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[1.4.1] Fuel Tanks Plus 2.0.2 (2018-03-14)


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On 5/22/2020 at 6:49 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Hi all,

I have a working patch for this to avoid the crash with radial tanks and IFS.  Anybody interested?

I also have it working with the B9 Part Switch mod for texture switching 

Just noticed this, would be very interesting to see

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On 5/28/2020 at 11:06 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

What balance issues?

1. Oscar-size tanks hold slightly too much fuel. Compare them to ReStock+ which is known to be well-balanced. Also, as I mentioned, with RS+ the mods overlap quite a few tanks. Not only Oscars but also pancake-sized tanks of all sizes.

Remember - in KSP the tanks themselves weigh 11.(1)%, and the fuel weighs 88.(8)% for most tanks. This may be different with donut, spherical, baguette etc. tanks. Cube tanks have struts or something, so they could be slightly worse than donuts etc.

2. Liquid Fuel-only tanks from FTP hold 200% of the fuel they should be holding with stock balance. They shouldn't hold more than what a stock tank would - not 2 times as much, as it is in FTP.

The reason is, as I mentioned in my previous post, because internal realism in KSP makes fuel for atomic engines "take up twice the space" as normal liquid fuel would. This is intentional. IRL, cryogenic fuel takes 10 times as much space. See - Space Shuttle's orange tank.

3. Yellow satellite tanks are overpowered (cubes and the 'triangular cube') (they couldn't realistically hold that much fuel for their sizes)

By the way, it's a shame FTP has color-coded tanks even without Color-Coded Canisters installed. But that's a minor thing.

Edited by Krzeszny
11.(1)% not 10%
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On 5/31/2020 at 11:04 AM, Krzeszny said:

By the way, it's a shame FTP has color-coded tanks even without Color-Coded Canisters installed. But that's a minor thing.

How is this a thing?  Are you saying the color-coding shouldn't be there at all without ANOTHER mod providing it?

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@Krzeszny @TranceaddicT and anyone else who wants to use this mod in 1.9:

I've created a set of patches to fix the problems in the mod.

Problems include:

  • 3 parts had incorrect bulkheadProfiles
  • Radial tanks would crash KSP
  • Fuel amounts have been all adjusted

Note:  I haven't yet gotten around to updating the tank masses, that will be next, I'd like you all to try these out and let me know how it goes:



# FuelTanksPlus


Some of the parts (see below) use some Squad textures.  Unfortunately, Squad has been deprecating textures over time, some of the textures it uses have been moved into the zDeprecated directory, and are not directly accessible during loading.  This causes some textures to be missing.

To address this, I've provided a pair of scripts, one to be used on Windows and the other to be used on both Linux & OSX.  These only need to be run one time

First, copy all the files in this Zip into the FuelTanksPlus directory

Windows Instructions
Open the FuelTankPlus folder folder in Windows Explorer
Double-click on the file Windows_CopyTextures.bat (note that on most systems,
you won't see the .bat)

Linux & OSX Desktop Instructions
Open the FuelTanksPlus folder 
Double-click on the file:  BashCopyTextures.sh

Linux & OSX Terminal Instructions
Change to the GameData/SXT directory
Type the following:
    bash BashCopyTextures.sh

Affected Parts


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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FYI, the fuelPatch.cfg file starts off with your template.


		%amount = LiquidFuel
		%amount = PartName,LiquidFuel,Oxidizer

Imma just assume that wasn't meant to be used for some other part and delete it.

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3 hours ago, TranceaddicT said:

Also, the fuelPatch.cfg doesn't have the patch ordering present.

	%bulkheadProfiles = size1

I'm gonna assume you mean BEFORE[FuelTanksPlus] as with the the other configs provided.


Not needed for this patch,  it's generally a good idea to not add in things to code, configs, etc. which are meaningless and/or not needed


10 hours ago, TranceaddicT said:

FYI, the fuelPatch.cfg file starts off with your template.


		%amount = LiquidFuel
		%amount = PartName,LiquidFuel,Oxidizer

Imma just assume that wasn't meant to be used for some other part and delete it.

Leftover, doesn't hurt to leave it, but I will delete it.

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16 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Not needed for this patch,  it's generally a good idea to not add in things to code, configs, etc. which are meaningless and/or not needed

Okay, well, I did it because MM is throwing warnings because of it.

