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[1.2.2] TestFlight - v1.8.0 - 01 May 2017 - Bring Flight Testing to KSP!


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Is there a way to disable rated burn times in the difficulty menu, or do I have to manually edit config files for each engine? There are some great engines in RO that have low rated burn times. It might be slightly unrealistic, but I like to be able to have engines burn for very long amounts of time. (Ex. XLR81, which was designed to burn for only about 4 minutes, which I often use for stages with 20 min. burn times) I haven't used TestFlight for this reason, so I'd be really grateful to know if there's a way to fix this. Thank you.

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  On 2/2/2017 at 12:57 AM, gemini4 said:

Is there a way to disable rated burn times in the difficulty menu, or do I have to manually edit config files for each engine? There are some great engines in RO that have low rated burn times. It might be slightly unrealistic, but I like to be able to have engines burn for very long amounts of time. (Ex. XLR81, which was designed to burn for only about 4 minutes, which I often use for stages with 20 min. burn times) I haven't used TestFlight for this reason, so I'd be really grateful to know if there's a way to fix this. Thank you.


Ummm, no, not at the present time.

Make a feature request on Github.  It's not trivial in this mod, and I'm actually going to release it today (full release instead of beta)

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've noticed that for some RO "vanilla" engines like, for example, RD-103 TestFlight doesn't collect flight data as well as it doesn't show rated burn time (and it seems that such engines can burn without limits). Is it bug or feature? :wink:

Can also post all encountered engines which do not work correctly here or as an issue at github.

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  On 2/23/2017 at 1:59 PM, Delcraft said:


I've noticed that for some RO "vanilla" engines like, for example, RD-103 TestFlight doesn't collect flight data as well as it doesn't show rated burn time (and it seems that such engines can burn without limits). Is it bug or feature? :wink:

Can also post all encountered engines which do not work correctly here or as an issue at github.


It would be an RO bug, as RO stores the configs for TestFlight.

In RO, engine properties are stored centrally, then applied to parts when they are called for.


That engine config appears to have TestFlight properties.


And that engine seems to have it called. My own ModuleManager.ConfigCache appears to have the appropriate code for that part. I'll try to remember to take a look at my own RD-103 next time I'm in game.

  On 2/22/2017 at 6:30 AM, ThePhoenixSol said:

im using the beta for 1.2, but the R&D window is no where to be found in the editor.... am i blind or is there and issue???


If you right click an engine, IIRC there is an option for R&D that pops up. Out on campus view, the TestFlight display can show R&D info, but I imagine that would be empty if you don't have any parts being researched.


  On 2/2/2017 at 12:57 AM, gemini4 said:

Is there a way to disable rated burn times in the difficulty menu, or do I have to manually edit config files for each engine? There are some great engines in RO that have low rated burn times. It might be slightly unrealistic, but I like to be able to have engines burn for very long amounts of time. (Ex. XLR81, which was designed to burn for only about 4 minutes, which I often use for stages with 20 min. burn times) I haven't used TestFlight for this reason, so I'd be really grateful to know if there's a way to fix this. Thank you.


I (or someone else) asked @Agathorn that at some point. It certainly isn't an easy feature to add. That property can be set fairly easily for parts that are a constant cluster of engines, but not for something where the number of engines in the cluster is dynamic and changed in game. There are other odd unfortunate disadvantages to using clusters like that, for example individual engines within the cluster can't be shut down or throttled. But despite the drawbacks, it is a very cool tool from SSTU. :)

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Thank you @stratochief66 for your response. I am leaning to blame myself in this error, because when I tried to re-download TestFlight it worked well. I've noticed that in my current installation the "Config" folder is empty and it wasn't in the previous one, so maybe that is the cause of my bug.

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  On 3/3/2017 at 7:20 AM, Delcraft said:

Thank you @stratochief66 for your response. I am leaning to blame myself in this error, because when I tried to re-download TestFlight it worked well. I've noticed that in my current installation the "Config" folder is empty and it wasn't in the previous one, so maybe that is the cause of my bug.


Unfortunately I've encountered the same problem although I've already merged the stock config files with the testflight core. How were you able to solve this? Where you also using the beta version?

