSaves" does NOT alter the name of the quicksave you create when you hit F5?

Correct. It just makes a copy of the file with the new name, leaving the original unaltered.

So you'd have "quicksave.sfs" and "quicksaveY1D5H3M21S46.sfs" in the save folder. When you press F5 again quicksave.sfs gets overwritten and a new quicksaveY1D5M22S14.sfs gets made (as an example) based on the new quicksave.sfs

Edited by magico13
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  magico13 said:
Correct. It just makes a copy of the file with the new name, leaving the original unaltered.

So you'd have "quicksave.sfs" and "quicksaveY1D5H3M21S46.sfs" in the save folder. When you press F5 again quicksave.sfs gets overwritten and a new quicksaveY1D5M22S14.sfs gets made (as an example) based on the new quicksave.sfs

Aha very cool. Best of both worlds.

...and another must-install mod :D

Quick idea, you mentioned you don't clear out old files, maybe allow a simple config to keep either X files or Y days worth of files, and delete the rest on load or exit? I plan on just adding it to my own personal log file clearing list so it's not going to really affect me, but it seems like it'd be nice to have.

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  5thHorseman said:

Quick idea, you mentioned you don't clear out old files, maybe allow a simple config to keep either X files or Y days worth of files, and delete the rest on load or exit? I plan on just adding it to my own personal log file clearing list so it's not going to really affect me, but it seems like it'd be nice to have.

That's the next thing I plan on adding to it, but this first version was literally "what can I come up with in about an hour?". I haven't decided yet on setting a limit on the number of files, the total file size in use (so set it to not take up more than 20 MB for save files), or the length of time (remove all saves that are 200 (in-game) days old or older). Probably all three will be options, perhaps even together, so you can have 10 saves, unless they start to take up more than 20 MB of storage space or are a year old. Probably should also allow a minimum number of saves to keep, so if it's below, say, 5 saves then don't delete any.

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In regard to dated quicksaves, it's a really cool mod!

I might be different, but I keep track of time also using real-world time. I think it would be pretty cool to be able to know, or have an option for what system time the save was made at.

Can't wait for it to be up on CKAN!

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  Pink Munn said:
In regard to dated quicksaves, it's a really cool mod!

I might be different, but I keep track of time also using real-world time. I think it would be pretty cool to be able to know, or have an option for what system time the save was made at.

Can't wait for it to be up on CKAN!

When I eventually add a config file I'll let you choose between Real Life time and KSP time, for those who would rather track it that way :)

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  magico13 said:
I released a new modlet called Dated QuickSaves!

Another must-have!

I will never understand how someone could even consider NOT having timestamps on things like save files, or screenshots was a good idea...

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  magico13 said:
People have been reporting similar issues. I haven't gotten the time to take a look at it, but for some reason it seems to be adding more experience than it should sometimes. Since Field Experience doesn't write anything to the save file, the experience should reset to the proper values when recovered. When I get the chance, I'll take a look at it further.

Just to say I've also hit this issue; is there a bug-tracker? And where is the source code? (Nvm; it's in the KerbalStuff download. Unfortunately not in the CKAN download! extracted GameData folder, hence I didn't find it straightaway. For clarification; it is in the CKAN-downloaded package as well, it just isn't extracted.)

Having had a quick look at the code, it will constantly add to the Kerbal experience level on every Scene change if they have gained some experience during the current flight, which matches what I saw in the log file.

crew.experience += KerbalRoster.CalculateExperience(crew.flightLog);
crew.experienceLevel = KerbalRoster.CalculateExperienceLevel(crew.experience);

Bill Kerman - EXP: 5 LVL: 1

Siglyn Kerman - EXP: 2 LVL: 1

Elike Kerman - EXP: 2 LVL: 1


Bill Kerman - EXP: 7 LVL: 1

Siglyn Kerman - EXP: 4 LVL: 1

Elike Kerman - EXP: 4 LVL: 1


Bill Kerman - EXP: 9 LVL: 2

Siglyn Kerman - EXP: 6 LVL: 1

Elike Kerman - EXP: 6 LVL: 1



Bill Kerman - EXP: 21 LVL: 3

Siglyn Kerman - EXP: 18 LVL: 3

Elike Kerman - EXP: 18 LVL: 3


Bill Kerman - EXP: 23 LVL: 3

Siglyn Kerman - EXP: 20 LVL: 3

Elike Kerman - EXP: 20 LVL: 3


Bill Kerman - EXP: 7 LVL: 1

Siglyn Kerman - EXP: 4 LVL: 1

Elike Kerman - EXP: 4 LVL: 1

Edited by micha
Clarified CKAN download vs extracted files
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  micha said:
Just to say I've also hit this issue; is there a bug-tracker? And where is the source code? (Nvm; it's in the KerbalStuff download. Unfortunately not in the CKAN download!)

Having had a quick look at the code, it will constantly add to the Kerbal experience level on every Scene change if they have gained some experience during the current flight, which matches what I saw in the log file.

I was afraid that code would cause that issue, and it was my primary suspect. I've got other, larger, mods that take priority for dev time, so I hadn't taken the time to sort this out yet. There is no bug tracker, just this thread. Without that code, though, the Kerbals get only the experience from the current flight (so they lose all previous levels). I need to find a way to get it to work in one situation, but not in the other.