[WRN 21:10:43.585] 3 warnings related to GameData/FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles.cfg

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On 6/4/2020 at 6:50 PM, TranceaddicT said:

How is this a thing?  Are you saying the color-coding shouldn't be there at all without ANOTHER mod providing it?

FTP tanks are color-coded like in the mod Color Coded Canisters. If you install CCC, it adds color-coding to vanilla tanks. But without it installed, FTP tanks don't look very good because vanilla tanks aren't color-coded.

I assume that FTP props are color-coded because NecroBones always uses Color Coded Canisters and he forgot to remove it.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone had success making this work with 1.10.X? I finally got some other mods I love that have updated to 1.10 and wanted to make that leap, but I have really come to love this mod and don't want to give up its functionality.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

The dry masses of these tanks are completely broken. So are wet masses. Empty FTP tanks used with cryogenic fuel (LH2/Ox as well as LH2 without oxidizer) weigh 0 kilograms! Not only that, but with LF/Ox the dry masses are also off, making bigger tanks weigh less than smaller tanks.

Info: the stock dry mass of any LF/Ox tank (probably any) is 11,(1)% but it's sometimes rounded. (The "(1)" means "111111111" etc.)  In the meanwhile, the dry masses of cryogenic tanks should be around 12,138% according to stock and NFLV tanks. Fun fact: 12,5% for Mk3, Mk2 and Mk1 (both liquid and mixed), 11% for Mk1 and 9% for Mk0.


2.5 m tanks: FTP's added Rockomax tanks all have the same dry weight.
The stock FX-32 tank weighs 2t while the smaller FTP FX-48 tank weighs 1.666t. A bigger tank weighs less!
The 1.5x Jumbo and 2x Jumbo tanks weigh less than a Jumbo tank - also 1.666 t. This means the dry mass of the biggest tank is 2.5% instead of 11%. This is broken.

1.25 m tanks: FTP's 1.5x FL-T800 (called FL-TC00 which should be called FL-T1200) has 3.19% dry mass and weighs less than the FL-T400 which is 3 times smaller.

0.625 tanks: also around 5% dry mass or less.

3.75 m tanks: same as 2.5 m. Bigger-than-Jumbo tanks weigh less than the 3.75 Jumbo tank.

@linuxgurugamer Can I help you to make a patch for the rest of the tanks? Looks like not only the CubeSat tanks were broken.

Edited by Krzeszny
linuxgurugamer's patch broke the dry masses (and the default fuel levels)
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On 7/23/2020 at 3:58 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

I had a mistake in the previous set of patches, a script had some values transposed and the fuelPatch.cfg was nonsense.

This is a corrected version:


Please let me know how it goes.  I updated the original post with the new link


Are you sure it's the corrected version? In my last post I wrote that FTP tanks had broken mass values. Well, it turns out that they were mostly fine, but it's your patch that breaks the mass values for tanks such as the 2.5m extra-large ones - all the huge 2.5 tanks have 1.667t dry mass, and it makes LH2 tanks weigh 0.

Also, most   but not all of the FTP tanks spawned with your patch installed aren't full of fuel by default (if you go through the parts list, look for ones with a value and (max: X) in the description.) The  tanks seen in the screenshot  are partially empty by default:





Here's a spreadsheet  that shows the dry mass ratios and fuel mass ratios for the non-patched FTP tanks and stock tanks   and the suggested changes:


Conclusion: Only 7 FTP tanks are somewhat unbalanced or have unrealistic volumes  (although not by very much): 

  • Oscar-Cap (too large volume)
  • Oscar-C (too heavy)
  • FL-T50 (too heavy)
  • FL-T100-FTP Dome (too large volume)
  • Rockomax FTP-8 Dome (slightly too large volume)
  • S3-12000-FTP Dome (too little volume)
  • S3-2400-FTP Nose Cone (too little volume)

It's not as bad as I thought it was (I had thought all FTP Oscar-size tanks were OP  before I realized it was because of  ReStock+ which balances the Oscar tanks) The v3 patch unbalances some of the tanks way more than the problems listed above.

Since the Oscar tanks are incompatible with ReStock+'s 0.625  tanks  rebalance, I suggest making it so that   the extra 0.625 FTP tanks are hidden if MM detects that ReStock+ is installed.

