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Greetings from Iran!


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Well, I'm not a total newcomer. I've been playing for quite some time. (And I still haven't had a controlled landing anywhere outside of the Kerbin system!!)

But this is the first time I'm posting here. I'm wondering if there are any other Iranians here.

So, hello to you all Kerbonauts and if you're from Iran, let me know!

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Even if it's a fictional fabrication by the Iranian Regime

It IS fictional! We were laughing our butts off when it showed the panels. I'm sure it was just props. The whole thing was probably props!!

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That thing sticking out of the top of the 'jet' is a satellite TV antenna. Made with 'superior' engineering from the black market.

I have no idea about that. I just heard that they hacked a US drone and landed it. Then put it on display!! Who does that?! Even if they did by any chance hack a US drone, why would you show it on national TV?!!

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Welcome fellow Irane! I myself am Iranian (my parents were born there) but I live in California. By any chance, do you know any Persian/shoma Farsi balade? (I do but I can't read or write it :P).

Hello there! Yes, Persian is my first language (And your Farsi isn't that bad for a second generation Irani! Good!)

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You people aren't being very friendly.

Thanks for being supportive, but I am not offended by any of that. It's not my doing! It's my government's.

I just wish people would consider other aspects of Iran besides its military shenanigans and foreign affairs.

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Greetings and welcome. I knew someone with your name once (in real life), but I doubt it was you....

Edit:Why is your join date May 2014?

David Bowman was the main character in A Space Odyssey: 2001. And it's not my real name

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Thanks for being supportive, but I am not offended by any of that. It's not my doing! It's my government's.

I just wish people would consider other aspects of Iran besides its military shenanigans and foreign affairs.

Welcome DavidBowman! Always good to see that spaceflight, science, gaming and other nerdy enterprises can bring people together. Good to see you're ignoring the idiots and taking the high road ;)

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Welcome DavidBowman! Always good to see that spaceflight, science, gaming and other nerdy enterprises can bring people together. Good to see you're ignoring the idiots and taking the high road ;)

Whoa whoa whoa, there's no need to call us idiots. The entire world made fun of their government's shenanigans, iranians included, it's not like he insulted DavidBowman's culture or anything.

If somebody makes fun of Colombia's drug problem, most of the time I'll just play along. If they seriously believe that everyone here is a drug trader, I'll just correct them in a nice manner.

We're in a forum with kids, dude. Don't try to turn a funny joke into a flamewar just for the sake of it.

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My god.. It's full of racism.

Welcome to the forums David Bowman. So, how did you get out of the monolith or are you broadcasting from inside a la 2010?

How? He is an Iranian (aka from Iran) and the Iranian government advertised this stuff. I'm not saying it is appropriate for the thread, but it isn't racist.

Anyways, welcome to the forums!

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Well, I'm not a total newcomer. I've been playing for quite some time. (And I still haven't had a controlled landing anywhere outside of the Kerbin system!!)

But this is the first time I'm posting here. I'm wondering if there are any other Iranians here.

So, hello to you all Kerbonauts and if you're from Iran, let me know!

Welcome to our corner of the internet :). Good to see someone from Iran, I know that Iran has thousands of years of rich history behind it.

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Love your username! Dave Bowman is the coolest fictional astronaut EVER!!!!!

I know, right? :)

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Not true, Mark Watney is.

Gotta get that book!

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Welcome to Kerbin and be prepared to leave it, either in flames or in glory!

(I am so putting this in my sig)

That was fast!!

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