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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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i found a gitch if you brake everything but the main lazor system and you were using hover it flings you up in air.( the tractor beams where destroyed too )

Thanks for the report. The fix for this issue will be available in the next version.

And speaking of the next version, i still havent decided on what will be the main feature next time. I have planned some updates to the systems like a new controller to set the pitch of airplanes, some visual aids to show horizontal speed and vessel axes with lazor vision and some new up/down buttons which will make it easier to set the altitude/distance with tractor beams.

So if you have ideas, now would be a good time to share.

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Thanks for the report. The fix for this issue will be available in the next version.

And speaking of the next version, i still havent decided on what will be the main feature next time. I have planned some updates to the systems like a new controller to set the pitch of airplanes, some visual aids to show horizontal speed and vessel axes with lazor vision and some new up/down buttons which will make it easier to set the altitude/distance with tractor beams.

So if you have ideas, now would be a good time to share.

Can the scanner display ship information if locked on? Like.. How many crew on ship, fuel amount, etc?

Also, I know this maybe a long shot, but is there any way you could have the scanner detect kethane from the MMI plugin? I would love to able to use the Lazor system in with a wide scanning range to do rover based detection. After typing that, I realize that might be a long shot. :D

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Haven't a clue how to use this! tutorial please?!

I will do this eventually. But if someone who use lazor system want to do this, i will put it up in the op. Anyone want to make a video tutorial?

Can the scanner display ship information if locked on? Like.. How many crew on ship, fuel amount, etc?

Good suggestion, i will add this to the target cam display. Any other values you want added while im at it?

Also, I know this maybe a long shot, but is there any way you could have the scanner detect kethane from the MMI plugin? I would love to able to use the Lazor system in with a wide scanning range to do rover based detection. After typing that, I realize that might be a long shot. :D

It's not that much of a long shot actually. Either MMI has to supply some interfaces i can use to get the kethane location information. Or i have to supply them with something so they can use my scanner, which i'd have to make first. But doesn't kethane have scanners already?

Edited by Romfarer
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This thing. Is. Too. COOL! Have not built a single ship since without at least one type of lazor on it!:cool:

However, I can not for the likes of me figure out how the tractor beam works!? lol.:confused:

Locking onto objects n all is no problem, Hover Mode=EPIC, But lifting an object? How!

Maybe I'm just stupid, But trying to pick up an Empty Command Pod, Pulled my Heavy lifter straight out

of a 50Km Munar orbit.. (Even with 1360 units of thrust in a downward direction!?)

Is the Beam Able to lift objects from that far away?

Could anyone be kind enough to tell me how to operate it?

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lifting an object? How!

Maybe I'm just stupid, But trying to pick up an Empty Command Pod, Pulled my Heavy lifter straight out

of a 50Km Munar orbit.. (Even with 1360 units of thrust in a downward direction!?)

Is the Beam Able to lift objects from that far away?

Right now the range of all tractor beam systems is 50km. I plan to adjust this range to something like 1000-2500 meter effective range and up to 5000-10000 meter with diminishing effect. As you have noticed there is not diminishing effect on the tractor beam now and this is likely the cause of what you experienced. However it does sound a little strange that you were pulled out of your orbit. Exactly what happened? And secondly was the command pod detached so you lifted only the empty command pod and what was the mass of your lifter?

I have only tested this with my hovercraft lifter which use two tractor beam systems (configure that in the config panel) One for hovering and one for lifting. So with my secondary tractor beam system i will just target the vessel i want to lift, move on top of it and press the lift button then set the distance. Of course i have the new version with the up and down buttons that make lifting control a lot easier. ;-)

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50Km range is awesome, Will we be able to restore this to the old setting in the new version? Like a .cfg or something?

(For those of us who like crazy overpowered Star Trek lazerz)

Command pod was completely detached, laying on its side in the Mundust. Pilot having met his unfortunate end during a EVA+Lag moment...

I was not directly above the pod though? Due to the altitude, was maybe 2km off centre? Mechjeb holding H/s and V/s at zero..

The Lifter weighs 14t, With a LOT of spare thrust. (Built to pick up stuff with a claw)

Not sure about how the lifting thing works, I put 50.00 in the block thingy, and hit Lock.

Went racing towards the pod, Engines at full not helping, like it was glued to the surface lol.

I'll try it again using a split system, one to hover, one to lift.

Do you set the distance first, then click lock? or other way around?

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50Km range is awesome, Will we be able to restore this to the old setting in the new version? Like a .cfg or something?

(For those of us who like crazy overpowered Star Trek lazerz)

Do you set the distance first, then click lock? or other way around?