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@MaxZhao Yes I'm using beta. To make this work right, I just deleted TestFlight folder from GameData and downloaded only TestFlight core. After you extract TestFlightCore- into your ksp directory you'll see that ../GameData/TestFlight/Config folder is empty.

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  On 3/4/2017 at 5:02 PM, Delcraft said:

@MaxZhao Yes I'm using beta. To make this work right, I just deleted TestFlight folder from GameData and downloaded only TestFlight core. After you extract TestFlightCore- into your ksp directory you'll see that. ./GameData/TestFlight/Config folder is empty.


Ahh I see so no cofigs are needed, Thanks a lot!

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This is my config file for engines for stock game with mods (I have a lot of mods so had to configure something universal).


		name = TestFlightInterop
		startFlightData = 50
		name = TestFlightCore
		maxData = 100000
		flightDataEngineerModifier = 0.25
		name = FlightDataRecorder_Engine
		flightDataMultiplier = 10
			key = 0 0.005
			key = 10000 0.002
		name = TestFlightReliability
			canBeRepairedInFlight = False
			canBeRepairedOnSplashed = False
			canBeRepairedByRemote = False
			repairChance = 75
		name = TestFlightFailure_ReducedMaxThrust
		weight = 32
		failureType = mechanical
		failureTitle = Loss of Thrust
		duRepair = 250
		duFail = 100
		severity = failure
		failureTitle = Explosion!
		name = TestFlightFailure_Explode
		weight = 8
		duFail = 400
		failureType = mechanical
		severity = major

Question. Can "reliabilityCurve" section have more keys?

I want it to be something like:

			key = 0 0.005
			key = 10000 0.002
			key = 50000 0.0005
			key = 100000 0.0001


Edited by wrobel-cwirek
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am messing around with implementing some Test Flight information and am wondering how exactly the following work in TestFlightCore:

  • techTransfer
  • techTransferMax
  • techTransferGenerationPenalty

I understand that techTransfer brings in data from a different Test Flight part. Can it use multiple parts? For example, if I want to have a small amount of data transfer from every rocket launched, can I set a list in the techTransfer?

Is it a one time transfer? Does it only happen when the part is unlocked, or, can I have it that every time a different engine is used, this engine gets some of the data?



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Is there any way to disable failures for a single flight? There are mods introducing "simulated flights" (KRASH, KCT, SimuLite), and it makes a lot of sense to run some simulations without considering failures.

As an example use case, I'm currently designing a new heavy launcher, using many parts just unlocked and still undergoing test flights. I already decided to swap one of the engines for another in the process, thus changing priority for tests of these engines. Without these early simulations, I might have lost a lot of ingame (because of KCT) and realtime testing an engine that I'd ultimately drop anyway. Without disabling failures, I'm losing lots of realtime in simulating explosions that dont help me getting the design done, because the engines are still untested and very unreliable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I'm adding this one to the library but I'm a bit confused about one thing.  I see its been updated to v1.2.2 by jwvanderbeck who appears to be Agathorn here on the forums, who has not logged on since August 2016.  I'm I correct in this assumption?  I don't want to mis-credit who ever is behind the work.  It would be great if authors would actually change their versions in the title when they update.

Edited by CarnageINC
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  On 4/10/2017 at 9:19 PM, Lilienthal said:

I just tried testflight for 1.2.2. stock. Problem is, each time I go for longer distances my batteries and tanks die, e.g., long before I reach the moon. What can I do?


This is what was happening to me in 1.1.3 despite having full data on them, and forced me to uninstall TF in result.

They just exploded no matter what

Edited by Eklykti
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I really would like to test this thing right now but:


  On 4/11/2017 at 2:41 AM, Eklykti said:

This is what was happening to me in 1.1.3 despite having full data on them, and forced me to uninstall TF in result.

They just exploded no matter what


this makes me skeptic and

2. I too wonder wich is the right testflight. This one allthou it's titled with 1.1.3 or the one by linuxgurugamer who says that the "old auther" took back over...

help :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

I am very interested in this mod however I do find the stock configs a little ridiculous. Pretty much any mission  whether it's a satellite network, Mun landing or interplanetary will smash past the MTBF when fully researched. I suppose SRBs might be a little less safe which is fine because they don't get used past say the 1 minute mark of a mission. After testing therefore I've decided the peak research values need to be tweaked.

