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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. What sort of… biome?.. do you live in? In Marigold. It's their queen.
  2. Tier1. Shoot a deer, let them get busy. Tier 2. Take a prisoner, ask for their HQ ant heap, call Musk. P.S. Or you can use diplomacy.
  3. Granted. You are still trying to switch the computer on, but KSP is definitely not lagging. I wish there was a chemical element Stadium. (To make puns with its chemical compound names.)
  4. Granted. 0.25 l is left in the oxygen tank. I wish you could breath helium.
  5. Granted. Ten posts more till the new page. I wish the instagram pagination was same easy. Why should I scroll my former school webpage all the morning long? (A rhetorical question)
  6. Floor 2882. Not anymore. (Cuts the rope of the chandeller). The same.
  7. Granted. No carbon spaghetti available. I wish hydrogen as many isotopes as needed.
  8. Banned for banning the adjoolcents.
  9. Once KSP-2 gets released. New space - new software.
  10. KSP-1 has alreadt paved the way in RAM and will follow its own tracks. How KSP-2 can be as fast as 1 then?
  11. Instagram is a cheap student start-up which can't into pagination. The last-dollar choice was between the paid tutorial about pagination and a hamburger. A will to live won. Now we have to scroll for hours. (Not a single sentence, but a bare truth.)
  12. A game where they successfully research the anomalous materials and portable hyperjump device without alien invasions and AI rebellions, then get the Noble Prize and get to Bahamas to have a rest.
  13. Fast & Furious 2 and so on. Actually, everything they could show, they have already shown in the very first film. Just cars running along the streets. If you live in a city, even the first one is not needed.
  14. Granted. They are black-colored and very strong, so you can neither bite them off, neither chew, nor cut with knife. I wish, your toilet seat is near the kitchen, because the spaghetti has just begun.
  15. 1.. .. 2. .. 3.. .. ???? 9. ShuttlePilot!!!!!
  16. Banned for wearing a spacesuit incompatible with the Shuttle systems.
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