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Everything posted by Mikki

  1. [quote name='Majorjim']Fantastic discovery Vaisman! I will give this a go,[/QUOTE] True, thats a very cool method! I see a U-boat career for me waiting in the depths...:wink:
  2. [quote name='castille7']Neat little design, looks like a nuke would take it pretty far.[/QUOTE] I has enough dV to orbit mun, make some maneuver and return to Kerbin by aerocapture i guess... its very lightweight.
  3. Very cool boat, reminds me at the german type XII series... greetings :)
  4. [quote name='Majorjim']That looks really cool! Very Dreamchaser-y. That led me onto the thought that you could probably get rid of the fairing and save yourself a bit of weight. It should still launch ok.[/QUOTE] Oh yes, i messed something up! It is a Dreamchaser inspired vehicle sure! :blush: Thought all the time about "pegasus"...
  5. This is a very "simple" but extreme reliable Crewreturn/ Crewrotationvehicle. It has very few parts, 24 (28 with Kerbals), (lifter 38 plus 4 Crew here, "42" parts) Cheap, safe, shiny, easy to fly and land, even watering and coasting on water is possible. Space-Shuttle-like descend, "like a flowercrate" Forget about making turns like an airplane if you miss the landingstrip and overshoot. You can glide strait, and adjust descend angle, and direction. Make a steep descend, start reentry at the desert... The vessel tends to roll in certain flightsituation, but stabilizes allways by itself, no input needed. Add some struts if you play all stock, i confess using KJR NOTE: maybe this vessel tends to flip when the tanks are all nearly depleted (if so, do not go to the mun with as it could)... NOTE, the second:This craft is flip-proof, in any fuelload situation, just tested it again. This pic is taken after start with full RCS, empty LFO... looks like you can visit even mun with it, but you must refuel to return safely. Craftfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f5ruucwxawttgdh/Pegasus.craft?dl=0
  6. Tested a deathproof emergency reentry glider (kind of a pegasus, nope [I]DREAMCHASER[/I]...). Aerospike and rcs for orbital maneuvering needs. It can deorbit 4 Kerbals alive in any case, selfstabilizing aerodynamics, even absolute noobs can land everywhere successfully. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/wvjNrgp.png[/IMG]
  7. Great Miniplane... i think its allready a [I]Micro[/I]plane if less than 2 tons.... :D
  8. As the most of us know... Jebediah Kerman owns a pilotlicence: Sure. It doens`t mean he actually made a licence himself, i believe he found it laying aside the barn, beneath a scrappile. He can`t even sit straight is his seat. Compare navball and plane alignment, to me, no questions left.
  9. Yes, with the update there is lots of fun ahead around Jool... Land a floating runway perhaps... Take Mort to a journey around Dres, maybe he likes to stay...
  10. Yes, Jeb is willing to fly through anything accessible. Bob can confirm. "Jeb... really... don`t do that..." "Yeah really... WoooHHHHH...." "OOOOOooooohhh..."
  11. Jeb told Bill how much fun it was flying through the old hangars... So Bill modified Jebs little plane into a twoseater... "JEEEEEEEBBB!!!"
  12. I really don`t know i guess i am too stupid to get this working, really wondering... But thanks however... It shows me a Java script failure...
  13. We have confirmed pictures of a Kerbal called Jebediah performing insane pilotingskills with a rather rubbish and hilariously slapped together... whatever it is. Full show, 6pics http://imgur.com/a/bmlkH
  14. No problem, relax! Just noticed the sticker on the rear of your tracked rover... put another one which says "but snacks!":D
  15. After reading your mission log i must say thats pretty much a hardcore journey... still spying into this Mission, greetings Mikki IIRC theres a heightmap somewhere called KSP maps or in the wiki...? Yes its here: http://www.kerbalmaps.com/?body=Kerbin&loc=-1.5288,71.9023 Select points of interest in the menu right after selecting celestial body
  16. Really no offense, but in reality, "Life" is a continuing disaster. It is normal people work on them (the disasters) each day. Everywhere, anytime. Maybe not so much on sundays. Perfection is a word like... Quality. I am happy having postpatches however, better than having none.
  17. I would have wondered if there was a happy end. Kuzzter isn`t Kollywood, Kuzzter is serious entertainment. APPLAUSE! claps hands while holding a cup of coffee...
  18. Hey kapteenipirk! Nicely done! +Rep from a guy from your neighbourhood... well... +300km:), currently 1800km
  19. Hello pandoras kitten My best advice to you is: leave them if you can, for the sake of your own life, and don`t regret. Toxic people stay toxic unless they realize that "the problem" is within themselfs, which is mostlikely not often the case. Until then they speculate and hope for the attention, help, time, whatever, of non toxic people, like you are maybe. Most people see, hear and tell what they want, and not, what is. "Idols" are good for some, beeing an idol yourself is not fun. Welcome to the reality, you are not alone with your problems. But still, solving them yourself is your duty, or they are at least in your range. Stay proud, solid, reasonable. Keep in mind that "normal" behavior means suitable for you and others. This applies to all people, so if the behavior of certain people doesn`t suit you, you are (or should be) free to leave (them). Greetings Mikki (Me thinks you are very suitable in this place, please stay and post as many crazy crafts you like:wink:!)
  20. "Do the Laythe-thing" Wait for the update and bring a submarine with you! Put a base at "the bottom of the Sagen Sea."
  21. In english yes. I speak some 7 languages, therefore i am a bit confused sometimes sorry. My brains capacity for communication is at the border of my personal liking, i wish it was`nt so . Call it ageing.
  22. Bonsoir I know you have allready lots of fun!
  23. Hello Tang_Titan After reading your post and some 10 speechless minutes i decided to write this to you: Consider yourself as a quiet worthy person making a career in (any) aerospace industries, ... ...i have seen many "sane" man loosing lesser fights against lesser foes (if foe is the right word, i am not english native speaker excuse me please). You deserve a lot respect for your statement. Stay on target, greetings Mikki (from europa).
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