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Everything posted by Jebs_SY

  1. Hey LGG, I am getting some continuous LOG spam when on EVA and the RCS is on... it is spamming this line.... I think it needs something like a "if key pressed"-... can that be? BR JebsSY
  2. @LGG: Just FYI, the version in the ingame window title says I assume that just got forgotten to update. BTW, thx for the maintenance!
  3. That's the question. I still wouldn't bet on that. I read here multiple times about the problem with the non working menu, I doubt everyone has a KIS item lying around. At least the described way is an easy way to reproduce the problem. But maybe it is still useful, to ping @IgorZ regarding this issue like shown in the video... @IgorZ We (I) have a problem, that the game bugs our when (1) putting a KIS item on the ground and (2) using a planet pack that deletes the stock launchpads while having (3) making history installed. Maybe just check my last post and take a quick look at this video. Maybe this is also interesting for @Thomas P. ? I mean in the end it's an exception in the evaluation of the launchpads while saving the game in some special situation (f.e. a KIS item is lying around). Now is the question if the KIS item is anyhow special or maybe should kopernicus catch that case or is it a totally different solution. As last note, this only happens with Making History installed. And a fix is deleting the "removeLaunchSites = ..." from the GPP configs... but still maybe this case should somewhere catched... BR JebsSY o/
  4. @Galileo I've found a way to easy reproduce the launchsite exception, which prevents load and save and main menu... Just use KSP 1.4.5 with MH and install GPP 1631 + KIS 1.14 (f.e. via CKAN)... then put a KIS Item onto the launchpad and try to save... bugged... Seems like a KIS Item need to be lying around for the bug... I made a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKddXYyQQmU Hope this helps to debug... I am out of ideas, currently. EDIT: Wow, removing the line "removeLaunchSites = Desert_Launch_Site, Desert_Airfield, Desert_GroundObjects, Woomerang_GroundObjects" out of Geal_A.cfg indeed fixes / works around this problem! \o/ Thx @OhioBob BR JebsSY Log is:
  5. @Gameslinx @Galileo @Cooly568 Just wanted to say, count me in, having the same problem (LaunchSiteIndex - Argument Out Of Range ) but with GPP.... I removed dated quicksaves and kerbal konstructs, still after some specific actions the game is borked... can't save anymore, can't return to space center and so on... Made a demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZXhf30HWjo Its a relatively fresh game - science mode, but with around 100 mods. I wonder what messes around with the launch site list.... With Coolys information here it seems to be related to the Making History Expansion. Do we have a workaround here? BR JebsSY 180603T122955.069 [INFO] [ModularFI.ModularFlightIntegrator.print] [ModularFlightIntegrator] Start. VesselModule on vessel : ModularFlightIntegrator RPMVesselComputer CommNetVessel BetterBurnTimeData 180603T122955.672 [INFO] [FlightIntegrator.Setup] [FlightIntegrator]: Reloaded drag cube for zeroed cube root part SEP.Box on vessel Cardboard Box 180603T122955.676 [INFO] [KSPDev.LogUtils.DebugEx.Log] Part [Part:SEP.Box (id=F1439423103)] is in state IDLE 180603T122958.647 [EXCEPTION] [System.Collections.Generic.List`1[LaunchSite].get_Item] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[LaunchSite].get_Item (Int32 index) at Vessel.get_LandedInStockLaunchSite () at FlightState..ctor () at Game.Updated (GameScenes startSceneOverride) at Game.Updated () at QuickSaveLoad.doSave (System.String filename, System.String screenMsg) at QuickSaveLoad.quickSave (Boolean saveAs) at QuickSaveLoad.Update () 180603T123002.364 [EXCEPTION] [System.Collections.Generic.List`1[LaunchSite].get_Item] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[LaunchSite].get_Item (Int32 index) at Vessel.get_LandedInStockLaunchSite () at FlightState..ctor () at Game.Updated (GameScenes startSceneOverride) at Game.Updated () at QuickSaveLoad.doSave (System.String filename, System.String screenMsg) at QuickSaveLoad.quickSave (Boolean saveAs) at QuickSaveLoad.Update () 180603T123008.482 [INFO] [Kopernicus.DiscoverableObjects.UpdateAsteroid] [Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 15%) 180603T123008.482 [INFO] [Kopernicus.DiscoverableObjects.SpawnAsteroid] [Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 35%) 180603T123008.482 [INFO] [Kopernicus.DiscoverableObjects.UpdateAsteroid] [Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 35%) 180603T123008.483 [INFO] [Kopernicus.DiscoverableObjects.UpdateAsteroid] [Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 15%) 180603T123011.064 [INFO] [KSPUpgradePipeline.Process] [KSPUpgradePipeline]: Twitch (1.4.3) is up to date. 180603T123011.089 [INFO] [KSPScenarioType.GetAllScenarioTypesInAssemblies] [ScenarioTypes]: List Created 28 scenario types loaded from 169 loaded assemblies. 180603T123011.089 [INFO] [KSP.UI.Screens.MessageSystem.LoadMessages] [MessageSystem] Load Messages
  6. The background mode of this tool does not work for me. So don't use the background mode. I use the attached batch. And it only helps, when KSP IS NOT YET in the windows cache... as soon as you started KSP once before, it IS already in the cache. I have a loop to load it back into the cache cause when recording video with OBS it seems that writing the video to the HD, it slowly flushes KSP out of the windows cache. The loop in the batch reloads it back into the cache (while it is still in the cache) ... so more like updating the "last accessed" value of the files to make sure they stay in the cache. 32GB RAM here. If I then need to restart the game it loads up with like <2% HDD LED activity. Almost no activity at all. Cause of the windows cache it is also important, that users that making measurement here, at least load the game once fully and close it, before making any measurements. If not they are totally not comparable. Then they would compare non-caches with windows cached. BR JebsSY
  7. But @makkz, do you know what I wonder? When do we get an update for 1.4?! (scnr) :-)
  8. @jrodriguez Never done that, yet and have few time to fiddle into new things, at the moment. And what I always wonder, does one really fork a repo to add a 2 line change pull request? Seems like a lot of overhead. It's really only the one added line in the first thing and the added /PluginData/ in the second.
  9. @jrodriguez Thx for the new release. May I suggest 2 small changes? In camtools.cs in front of line 954 one could add: if (audioSources.name.Equals("MusicLogic")) break; Which fixes the problem, that after using CT the music volume changes when zooming (view distance to the vessel). And in CTPersistantField.cs line 8 to: public static string settingsURL = "GameData/CameraTools/PluginData/settings.cfg"; And move the settings to PluginData. This special named folder is known by modulemanager and having the settings there makes modulemanger NOT invalidate the cache each time camera tools changes its settings. This gives a faster startup for highly modded installs.
  10. @stupid_chris Could it be, that real chutes sometimes do not take their configuration with them? I almost lost a EVE lander because it suddenly had the chutes on default settings vs carbon chutes at max size. But I am not totally sure if I maybe really accidently forgot to configure them, that time. I will do some testing, if I find some spare time. Things that could be problematic are for example (a) copy a chute in editor (b) taking it from a subassembly (c) remount it in flight to another vessel with kis (d) selecting multiple (non symmetric) chutes in the editor with action groups extended and tweak the parameters (e) unmount it with KIS and put it into KIS inventory. That it's not possible to keep the configuration on (e) I can imagine. But in the other cases it would be great if the chute can keep it's configuration.
  11. 50GB? I use 200 mods and my KSP starts up with 9GB with normal texture size... over the session it grows up to like 20GB on my KSP 1.4.2 installl... but 50GB?! What have you installed?
