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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Superfast Cycle Sport. The sportsman sits inside the orbital station and rides the bike simulator. 40 000 km per 1.5 hour. You could never achieve this on ground.
  2. Javelin Baseball The thrower throws the javelin to the opposite wall. The catcher jumps across the flight path and tries to catch it before it pierces the thin wall of the module.
  3. Granted. You have no access to another one. I wish ZX Spectrums were still popular.
  4. Highboard Bubble Diving The diver falls from the highboard in zero-g and tries to dive into the large, trembling water bubbles, the water from the pool has gathered into, instead of hitting the opposite wall (floor? ceiling?).
  5. Let me wish it for you. I wish MS Office 2003 was not the very last professionally looking, full-featured, handy, and comfy office software in this planet history, like it is being right now.
  6. Granted. The Matrix makes you sure that your project is successful. I wish for MS Success instead of MS Access.
  7. The Soviet/Russian tank company is metric, it's the decatank (1 + 3 x 3). *** Also, the Soviet/Russian system is ternary (Me, The Left and The Right tanks), while the American one is binary (2 pairs, 0/1 x x0/1, so they could designate the platoon tanks (platoonks?) as 00, 01, 10, 11). *** As there is always a commander, so he should be always 0 (00, 000, etc).
  8. It isn't designed to make somebody enjoy the mundane life very much.
  9. Granted. Some people want you for what you are: two kidneys, two eyes, liver, pancreas, and other cool and useful stuff, I wish for several holidays more.
  10. It's a pity this project hadn't succeeded much. http://www.framsticks.com
  11. Watching these twenty chosen in wiki, the answer is obvious: "It's as primitive as can be!.." (c) "Weird" Al Yankovic
  12. It's the known story, told by the designer of the original promo-design of the Soyuz habitat module. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Балашова,_Галина_Андреевна?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru Also here https://www-designspb-ru.translate.goog/news/posts/orbital_space_station_design/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru Though, as we can see, happily almost nothing has left of her original facepalm "design" (having followed the Korolyov's aesthetic preferences) in the real spaceship, Soft couch - what can be wiser? Soft in zero-g, Karl !!!11oneone And flammable. Curtains and flowers are in order. On the other case, this proves again that the habitat was originally planned for the Moon landing.
  13. Daedalus was going to carry a beryllium erosion shield.
  14. Silicone based rock trolls? *** The covirus is an evidence of terrestrial life existence. No host life - no virus.
  15. A toxic mirror with poisonous engines... Hope, at least the tent hood is not venomous. Astronomers are such astronomers... Wait... A thing to add...
  16. Since SuperHeavy has put a 550 t payload to LEO and Dragon has landed by rockets, why not?
  17. Airnim (aka Oxynim, Breathenim, etc) Like the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nim but with air. 2 or more players + one can of oxygen with gas mask for all. Who makes the last breath, wins.
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