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Do you feel KSP is ready for 1.0?

Do you think KSP is ready for 1.0?  

954 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think KSP is ready for 1.0?

    • Yes
    • No

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I see no reason to add a new gas giant before axial tilt or a reasonable way to model planetary rings is in the game. Otherwise, GP2 will just be another Jool that takes longer to get to.

What makes KSP planets so interesting is that they're all different. And before you point out Moho/Dres/Eeloo, the reason people talk down these 3 is because they are not sufficiently different from each other. Why bother going to Dres? It's just a smaller Moho. And Eeloo? It's just Moho farther away.

We don't need another gas giant. We need more variety, and until we have a way to make more variety new planets is not an important thing.

(all IMO, of coruse)

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Agree. For same reasons, on one hand I would like to see another stock-game real life tie-in, like the ARM update that brought me to KSP. Such as the recent comet mission, but, it would have to have some comet-exclusive effects (water vapor jets?) and a different way of interacting with it (core drilling, sample return?), so that it was not just a copy of the asteroid capture mission: a rock with a different texture.

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  Bill Phil said:
More variety is why gas planets are needed. Look at the moons! In our system, there's Io, Ganymede, Europa, Titan, Iapetus, etc. They're all pretty cool, with differences that are vast.

All of those would just be visual differences. In KSP, there would be very little difference between Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Titan would be cool and unique (we only have one moon with an atmosphere and it's oxygenated). Iapetus LOOKS cool but what makes it different - from a gameplay perspective - than any other airless world?

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  basic.syntax said:
I think one reason is "GP2" has had words and preliminary design work done, but as far as I'm aware, that work hasn't been given any release date by Squad...

But all that work was done two years ago or so, by someone that no longer works for Squad. I don't recall hearing anything form the current devs about adding in GP2, or in fact, any other planets in a long time. The last I remember was something about waiting to add anything until after the planet discovery mechanism was in place, and that seems to have disappeared as well.

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  5thHorseman said:
All of those would just be visual differences. In KSP, there would be very little difference between Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Titan would be cool and unique (we only have one moon with an atmosphere and it's oxygenated). Iapetus LOOKS cool but what makes it different - from a gameplay perspective - than any other airless world?

Iapetus is large and fairly massive, but it's not in hydrostatic equilibrium. It's not a sphere. That means that you have to be very careful about your orbit, and your landing too.

A moon with some methane lakes/oceans and an atmosphere of similar composition would be pretty cool.

Io has volcanism, maybe some water pools could be in it? Like what's done with water, but make it different physics wise and have a different texture. Then if you land in it you could use a heating effect to overheat any parts in the lava pool...


Your point about the Galilean moons is understandable, the Saturnian moons are much more diverse.

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  klgraham1013 said:
The thread is slowing with out a response from Squad. Looks like they're just waiting for it to die.

It's pretty obvious that they feel KSP will be ready for 1.0 in the next release, they wouldn't have announced it otherwise. Similarly, I don't think they are exactly surprised by a portion of the community feeling it's not ready, nor are any of the reasons why particularly novel.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
It's pretty obvious that they feel KSP will be ready for 1.0 in the next release, they wouldn't have announced it otherwise. Similarly, I don't think they are exactly surprised by a portion of the community feeling it's not ready, nor are any of the reasons why particularly novel.

...meaning, we're just kids in the back seat yelling 'Are we there yet'..?

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Since my first post went largely unnoticed about 30 pages ago, I will make one more post about why I don't think KSP is ready. As I just started a poll about, I regard KSP now as a game, in contrast to a simulator/emulator. Mostly, because I think HarvesteR and Squad tries hard to make KSP a game. (Look at all the latest updates. Have they added anything really for the simulator/emulator part of the game, i.e. sandbox. Well, a little, but mostly for career mode - the game.)

So, is sandbox ready for 1.0? Yes, and it has been for 1-2 years. (Seriously, you can add a new aero model, or better water textures i 1.1 or 1.2. It is not a requirement. You can have fun in sandbox mode without it. Even re-entry damage, which I greatly look forward to, could be added in 1.3 without any harm done.)

