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Everything posted by danielboro

  1. i solved that problem by gradually increasing the B in the formula another thing i do is to increase B to 100 for ships i use alot (like my tourists pod) but recently i found this method has a problem KCT recalculates construction time every time a ships get finished usually its ok as the tourist pod get finished fast and first (~1 day), and as long as i remember to set B back right after i buy the pod i dont have side effects if i dont reset B i run the risk getting all ship getting built as fast as the pod or if i do reset but its not the first, it gets delayed as it get a new number of built points using the regular B
  2. time is running out 31 days to window hub section is in orbit whit ranger in hab mode inflated drive section is on minmus refueling and getting fixed (i didnt have radiators for the nukes, adding them now)
  3. Inner Planets- orbit mun and/or minmus Outer Planets- orbit mun and/or minmus and probe/kerbald mission in kerbol orbit All Planets- successful outer or inner Grand Tour
  4. for a kerbal that was not yet under you ( they load into physics ) you can ignor the timer i do
  5. i join @Yaivenov i seen plains try to go up too fast and lose speed to a point the jet lose efficiency altitude importance over speed needs a reduction
  6. @allista it was more a replay to @DStaal then a bug report TCA`s auto trust balance wer extrimly important in the landing. all attempt to manual fix it or landing whit no trust balancing ended in a crase p.s. IIRC i installed TCA specifically to land the miner on mun, after failing to do it whit MJ and manually
  7. my miner was landed using MJ to aim at the wonted site TCA to balance the trust at COM and THROTTLE and orientation was manual(aided by MJ surfec up) i did tried a number a times to let MJ and/or TCA land it but computer aided manual landing was the only way it didnt crase
  8. i fallowed your advice and removed the folder and dll. i found that the damage is not so bad. only my urlom drive section that was my active ship at the time was affected (i was thinking all my ship were affected) and the bonus is i wanted to reconfigure the fuel tanks of that ship any way, and was thinking i will need to edit the save file no need to edit the file now i was thinking you can make this mod more MKS like if fuel tank changes will require an Engineer on EVA maybe need MK as well that will probably need 2 models in the DLL and an MM script to chose wat model to install nice mod, if and wen you fix it so it wont change the fule tanks just because its the active vessel il probably reinstall it p.s. i looked in my installed mod and found i have all tank modifiers (IFS, B9partswitc and firspitter) thy sim to live whit no problem together it will be nice if CC can join them in harmony
  9. i inherited CC from the new MKS update so im probably still in the discontinuity/realty dysfunction time but her are my observation/suggestion wen i was fixing my tanks back to LF only i started by changing the Ox to LF i got a message that i cant have 2x the same resource in a tank i suggest this this get resolved automatically or allow 2 lines of same resource after i understood wat the message meant i started deleting the second part(Ox) but i didn't fined an easy way to fill the tank whit LF i had to edit the volume of the first line manual i tried to press the button 'max' but didnt see any affect you wrote this is compatible whit KSPIE. KSPIE uses IFS and from my sort experience it sims CC conflict whit IFS can you test this and see if thers a way for them not to conflict? thanks
  10. did you tray ckan? did you look to see if all dependency`s are installed?
  11. wat will cause kct to do a recalculate of all vessels construction time in construction list? found this in out_put.log (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) Input is null for field 'initialName' in config node 'MODULE' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value) at BaseFieldList.Save(.ConfigNode node) at PartModule.Save(.ConfigNode node) at ShipConstruct.SaveShip() at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_BuildListVessel..ctor(.ShipConstruct s, System.String ls, Double bP, System.String flagURL) at KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_Utilities.RecalculateEditorBuildTime(.ShipConstruct ship) at KerbalConstructionTime.KerbalConstructionTime.EditorRecalculation() edit: long story: after installing the MKS update, the new changes broke my ships. i recalled a ship from the launchpad and did an edit to fix it. wen i presed ,save changes, the ship disapeard. i didnt see it ready or in the construction list. i edited the construction list to be faster (*30000) and spend the 300K on a new ship. FF for 30 game minutes then edited the the construction speed back to nurmal. after lunching the ship i started getting messages that ships are ready and noticed that ships that are sopuse the be ready in 23 days will now be ready in 1-2 hours how can i fix the time without editing every ship in the list (i have a long list. ~18 ships)?