Edited by Krzeszny
Spreadsheet added, ReStock+ 0.625 suggestion, 7 problems, formatting errors
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  • 2 months later...

@linuxgurugamer, FTP with Patches v3 seems to work fine in KSP 1.11.  I haven't dug into the resource balancing discussion, but did confirm on some of the the big tanks that propellants were scaling properly with length, to correspond with their Stock counterparts.  Any updates on revised tanks masses or adopting the mod outright?  Thanks for doing CPR on this one.

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On 7/22/2020 at 9:58 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I had a mistake in the previous set of patches, a script had some values transposed and the fuelPatch.cfg was nonsense.

This is a corrected version:


Please let me know how it goes.  I updated the original post with the new link


I spoke too soon about the patch.  I tried out FTP Patches v3 from the 4 Jun post and I got three warnings pop up in MM.  I've saved the logs with and without the patch implemented, but here are some excerpts (WRN flags highlighted):


Mods added by assemblies:

[LOG 18:59:54.812] Loading Physics.cfg
[LOG 18:59:54.816] Extracting patches
[WRN 18:59:54.830] trailing : detected
[WRN 18:59:54.831] trailing : detected
[WRN 18:59:54.831] trailing : detected

[LOG 18:59:54.836] Deleting root node in file FuelTanksPlus/Patch-1.9.1 node: @PART[TPtankR??]:NEEDS[Firespitter|InterstellarFuelSwitch&!CryoTanks&!ModularFuelTanks&!RealFuels]:FINAL as it can't satisfy its NEEDS

There's a whole lot of variations on this last line for a while, then the last WRN flag is here, after last of updates applied...

[LOG 18:59:55.150] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/Patches/FuelTanksPlus_FuelSwitch/@PART[TPtank*|TPdome*|TPcone*]:FOR[zFuelTanksPlus] to FuelTanksPlus/Size3/TPtank3mL15000.cfg/PART[TPtank3mL15000]
[LOG 18:59:55.153] :AFTER[ZFUELTANKSPLUS] pass
[LOG 18:59:55.154] :FINAL pass
[LOG 18:59:55.155] Done patching
[WRN 18:59:55.155] 3 warnings related to GameData/FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles.cfg
[LOG 18:59:55.155] Saving Cache
[LOG 18:59:55.344] Saving cache
[LOG 18:59:55.788] ModuleManager: 500 patches applied, found <color=yellow>3 warnings</color>

[LOG 18:59:55.788] Ran in 1.611s
[LOG 18:59:55.828] Done!

EDIT: Here's where FixBulkheadProfiles pops up (highlighted)...


AssetLoader: Finished loading. 190 bundle definitions loaded.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Compiling Configs:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Config(@PART[TPcone1m1]:) FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPcone1m1]:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Config(@PART[TPcone1m2]:) FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPcone1m2]:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Config(@PART[TPtank1m0mA]:) FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPtank1m0mA]:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Config(@PART[TPtankCube050]:BEFORE[FuelTanksPlus]) FuelTanksPlus/fuelPatch/@PART[TPtankCube050]:BEFORE[FuelTanksPlus]

and lastly here...

[LOG 18:59:54.935] Applying patches
[LOG 18:59:54.937] :INSERT (initial) pass
[LOG 18:59:55.019] :FIRST pass
[LOG 18:59:55.019] :LEGACY (default) pass
[LOG 18:59:55.023] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPcone1m1]: to FuelTanksPlus/Size1/TPcone1m1.cfg/PART[TPcone1m1]
[LOG 18:59:55.032] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPcone1m2]: to FuelTanksPlus/Size1/TPcone1m2.cfg/PART[TPcone1m2]
[LOG 18:59:55.033] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPtank1m0mA]: to FuelTanksPlus/Size1/TPtank1m0mA.cfg/PART[TPtank1m0mA]

[LOG 18:59:55.033] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/Patch-1.9.1/@PART[*]:NEEDS[FuelTanksPlus] to FuelTanksPlus/Probe/TPtankCube00500.cfg/PART[TPtankCube050]

I'm running without the patch now and, so far, nothing has crashed the game.  But I'll need to keep the warnings out so I can distinguish new problems as I on press on with mod validation in 1.11.