But, is career mode (the game) ready for 1.0? No, I would say. Why? Because of 2 things (that I can think of):

1. No cut-scenes and no story. If we take another game as an example, what would, say, Mass Effect be without story and cut-scenes? (You would run around on different planets, killing unnamed enemies in different clothes. Are they good guys? Are they bad guys? No, idea, you just kill them. Would that be fun? Yes, somewhat. Is the game better with cut-scenes and a story? Yes, immensely so!) Can a story be added in 1.1 or 1.2 in KSP? Well, to me, that would be really, really strange, to have it added after the full release.

2. No higher purpose. Again, in Mass Effect, (with the cut-scenes) you know what you set out to do and why. You have a mission, a goal. In KSP, its easy to get confused. Sure, you know why you start playing. To get to space. Possibly to get to the mun. But then what? What is the long term purpose of the game? How can I "win"? (Maybe it doesn't have to be an exact winning condition, but still, something to aim for.) My suggestion to this problem would be a self-updating encyclopaedia (as proposed in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108810-Wiki-integrated-into-KSP-career-mode), where everything you do updates your information about that moon or planet (or sun) you just performed a survey on. That would be one way to add some kind of goal (to complete the encyclopaedia). But even if nothing like that would be made, I miss a way to win. Can that be added in 1.1? No, that (to me) would also be strange.

So, my conclusion: if Squad aims to make a space program simulator, it is absolutely ready for 1.0. If they aim to make a game, like for example airline tycoon (or any other tycoon game really), I would say it is not quite ready (but not very far from it.)

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  monstah said:
...meaning, we're just kids in the back seat yelling 'Are we there yet'..?

I wouldn't put it like that. I mean that we don't have access to all the information that Squad does, and they likely know more about the progress of the new features as well as other business reasons that make ending early access desirable.

They don't owe us a response or justification, they didn't even have to tell us in advance that the next version is 1.0.

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I just had a thought... Regardless of wether KSP is as complete as you would like it to be, Squad did say they would rebalance the parts, to take into account the new aerodynamics and all. Maybe a 0.90.1 would be in order just to see if everything is balanced properly. I think 1.0 is when first impressions will really count (what if Total Biscuit makes a review, for example), and making that first impression with career all over the place could go badly...

I call for a balance update. If they feel the game is ready past that, then I think they would know better than me.

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I'm perfectly happy with the features of the base game after the latest updates. I do think there should be some significant rounds of bugfixing tho. I see 600 bugs open on the bugtracker. Get crackin' boys.

This one particularly annoys me. Also, why aren't at least some of these fixes included in the base game?

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  Flayer said:
I'm perfectly happy with the features of the base game after the latest updates. I do think there should be some significant rounds of bugfixing tho. I see 600 bugs open on the bugtracker. Get crackin' boys.

This one particularly annoys me. Also, why aren't at least some of these fixes included in the base game?

Yes, all of those (and the memory leak and all the wonkiness with conic patches) should be fixed in 1.0. If they're not, I'm hopping tracks from the HypeTrain to the ComplainTrain.

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I am in the camp of the No's.

That being said, pretty much since the release of .18, the devs have been seeming to 'meander' in terms of their development of the game. After .18 it looked pretty clear where we were going to be heading. Reentry overhaul, aero overhaul, stock resources, expansion of the Kerbol system and then finally a career mode then release. In the two years since then however, we still have the old aero, reentry looks pretty but thats it, no stock resources, same planets. Also during that time we got stock rovers, a career mode the came in two separate releases, with ARM between them. We now have three distinct game modes. The game feels a little more bloated now, but not really that much closer to release than at .18.

The following is simply speculation on my part:

I think the reason for this march to 1.0 is because the powers that be at Squad (the marketing company, not the devs) feel sort of the same way. Kind of a 'Shouldn't it be done by now' sort of thing.

Edited by Frybert
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  Frybert said:

I think the reason for this march to 1.0 is because the powers that be at Squad (the marketing company, not the devs) feel sort of the same way. Kind of a 'Shouldn't it be done by now' sort of thing.

