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Everything posted by waterlubber

  1. The only real way around it is to disable part destruction, or accept the fact that landing a probe on Venus is next to impossible (the Russians sent a lot of them, and only a handful actually worked -- barely.)
  2. I'm not sure if this has been suggested already, (I see a pull request for it on github), but it would be wonderful if we could have an option to not stop warp on incomplete experiments. For stuff like the gravity scan, I don't want my warp to end every time I pass over the midlands, only when I find a biome I haven't transmitted data from yet.
  3. On the topic of the switch, most hardware would actually work with it since it's running BSD if I remember correctly. The BSD kernel contains a lot of drivers for a lot of stuff that previous Nintendo consoles did not.
  4. If it's just an issue of showing in menus, it shouldn't be a difficult fix. The mod itself might have issues though.
  5. could also be a gas giant that falls closer to the star. And if it is possible by any stretch of the imagination it likely exists - think ~100 to 1000 billion stars per galaxy, and trillions of galaxies, each system containing likely at least one and most likely 2 or more gas giants. Each gas giant contains up to hundreds of moons, the chance that it doesn't exist or at least something similar doesn't are astronomically (see what I did there?) low.
  6. That's wild. N-body physics are very unintuitive. Back on-topic, if Laythe's atmosphere was similar to Kerbin/Earth's, would it remain in place because of Van Allen Belts/Hill sphere? Parts of it might be blown off by charged particles, unless it had a field of its own. (Which it might) In terms of temperature and atmosphere, sulfur compounds from volcanic activity might contribute to it and explain why it's atmosphere contains oxygen but is not breathable.
  7. Does that keep Vall in check, or just Bop from getting ejected? I guess you might construe that as "Bop is a captured asteroid". Probably a pretty large one, though.
  8. Other than the ridiculous densities you find in the game, and the orbits of other moons. If I remember correctly, Jool's moons are in very, very unstable orbits with n-body mechanics and Vall would be ejected instantly, later Laythe as well IIRC.
  9. - --- / -... . / .... --- -. . ... - / .. / .--. .-. . ..-. . .-. / - .... .. ... Moderator translation: [To be honest, I prefer this] Anyway the problem with English is that it's not a phonetic language and there is no pronunciation for words that were started as text. See ".gif" or ".jif"
  10. Something something no-win situation Kerbayashi something somethin... wait, you already used that one. Dang.
  11. What's up with the science reports for Eeloo? They're suspicious.
  12. Our wonderful engineer's reaction to F5/F9 and save files reminds me of Guinan. Anyway, I didn't notice the egg until now. Spooky. I wonder if the Kraken will become a viable member of their crew, that would be pretty hilarious.
  13. Well I've gone blind from staring at the Sun too long, once I get my eyes checked out I'll realize how I missed that. Thanks.
  14. The scooping border or the atmosphere? I got down pretty low, but I didn't see anything. Granted I had ignore max temp on beyond a few hundred thousand km, but still. What's the new threshold? Probably going to go to Eeloo instead, which is a shame because I liked my idea of a Karborundum cycler that would flyby Kerbin and drop off a few hundred million in magic goo.
  15. Bugs, you mean. something something Vallhenge barnacles something something "Marco Qwent for Bob Kerman" something something modular terminals
  16. Through conclusive testing, I have deduced that there is no way you can scoop karborundum at 2000m anymore. The Sun has an atmosphere and it rips the craft to shreds, plus the heat, plus the...you know..SUN part.
  17. Shame this mod isn't updated yet, it was one of my favorites back in 0.90! Anyway, take your time. Do we have context playing yet?
  18. So I watched Trouble with Tribbles and Mirror Mirror yesterday. I had no idea TOS had that many puns, and am convinced that kerbals are at least part tribble if they can sustain a population like that with me launching as many rockets as I do.
  19. Microwave transmissions don't really reflect too well, but shortwave ones can go all the way around easily from sea level
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