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Everything posted by Mikki

  1. ... anti-de-in-refurbished never-meant-to-use-again Tinfoil hat on here too. Grabbing the t-shirt which says "9". Calling a not-closer-known guy on his cellphone. Ordering the red capsule.
  2. HELL YEAH! I see serious jailhouse for Jeb. Or a serious lawyer. Or serious treatment for mental ill.
  3. Abandoned KSP? Confessing your return? As you wish. You are a Kerbal soul. Exchange your mortal needs with ludicrous need for snacks, boosters and TWR. Praise the Kraken for its cuteness. Enter the church of Whackjob. Adopted.
  4. I AM THE GREATEST! well today... I unloaded and reloaded a Jumbo tank size item from a SSTO plane and back!!!! OMG! With a flatbed tug! I thought this day would never happen in stockplay....!
  5. A old pic from 0.9... this thing pulled a ridicilous 182 tons to LKO and landed safe. Must try again an top this load:wink:
  6. The forklifter fits in a MK3 cargobay, i wanna drop it on Laythe to make somer things easier to assemble over there... looking forward to the Mk3 cargoramp...
  7. Bill found an old forklifter at the barn, a handy and high reliable little friend...
  8. Bill was thinking back to good ol`times when engineering was so easy...: Craftfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4s4dnr7yvotekca/Forklifter%201.craft?dl=0 (Frontgear is on Agroup 7 IIRC.) Jebs decontamination habitat is on the move... Easy dude!
  9. Made a Mobile Crane System for my next Laythe colonization campaign. It can pull, push and lift, all in one vehicle: Can you do this? I picked up Jebs decontamination habitat out of the admins pool... guess what happened...
  10. Hey Bill, i am in a mess... Craftfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qwhetx24jn25mh9/Crane%201.craft?dl=0 (Take a look at the actiongroups, gears are on different numbers.) Don`t worry Jeb... Here you are! This mobile crane can pick up different stuff, three different sizes of landing legs provide a variety of lifting altitudes, tugging, pulling, pushing in one vehicle. The small landinggears provide additional steering authority. Buildt for a Laythe colonization campaign.
  11. Maybe the audience (we ...!?) should wait for the next update from squad, i really don`t think Kuzzter makes any decision for a another story unless its fleshed out, and the trial contains surely unconvenient consequences for the Kerbfleet employees... or is this a naval exploration command? Maybe they spend the next years at counting boulders on dres surface, for sience...
  12. Developing a LaytheSSTO base/ isru dropper...
  13. @magnemoe Your Kerbal Crew behaves weird... is this Gillness?:wink:
  14. Mikki


    Yes hello! Some of us may now bella Italia... I love Lasagna, and bella kerbine with curly dark hair.
  15. i think like that too, no matter how cool or cheap its done, as long as jeb can walk away... have the badge!
  16. Hi there Gojira1000 Yesterday i accomplished a crazy cool challenge from a guy called Gojira1000... oh wait ... yeah hi gojira1000! You again!
  17. Improper Re-entry Challenge. Extreme funny and satisfying to see Jebediah doing anything successfully wrong, a must-do challenge for all who feel bored waiting for 1.0.5/ 1.1...
  18. @OP: Well, building the Kerbvette took me about 1 1/2 hour, shuttle from my careerplay, and the rest was pure awesome!!! I made it in the first try, crashed with about 135m/s on the frontend, lost some fenders around the car and was very surprised that it landed on the wheels, no SAS module on board... Utter Nuts! I watched the cool Video two times to match your crazy challenge as close as possible. I was a bit short at the end, the desert is still named grasslands but there is no green anymore... You can see a part 6.4km flying away from the crash in the fifth pic... YOU ARE SERIOUS CHALLENGE OP! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
  19. HEY GOJIRA1000 Its me, Jeb... i am back... Challenge survived... Now gimme that darn cool badge please!:0.0:;):0.0::0.0::0.0::0.0::0.0::0.0::0.0:
  20. Hi Gojira1k This is serious challenge. I am serious kerbonaut. I build serious kerbvette. And deorbit improperly as desired. Must have your glorious badge! I will try the superhard heavy metal style landing. Jeb has done his testimony.
  21. Tweakscale would be cool in stockgame...
  22. KERMES is successfull in orbit! The Plane LF tanks look very rigid, no need for lifting separatly:D! with all tanks full...
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