I think this is probably correct, because the game is nowhere near complete. The DEV's will never bring KSP to its full potential, they just lack the manpower and direction.

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  klgraham1013 said:
The thread is slowing with out a response from Squad. Looks like they're just waiting for it to die.
  Red Iron Crown said:
It's pretty obvious that they feel KSP will be ready for 1.0 in the next release, they wouldn't have announced it otherwise. Similarly, I don't think they are exactly surprised by a portion of the community feeling it's not ready, nor are any of the reasons why particularly novel.
Yes. Nothing really new that hasn't already been addressed, when the thread was getting overheated. Here is a link to Maxmaps tweets and comments earlier in this thread.

We were not ignored, this informal gut-reaction poll was seen. Also, the first thread message has been updated, so new readers coming to the thread have replies by Squad, before considering the poll question. That has probably helped the climb from a low of 20% "yes" votes.

Squad is doing the right thing, by rolling right along with a solid Devnote Tuesday, showing that they are working hard to solve problems - whether real or perceived, from comments made here.

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  basic.syntax said:
Yes. Nothing really new that hasn't already been addressed, when the thread was getting overheated. Here is a link to Maxmaps tweets and comments earlier in this thread.

You keep posting those links in every comment you make. Why? They don't really address the concerns of the KSP players expressed in this thread. They are a bunch of feel-good thoughts and requests for us to trust Squad. Our concerns are based on how Squad has actually turned out the last few releases. Indirect words aren't good enough.

  basic.syntax said:

We were not ignored, this informal gut-reaction poll was seen. Also, the first thread message has been updated, so new readers coming to the thread have replies by Squad, before considering the poll question. That has probably helped the climb from a low of 20% "yes" votes.

I don't think we were ignored, but you wouldn't know it based on what Squad has said. And it's not a "gut-reaction poll". Many people both for Yes and No gave well-nuanced arguments for their positions. But I don't see the No concerns being refuted. It's still 73% No.

  basic.syntax said:

Squad is doing the right thing, by rolling right along with a solid Devnote Tuesday, showing that they are working hard to solve problems - whether real or perceived, from comments made here.

Yes, Squad is showing us they're working hard. So how about pushing 3 releases in the next 6 months: 0.91, 0.92, 0.93. Then another month for adjustment and bug-fixes and put out 1.0 in August. That would be less of a gamble than hoping they can do it all in one fell swoop.

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  Jacke said:
Yes, Squad is showing us they're working hard. So how about pushing 3 releases in the next 6 months: 0.91, 0.92, 0.93. Then another month for adjustment and bug-fixes and put out 1.0 in August. That would be less of a gamble than hoping they can do it all in one fell swoop.

One very good reason I can think is, it would take more time. Every major release, they submit stuff to QA about 2 weeks before they release, then they submit to experimentals, then they release, and then they have to fix something that got through QA and Experimentals (though that hasn't happened much). So let's just say 2 weeks.

If they make one release, that's 2 weeks. If they make 2 releases, that's a month. 4 releases is 2 months. That's becoming some significant time right there.

Is that time important? I don't know. You'd have to ask the people paying the bills and I doubt they'd tell you.

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I see the game as steadily getting better, since I started with the ARM release. I am choosing to trust them and take them at their word, as Devnote Tuesday comes out every Tuesday, showing that progress is being made. Nothing I write will satisfy, if Maxmaps comments don't satisfy. Its what we got, and all we are likely to get. I requote the comments for people who may not have seen them, b/c many people coming into a thread will only look at the most recent pages.

I wrote my opinion of the poll question, in this post.

More beta releases and test phases before calling a 1.0 would be nice. But its their decision to make. I think we will judge them based on what is released, not on what is said. Then we will start a new discussion thread :)

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  klgraham1013 said:
Let's not all forget about the cargo bay bug when using the offset gizmo.


It's true Squad doesn't owe us an response. It's more about courtesy then necessity.

Which bug is that? I'm not familiar. Is it on the bug tracker?

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