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[1.9-1.10] Throttle Controlled Avionics


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Wanted to revive this very useful thread with a question. Does anyone no how to “add” engines to TCA? The Airplane Parts helicopter engine are not compatible with TCA. Possibly adding or changing something in the part files could be a start?  This mod seems perfect for them. Any help is appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/2/2020 at 6:03 PM, Tokamak said:

I'm still trying to get MechJeb and TCA to play nicely with each other, and still having a few issues. Or rather, one issue. I don't know if there is workaround, or if this would have to be added, or if I'm just doing something wrong. TCA is an awesome enough mod (Thank you!) that I'm willing to get fiddly if needed.

TCA prevents MechJeb from changing the craft's orientation. Most of the time I can solve this by turning off all of the navigation options (Level, Stop, Anchor, etc) and turning off "Stabilizer" and "VTOL Assist" in "Advanced Settings" does the trick, but sometimes MechJeb just rotate the craft. I know it's TCA because disabling TCA instantly fixes the problem. But in some instances TCA still totally prevents other mods from rotating the craft, even with all of those functions disabled..

What I'm trying to accomplish is some way to have TCA _only_ balance engine thrust and gimbaling and not craft orientation. Is this possible? I figure I might be missing something, or there might be some technical reason why this isn't feasible.

(Additionally, I just checked and it also interferes with RemoteTech's Flight Computer, meaning I can't use TCA if I want to do a burn on an unbalanced craft with a non-negligible time delay.)


The short version is: Can I tell TCA to *totally* let other mods manage actual rotation, and have TCA only deal with balancing thrust. At which job it is *amazing*.


Completely skippable aside:

Just because someone is likely to ask, the reason why I use MechJeb even though TCA has some functionality overlap is that TCA's advanced functions like landing seem to work very well on VTOL aircraft, but appear to be really not optimized for my use-cases. An example being that its landing function does nice careful soft landings like you'd want for a VTOL aircraft, that drink up fuel like crazy with rockets, but usually I need a fuel-efficient hoverslam/suicide burn, which seems not to be what TCA was designed for. Hence using MechJeb.

TCA is *AMAZING* at balancing an unbalanced craft. It's also good with functions like hovering, slow gentle landings, and other things that drink up rocket fuel like crazy but are great with jets, or when you have a lot of extra fuel.



Did you ever figure this out? 

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The KAX Expansion mod has a helicopter engine that works with TCA but that is the only helicopter engine that works with it. Thankfully that engine works with Tweakscale so building bigger helicopters is possible. Still waiting on an answer about the Airplanes Plus engines. Maybe I should post this in that thread too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I have no idea how to use this for VTOL flight, could a pro watch me on stream via discord and voice chat guide me through what i'm doing wrong and what i'm supposed to be doing ? 

EDIT : Figured it out with the help of someone. :3

Edited by Nirahiel
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I noticed several typos in the mod, for now I have this one to report : "Unable to find suitale place for landing."
I think there are more, will post again when I find more, unless there is no answer yet, in which case i'll edit this post instead.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Conclusively broken in 1.12, or at least with Bluedog Design Bureau. Here's the pertinent log portion, I can upload the full log if necessary - but it completely breaks during loading and just does not start at all.

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  On 7/22/2021 at 6:19 AM, jediKatana said:

Conclusively broken in 1.12, or at least with Bluedog Design Bureau. Here's the pertinent log portion, I can upload the full log if necessary - but it completely breaks during loading and just does not start at all.


Starts and works in 1.12.1 along with 100+ other mods (but no BDB).  Must be specific BDB problem.

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  On 7/22/2021 at 8:28 AM, M443556 said:

Starts and works in 1.12.1 along with 100+ other mods (but no BDB).  Must be specific BDB problem.


Removed BDB, issue arises with KAS.

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Removed KAS, KerbinRover throws an issue.

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Removed KerbinRover, issue emerges with MechJeb.

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Removed MechJeb, breaks on Modular Rocket Systems.

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Removed Modular Rocket Systems, breaks on Near Future Construction (extraneous bits afterwards snipped).

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Removed all Near Future mods, as well as SSPE and DSEV. Continuing to troubleshoot now. The rabbit hole runs deep, or maybe I just have too many mods, as usual.

EDIT: Breaks on SpaceY. Removed SpaceY, breaks on VANILLA PARTS. Log indicates issues with Cryogenic Engines, so removed.

EDIT 2: Breaks on actual vanilla. See spoiler:

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Problem appears to be KSP Recall, removing which breaks TweakScale, which I consider a personal necessity. Nonetheless, tested without KSP Recall and associated mods - no dice. The final log file has two relevant exceptions, which are listed here:

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That's it. I think I found the issue. Trying with zero mods now, though.

update: TCA runs, but only with exactly zero other mods than itself, and I do not currently have the time to troubleshoot that exception further. Will probably come back to this.