Edited by KSPrynk
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On 12/22/2020 at 1:26 AM, KSPrynk said:

I spoke too soon about the patch.  I tried out FTP Patches v3 from the 4 Jun post and I got three warnings pop up in MM.  I've saved the logs with and without the patch implemented, but here are some excerpts (WRN flags highlighted):

  Reveal hidden contents

Mods added by assemblies:

[LOG 18:59:54.812] Loading Physics.cfg
[LOG 18:59:54.816] Extracting patches
[WRN 18:59:54.830] trailing : detected
[WRN 18:59:54.831] trailing : detected
[WRN 18:59:54.831] trailing : detected

[LOG 18:59:54.836] Deleting root node in file FuelTanksPlus/Patch-1.9.1 node: @PART[TPtankR??]:NEEDS[Firespitter|InterstellarFuelSwitch&!CryoTanks&!ModularFuelTanks&!RealFuels]:FINAL as it can't satisfy its NEEDS

There's a whole lot of variations on this last line for a while, then the last WRN flag is here, after last of updates applied...

[LOG 18:59:55.150] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/Patches/FuelTanksPlus_FuelSwitch/@PART[TPtank*|TPdome*|TPcone*]:FOR[zFuelTanksPlus] to FuelTanksPlus/Size3/TPtank3mL15000.cfg/PART[TPtank3mL15000]
[LOG 18:59:55.153] :AFTER[ZFUELTANKSPLUS] pass
[LOG 18:59:55.154] :FINAL pass
[LOG 18:59:55.155] Done patching
[WRN 18:59:55.155] 3 warnings related to GameData/FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles.cfg
[LOG 18:59:55.155] Saving Cache
[LOG 18:59:55.344] Saving cache
[LOG 18:59:55.788] ModuleManager: 500 patches applied, found <color=yellow>3 warnings</color>

[LOG 18:59:55.788] Ran in 1.611s
[LOG 18:59:55.828] Done!

EDIT: Here's where FixBulkheadProfiles pops up (highlighted)...

  Reveal hidden contents

AssetLoader: Finished loading. 190 bundle definitions loaded.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Compiling Configs:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Config(@PART[TPcone1m1]:) FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPcone1m1]:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Config(@PART[TPcone1m2]:) FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPcone1m2]:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Config(@PART[TPtank1m0mA]:) FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPtank1m0mA]:
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Config(@PART[TPtankCube050]:BEFORE[FuelTanksPlus]) FuelTanksPlus/fuelPatch/@PART[TPtankCube050]:BEFORE[FuelTanksPlus]

and lastly here...

[LOG 18:59:54.935] Applying patches
[LOG 18:59:54.937] :INSERT (initial) pass
[LOG 18:59:55.019] :FIRST pass
[LOG 18:59:55.019] :LEGACY (default) pass
[LOG 18:59:55.023] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPcone1m1]: to FuelTanksPlus/Size1/TPcone1m1.cfg/PART[TPcone1m1]
[LOG 18:59:55.032] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPcone1m2]: to FuelTanksPlus/Size1/TPcone1m2.cfg/PART[TPcone1m2]
[LOG 18:59:55.033] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/FixBulkheadProfiles/@PART[TPtank1m0mA]: to FuelTanksPlus/Size1/TPtank1m0mA.cfg/PART[TPtank1m0mA]

[LOG 18:59:55.033] Applying update FuelTanksPlus/Patch-1.9.1/@PART[*]:NEEDS[FuelTanksPlus] to FuelTanksPlus/Probe/TPtankCube00500.cfg/PART[TPtankCube050]

I'm running without the patch now and, so far, nothing has crashed the game.  But I'll need to keep the warnings out so I can distinguish new problems as I on press on with mod validation in 1.11.

See if the extra-large 2.5m tanks have broken masses like I mentioned in my previous posts.

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3 hours ago, Krzeszny said:

See if the extra-large 2.5m tanks have broken masses like I mentioned in my previous posts.

I checked out the Rockomax X200-128, -96, and -48.  According to Part Info in the VAB, they all have correctly proportional dry masses, and the same 9:1 Wet:Dry mass ratio (LF/Ox variant) as the Stock -64 tank. 

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