As such I was wondering if there was a nice collection of alternative configs, I see lots of people have been posting tweaks on here, has anyone find a more realistic graph for missions that last years?



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I'm trying to instal a RO RP-0 in 1.13

It's freezing part way through loading. I'm getting an error:


"ModuleManager: 14559 patches applied, found 6 errors

6 errors related to GameData/RealismOverhaul/TestFlightRnD.cfg"





This is the TestFlightRnD.cfg file:


// Set the global TF RnD settings
    updateFrequency = 86400
        points = 10.0
        costFactor = 1
        points = 12.5
        costFactor = 1.5
        points = 15.0
        costFactor = 2

// After pass: fix up RnD
        rndMaxData = 2500
        rndCost = #$../entryCost$
        @rndCost *= 0.00001
        @rndCost += 0.15
        tmp = #$../entryCost$
        @tmp != 0.25
        rndRate = 6
        @rndRate /= #$tmp$
        !tmp = DEL

All required mods by RO and RP-o installed. I've tried a couple of times. At first I tried with the most current mods. Then I tried again by going back and trying to find versions of all mods compatible with 1.13 thinking that there might be a loss of compatibility with newer mods for 1.22 but I'm still locking up with listing 6 errors in the cfg file for TestFlight. I'd like to try to play this the RP-0 progression and seem to be stuck in 1.13 for that. Help would be appreciated. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/27/2017 at 12:52 PM, cami said:

Is there any way to disable failures for a single flight? There are mods introducing "simulated flights" (KRASH, KCT, SimuLite), and it makes a lot of sense to run some simulations without considering failures.


TestFlight provides an API that authors of Simulation mods can use to interact with TestFlight specifically for this purpose, but sadly KCT was the only one to ever do so.  Poke the author of the sim mod to tell them you want them to do that :)

  On 4/11/2017 at 10:06 AM, maculator said:

I really would like to test this thing right now but:


this makes me skeptic and

2. I too wonder wich is the right testflight. This one allthou it's titled with 1.1.3 or the one by linuxgurugamer who says that the "old auther" took back over...

help :/


Sorry for the confusion.  The problem is I don't play KSP anymore, but I try to keep TF up to date so as to not leave everyone hanging.  A consequence of that though is I focus on updating things on GitHub but don't make the effort generally to come here and do the forums as well.  Managing all those pieces really does get to be a lot of work.

The latest version of TestFlight on GitHub, is for KSP 1.2.2

  On 4/11/2017 at 2:41 AM, Eklykti said:

This is what was happening to me in 1.1.3 despite having full data on them, and forced me to uninstall TF in result.

They just exploded no matter what


The configs for TestFlight are what controls these things.  There are various stock configs floating around from various people, but the ones that used to come with TestFlight were deprecated a long time ago and were never really well done to begin with because when I played KSP it was never in Stock, only RO.  RO provides its own TestFlight configs, but I don't think they touch the batteries yet.

  On 3/22/2017 at 3:14 PM, pap1723 said:

I am messing around with implementing some Test Flight information and am wondering how exactly the following work in TestFlightCore:

  • techTransfer
  • techTransferMax
  • techTransferGenerationPenalty

I understand that techTransfer brings in data from a different Test Flight part. Can it use multiple parts? For example, if I want to have a small amount of data transfer from every rocket launched, can I set a list in the techTransfer?

Is it a one time transfer? Does it only happen when the part is unlocked, or, can I have it that every time a different engine is used, this engine gets some of the data?




You can transfer from multiple parts.  The transfer is one a time thing the very first time that a part is flown.

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Doesn't do anything for me :S I'll just reinstall clean and see if I get it to work. If not I'll provide a log. MM is the only dependency I know, right?


Lol I'm an idiot^^ Place and then click, got it roger roger. Will it also work with othert part mods or do they need configs? (Eyeballing for KW rocketry and near future stuff)

Thanks for your help.


Edited by maculator
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