  12. Its a hard dependency of interstellar extended I never had a problem having IFS and MKS. Only whit the new update after adding cc I'm seeing problem's
  13. id like to add that thers a posebelaty that Configurable Containers is conflicting whit IFS i was fixing my urlom-ship fule tanks back to LF only wen right menu stopped working whit esc and go to KSC buttons i had to kill the game
  14. i just run KSP and first thing went to see if the engineer is still missing but hes back
  15. i update bifor i start the game and i need to chose to wait up to 1H or update next time i start the game is ther a way to set up a split one for ckan only? less chance of " 'bug' reports " i expect
  16. my i recommend splitting thes mod to smaller parts? id recommend 1 for all the big files like textures and models and one for the text files and dll every time thers an update or bug fix i need to download ~90MB and github is slow ~16Kbp at the moment
  17. I had 2 instances of disappearing crew in the last 5 days The first I suspect stage recovery is responsible Description of case: A tug and tourist pod In tug val and extra pilot In pod 1 mun landing 2 mun fly bay and pilot or engineer (don’t remember) the tug was on a return to kerbin whit atmospheric breaking planed On Y2D64H5 they are all in there(27/1) i probably recovered a tourist pod in the middle. On Y2D65H4 no crew on board (28/1 ~) val is in KSC the rest are missing. I suspect a reentry and recovery of a tourist pod whit 2 tourists (visit station) and 2 pilots (rotating crew) is the reason for the missing crew on the mun tourist tug I did 1 attempt to recreate the problem but the crew was still in the tug after the recovery I will try a 2ed attempt in the near futher Description of 2ed case: (1/2) The 2ed instance of disappearing crew is more problematic A station in orbit under construction whit 1 engineer I lunched a probe whit MK first lunch has an error in parameters. I reverted 2ed lunch had all stages removed on revert and I only noticed it at lunch. I reverted 3ed lunch stages were fixes and lunch successful Upon rendezvous whit station I QS. moved to station, set dock port-control from her and MJ point to target. back to probe. Control from dock port and MJ-autodock. AFK. on return I see the prob floating whit 0 monoprop. load QS and manual dock. No crew in low right corner. I can see the engineer in map view in ship data and in tracing center in ship data. But no crew in ship view Reloading the save after the docking and closing the game and returning did not help. I have no pic of the engineer but I can see him listed in the ship data Did any one have this problem and know the source? I did not think of saving the logs after exiting to try a start over so all data in the logs is lost
  18. i had something that sounds similar. my rocket was landed until i staged in orbit. it was jittery all the way up, like a rover. its a pity SURF is not open in engineer, we cold have seen if this is the problem p.s. probably not. wen i tried to save i got a message i cant save wily moving over the surface.
  19. NFE by nerta has an option to make RTG Decay i dont know if you need all the mod to use it or if you can use that only
  20. i have a ship doing multi air braking. last night wen going to it to change the pe i found it empty. is it possible SR is deleting the crew of a ship that has a futher PE in atmosphere wen a part from a lunch is recovered? this is not the first time i found a ship whit a PE in atmosphere empty and IIRC somewhere in the tread it was raised as a possible SR bug.
  21. i use this but since some of my ships has KOS boot scripts i can use an auto jump option so thay can run the script instead of waiting until i get back to the computer to jump to them
  22. is ther an option for auto jump to ship? if not, can it be add?
  23. option 1 is the new model i think tomf likes the old models better i just do lots of work to rewrite all the cfg`s to use the new models its lots of work since the structure of the directory was changed as well wen the new model wer added @tomf are you willing to rewrite and repackage(the old models) so this can be easily moved from old models to new models?
  24. for a wily i had For Science and Orbital Science installed, but For Science did not work at all
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