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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Hemp + caring hands of volunteers. They will do all themselves. Even the brand is obvious: "Green Powah Of Sun"
  2. Of USSR and all progressive humanity first spacesat: 82 kg. Of USA first spacesat: 8+ kg. Onboard tools are +/- same, Because the American sat was on vacuum-proof electronics and didn't require a pressurized capsule.
  3. 500+ crewless Vostoks as photosats, and just 6+2 Vostoks with crew. (And about a hundred or so as biosats, etc.)
  4. Who is knocking clicking at my door? Do you see, is noone here? Кто стучится дверь моя? Видишь, дома нет никто?
  5. A Kerbal trillicopter Sikorsky-Boeing SB1 Deviant Defiant.
  6. I am a dwarf and I'm clicking the thread! Clicky, clicky thread! Clicky, clicky thread!
  7. Not sure if Fly 2 is comparable to Fly. But Robocops > 2 are worse than <= 1.
  8. They have to periodically unlock this thread to let excessive steam get out. Clickhhhhhhhhhh!
  9. Depends on who wins the Third Battle For Shackleton Crater in 2045.
  10. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-08305-x The lunar icewater has probably appeared from the Earth atmospheric gases captured by lunar gravity. *** The selenites are stealing our water! How long should it continue?!
  11. During the EVA session the cosmonauts have planted flag on ISS. https://www-rbc-ru.translate.goog/rbcfreenews/626b32799a7947b6e41f966c?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru (Video is available only on original link,) https://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/626b32799a7947b6e41f966c First time since 1991 on Mir.
  12. Yeah, I remember old good Papirius. Was walking before him in my previous time travel. It's a pity the time travels are banned since XX.
  13. 5/10 Only bots and trained humans are always trying to follow the rules on defeat. Humans (including me) see alternative ways to play chess. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapayev_(game)
  14. Granted. Why do the whales not walk on ground? Oops. wrong thread. I wish the whales could walk on ground.
  15. Better semiconductor electronics in US making possible long-lasting unpressurized satellites. 1. A typical Soviet sat needed a sphere with atmospheric pressure inside to keep electronics working. As this means that the halves of the sphere are pushed apart with ~(100 kPa * 1 m2) ~= 100 kN ~= 10 t force, the attaching screws get deformed, the rubber gasket stops sealing the gap, the air leaks, and several months later the pressure falls below critical level, and the electronics dies, So, mass launches of short-living sats. 2.For the same reason, focusing on unguided spysats with film capsules instead of real-time TV transmission like KH-11. The Vostok-derived sats were in use till early 2000s (and required a launch per "week" of flight), and more advanced Yantar-like ones with capsules still were limited with 2 to 20 film capsules. 3. Absence of hi-tech spyplanes like RB-36, U-2, and SR-71, so greater need in spysats. 4. A need in aircraft carrier termination tools, so a need in orbital recon sats and the orbital antisat things to protect them. Also the need to replace them more often for the electronics. Actually, the electronics killed all space romantics, making spacemen unnecessary.
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