It might be that you had way too much force set on your tractor beam. It will apply force in both directions. Are you able to gain thrust if you aim the tractor beams at the ground and apply max negative force to it? The next version corrects all of this so you are able to set how much force you wish the system to put out. When orbiting the mun you are also traveling at hundreds of meter per second, i doubt anyone in the star trek universe would recommend flying at 500m/s and pulling an object off the ground with max force =p.

With the range adjustments it is only the range that will be affected. 2500 meter is still quite far. I have never seen a star trek episode where they tractor something that is out of the visible range anyways ;-) And as always, the more lazors you put on the vessel, the more force you can put out, to the point where the lifting potential is ridiculous. If you can build a vessel to support that kind of force remains to be seen.

Ideally you should approach your vessel and lock on when you are within a couple hundred meters max. Then set the distance you want and press Lock. The system will then (depending on the distance set) usually apply maximum force to get the target to the desired distance as fast as possible. With the old version this would result in the following. I hover at 100m. Set distance to 30m and press lock. Then my target would get to 30m and swing around my vessel like a jojo. This is because the lift system can only apply force in the lifting direction and thus, any angular displacement from the gravitational vector cause speed in a perpendicular direction. This is a feature. It is possible to construct your lifter to limit this effect somewhat. Hint: Force is applied between the target and the induvidual lazor origin points.

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Good suggestion, i will add this to the target cam display. Any other values you want added while im at it?

It's not that much of a long shot actually. Either MMI has to supply some interfaces i can use to get the kethane location information. Or i have to supply them with something so they can use my scanner, which i'd have to make first. But doesn't kethane have scanners already?

There is nothing that jumps out off the top of my head that would be relevant for that scan output. :)

As far as Kethane goes it does have a scanner already, but it isn't that efficient. They are working on a new one in the new release, but I like the idea of the potential control of the scanning range you could have with Lazor. For the locations of the Kethane deposits they are located in a .dat file in the plugindata folder. deposit.dat, I think. :)

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As far as Kethane goes it does have a scanner already, but it isn't that efficient. They are working on a new one in the new release, but I like the idea of the potential control of the scanning range you could have with Lazor. For the locations of the Kethane deposits they are located in a .dat file in the plugindata folder. deposit.dat, I think. :)

At least when you discover a kethane location you can add it to the Kerbal Positioning System so you can find your way back.

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Is it just me or is the magenta lazor missing in the beta 7 .zip file?

I only got the Lazor, Lazor System, red, blue and green lazors in the version linked on the front page. :S


Edit: Nevermind I figured it out myself. ^^

This mod is really amazing.

Now I can build flying saucers ,abduct little kerbals with them and then toss them into space with the tractor beams.

Now all I need is a party feature, so that my moon kerbals have their laser light shows. ^^

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When orbiting the mun you are also traveling at hundreds of meter per second, i doubt anyone in the star trek universe would recommend flying at 500m/s and pulling an object off the ground with max force =p.

With the range adjustments it is only the range that will be affected. 2500 meter is still quite far. I have never seen a star trek episode where they tractor something that is out of the visible range anyways ;-)

LOL!, Mechjeb was holding me in place, but considering the angle, Crashing and burning makes sense now...

But I put Hinges on the side of the ship, to angle the engines away from the craft a bit if needed, makes it hella stable.

Took half the lazors off, Much Lower Atlitude, Works like a charm! . I figure using IDLE lidar Lazors pointing directly down, its quite easy to determine when you are in the Most-directly-above position, helped eliminate the yoyo effect a bit

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sorry to bother you again but i've been trying to figure out how to make a guided missile and i'm not sure how to do it i've tryed one laser on the missile and everything else on my plane/rocket (didnt have any idea how the mod worked) and have tryed alot of things since but im to the point where i have a whole secondary rocket it has wings jets canards all the lasers (exept the tractor beam) including the lead when i file it it still wont go to the target sorry if im missing something really simple but i target the SPH put guided flight to follow target then fire the rocket and decouple but it just starts going crazy and sometimes makes my plane fling out of control please help -.-

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Just tried version beta6 and beta7. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Game is 0.16, lazor addon folders 'source' 'ships' 'plugins' 'parts' all dropped into the already existing folders of the same name in the KSP_win directory.

I get the ship parts just fine. I have set them up as is recommended. When I get to the launch pad I get no UI except for a red box in the top right corner that when clicked on opens into a window that allows the lazors to be directed, but its much more simplified than the screenshot 'lazor system' window. As for all the other UI windows. I don't have them.

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