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  micha said:
And where is the source code? (Nvm; it's in the KerbalStuff download. Unfortunately not in the CKAN download!)

Just to clear that up, since people seem to attribute ckan with the wildest unfeatures: the source is in "the ckan download", just as it is in "the regular download", as ckan has to fetch its archive from the very same source you get it from if you download it manually. Both are exactly identical, only ckan boldly prepends the name with a hash of the source URL, so the file name may look different... just as it does when I download it manually and prepend the host address or date of download for simple archiving. Heck, people write mods to add vital information to featureless filenames, can you believe it... :D

$ wget -O downloads/mods/1.0/KerbalStuff-Field_Experience-1.0.1.zip https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/505/Field%20Experience/download/1.0.1
- ‘downloads/mods/1.0/KerbalStuff-Field_Experience-1.0.1.zip’ saved [11765/11765]

$ md5sum ckan/downloads/6C8F4E65-FieldExperience-1.0.1.zip downloads/mods/1.0/KerbalStuff-Field_Experience-1.0.1.zip
5c1eeff418f86df2b9ad798836688fba ckan/downloads/6C8F4E65-FieldExperience-1.0.1.zip
5c1eeff418f86df2b9ad798836688fba downloads/mods/1.0/KerbalStuff-Field_Experience-1.0.1.zip

$ unzip -l 6C8F4E65-FieldExperience-1.0.1.zip
Archive: 6C8F4E65-FieldExperience-1.0.1.zip
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 03-31-2015 22:12 GameData/
0 03-31-2015 22:12 GameData/FieldExperience/
[B] 2044 03-31-2015 22:13 GameData/FieldExperience/FieldExperience.cs[/B]
5632 03-31-2015 22:13 GameData/FieldExperience/FieldExperience.dll
22076 03-31-2015 22:12 GameData/FieldExperience/license.txt
--------- -------
29752 5 files

Edith, the fourth:

Oh, I see... ckan does not unpack the source file, since it has been told it is of no use to KSP; it does of course not know that you are one of the select few interested in reading the source code ;)

Edited by Corax
no black ckan magic, string hash! Also, more sums ;) And a URL.
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Would it be possible to add an automatic mode, so that it would automatically do a screenshot every x seconds. Ideally, this would be toggled by a keystroke.

Personally, I'm not too worried over disk space, I have a terabyte of empty disk to play with.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  Corax said:

Oh, I see... ckan does not unpack the source file, since it has been told it is of no use to KSP; it does of course not know that you are one of the select few interested in reading the source code ;)

If you look at the metadata they've got for FieldExperience, it explicitly filters out the source code (for some reason), so you have to get it separately if you download through CKAN.

"install": [
"file": "GameData/FieldExperience",
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter": [

  linuxgurugamer said:
Would it be possible to add an automatic mode, so that it would automatically do a screenshot every x seconds. Ideally, this would be toggled by a keystroke.

Personally, I'm not too worried over disk space, I have a terabyte of empty disk to play with.

Not really doable as part of SensibleScreenshot without basically writing a totally new mod, but probably doable as a separate modlet. I should make a "suggested modlets" section in the OP to A) remind me of what people suggest, and B) encourage people to let me know if there's interest in it.

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  magico13 said:
I was afraid that code would cause that issue, and it was my primary suspect. I've got other, larger, mods that take priority for dev time, so I hadn't taken the time to sort this out yet. There is no bug tracker, just this thread. Without that code, though, the Kerbals get only the experience from the current flight (so they lose all previous levels). I need to find a way to get it to work in one situation, but not in the other.

This code seems to work ok (quick set of tests), although there's still oddities. Perhaps if one switches between scenes too quickly the system gets confused?

[FONT=Monospace] [COLOR=#009695]float[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]experience[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333];[/COLOR]

EXP - current Kerbal experience, CEXP - experience + current flight, LVL - new Kerbal level

Flight1 (Jeb in orbit around Kerbin):

Jebediah Kerman - EXP: 0 CEXP: 0 LVL: 0

Jebediah Kerman - EXP: 0 CEXP: 2 LVL: 1

-> On recovery, Jeb got +2 XP and levelled up

Flight2 (Jeb & Bill planted flag on launchpad):

Jebediah Kerman - EXP: 2 CEXP: 2 LVL: 1

Bill Kerman - EXP: 0 CEXP: 0 LVL: 0

Jebediah Kerman - EXP: 2 CEXP: 3 LVL: 1

Bill Kerman - EXP: 0 CEXP: 1 LVL: 0

-> On recovery, Jeb got 0 XP; Bill got 1 XP <- was expecting Jeb to get +1 XP

Flight3 (Jeb orbited Mun & returned to Kerbin):

Jebediah Kerman - EXP: 2 CEXP: 4 LVL: 1 <- was expecting CEXP to start at 2 here

Jebediah Kerman - EXP: 2 CEXP: 6 LVL: 1

Jebediah Kerman - EXP: 2 CEXP: 7 LVL: 1

-> On recovery, Jeb got +3 XP.

Flight 4 (Jeb & Bob just sat in a capsule on launchpad):

Jebediah Kerman - EXP: 5 CEXP: 5 LVL: 1

Bob Kerman - EXP: 0 CEXP: 0 LVL: 0

-> On recovery, Jeb got 0 XP; Bob got 0 XP

Edited by micha
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