Update 2: TCA loads fine with Bluedog and a smattering of other mods (somehow?). Now debugging to see what causes the problem as I add mods back on.

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@jediKatana, out of this list I use at least: MechJeb2, Near Future Construction &  KSP Recall. Can't say TCA works perfectly with all my mods, strange things happen very often, like NullReff when TCA tries to activate very simple single mode turboprop engine, or uncontrollably gaining altitude on reaching waypoint... But it at least starts and drives vehicles.

Also, it seems new version ( of KSP Recall is out with some "broken sanity checks" fixed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 8/15/2021 at 12:44 PM, Crimor said:

Also, is there a way to set it up so it will be able to use propeller engines/rotors? 


There are 2 very different types of rotors\fans in KSP (and mods). First are like any other engines - just applying force to vessel, and those work fine with TCA. Second ones are actually wings mounted on a motor and require aerodynamic force simulation to work, TCA can't control them because they're not really engines and TCA can't "predict" how their thrust depend on throttle.

P.S.: There are also "normal engines" that have a very big lag on how thrust respond to throttle - TCA (and other autopilots afaik) can have some problems driving those.

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  On 8/16/2021 at 10:07 AM, M443556 said:

P.S.: There are also "normal engines" that have a very big lag on how thrust respond to throttle - TCA (and other autopilots afaik) can have some problems driving those.


^^This. It is hard to make proper PID parameters for engines, you will need to adjust those in different way than it is shiped with default TCA settings. That being said, sorry, I no longer recall where to adjust this.

However, electric props from KAX, for example, are quite responsive with throttle and TCA can works fine with them. There is limited usage with them due to low TWR and high battery consuption, so you need to be creative with craft design to make something useful, to collect some science for example and balance out with battery/solar panel weight, flight time and payload capacity.  Can be a fun with different craft designs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a vtol plane that is unflyable without this mod.  I've used it in the past and it worked brilliantly.

However, I've come back to ksp after some time away, and now .. well, something has changed(?).. maybe?  Or maybe I'm an idiot and have misconfigured it.

I set the plane to Hover and set the altitude to a couple of hundred meters above the ground.  VTOL Assist is on, Smart engines is off.  I activate the vtol engines, they rev up and the plane begins to rise.  It gets to about 30m above ground, then inexplicably loses thrust and lands hard.

Any clues greatly appreciated!

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  On 9/9/2021 at 1:02 PM, Caerfinon said:

Do you get any TCA warnings ... ?


No, no warnings from TCA.  Nothing in the ksp debug console.  it just gets up to about 30 meters or so (it's slightly different every time) and then just drops back down to the ground.

I'll post a video of it as soon as I get a chance, today or tomorrow.

EDIT: no video, see below.

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So, instead of a video, I decided to bite the bullet and do what I should have done from the beginning: identify possible mod conflicts.  It's tedious and boring and I was admittedly being lazy, hoping someone here would already know the answer - "oh, yeah, I had that happen, too, and it's this that's causing it."  Mea culpa.

The culprit is Persistent Thrust v1.7.5.  Remove that and TCA works as expected, i.e. rather brilliantly.

Sorry for the fuss.

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FYI, in my testing, I did notice something that had escaped my attention until now. 

In vtol mode, the Hover widget ignores how you have the altimeter set (ASL or AGL).   Prior to take off, and throughout your first flight, the Hover widget uses height above sea level (ASL).  As soon as you land, it switches to height above ground (AGL), and remains that way for all subsequent flights with the same vessel (even after switching to another vessel and back, or VAB and back).  

Not a showstopper, just a (very) minor annoyance.

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  • 1 month later...

Wonder if other also got bugged engine attachment with TCA installed. One person on discord reported that it immediately deattach when he trying to attach ("bouncing" as he described). While I am trying to symmetry install engines, I also got bouncing, but I click fast enough that both engines got attached on appearance but staging only register one of the engine. It is not ksp-version specific since I have this bug long ago, but I always lazy or forgot to report it that I already uninstall it and the related log long gone, plus the reproduction method is unknown since it is only happen after revert for some times.

Edited by ssd21345
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  • 2 months later...

Invaluable mod, but is there any way to control the roll orientation when using the launch-to-orbit autopilot for TCA? Other autopilots really struggle with balancing complex shuttle/Buran style launchers, but those also are often very sensitive to the roll orientation of the craft during launch, but I'm not seeing an option for it anywhere in TCA.

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