  12. @Bombard Please include such wall of text at least in SPOILER tags... You need to change the number on "currentLoadout = 4" on the DRILLS (attention, other modules can also have converters, I think)... to find out the number you need, go in a new save, spawn a drill with the desired configuration, and then search for the number. Sidenote: CURRENTLY this list COULD match for drills, no guarantee, tho... and this numbering can change with a new version... 0 = Dirt 1 = Gypsum 2 = Minerals 3 = Substrate 4 = MetallicOre 5 = Water 6 = Hydrates 7 = Uraninite 8 = RareMetals 9 = ExoticMinerals 10 = Silicates 11 = Rock 12 = Ore 13 = Karbonite 14 = Karborundum
  13. @linuxgurugamer It's triggered by line 160 in \Src\CameraFilters\CameraFilter.cs.... I've disabled this line for me, for now. I had this log spam, too, but I cannot say in which szene. But the question is, why the mtshader (movietime shader, see lines above) is not loaded. I think this is (obviously) also the cause, why this camera mode is not working. Night vision mode seems to not work, too, that had typical green night vision filter on it, in 1.3.x. Unfortunately I have no time to dig into it, these days. EDIT: I've realized that all other shader files in my highly modded install (EVE,MechJeb,ScanSat,Scatterer) have a header "UnityFS 5.x.x 2017.xxx" and Hullcam still had "UnityFS 5.x.x 5.4.0p4"... maybe these shaders need to be repacked anyhow. EDIT2: This stuff seem sto be in the HullCameraAssets folder... ans in Assets there seems to be only the Movietime.shader... so if that's the only thing missing, one could maybe just comment out the warning and fix that movie camera (Kazzelblad cam uses that) later...
  14. I had problems in the editor, fiddling around inventory in multiple KIS containers and accidently clicked through the window onto the rocket. Could make a video, if needed. Have a highly modded install, tho. Should KIS inventory windows have a click through protection already? I saw LGG adding it to a mod in one of this twitch streams, was simple one "use" and then 2 time "search and replace"... One would have a dependency on click through blocker, tho.
  15. Comment out the TEXTURE LINE in the MODEL section.... MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Resources/RadialDrill/TriBitDrill //texture = TriBitDrill, UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/TriBitDrill_YL scale = 2,2,2 }
  16. That would be great! Click through-problems hit me so often... Have a big ship... setting up multiple large KIS containers... clicked through... changed ship,,, didn't knew what you changed ... need to CTRL-Z ... all KIS containers empty again... very annoying. But hey, I managed to not throw out my computer through the window... \o/ Love KIS, tho.
  17. If you have Blizzys toolbar installed, you may need to add the button to the blizzy toolbar. Also you can try setting forceStockAppLauncher = true in DPAI Settings.cfg.
  18. Wait, what? Profiling? Can one profile with the unity environment? Could I analyze my modded install regarding which mods/function calls take how much time each frame with the Unity tools?
  19. Thx for your answer. I thought hangars already does that with vehicles... but when I read your answer, I assume it "only" unloads it from the physics scene and it stays in the save game, not unloading the whole vessel structure and saves it into a file, right? A pity. Well, maybe I "just" need to change my playing style and/or career goals, then. Hmm.
  20. @allista Having a question here... I play a highly modded career and the universe part count slowly is killing my loading times. If I remove ALL ships from the universe (~5000 parts, 40MBytes save currently), my VAB loading times drop from 30 to 10 seconds, the ship spawn times of a bigger ship drop from 60 secs to 30 secs. The performance directly correlates to the save game size / universe part count. Unfortunately, I didn't have much, which is obsolete, when the career goal was, to colonize the kerbin system. At the current point I am getting to a state that nears unplayable. Would it with the Hangars procedures maybe possible to unload a whole station like this? I mean, without flying it into a hangar. Maybe one could attach a new, special part, which has a menu entry to park the vessel where it's attached outside the save game. OK, then one maybe needs a general menu to re-spawn it. If you think that's to over-powered, one could make the part renamed in the release, so that it's not active, but people who need this functionality could rename it to make it active and use it. So the general idea is to park big things outside the save game until one needs them and re enables it. I mean, that is exactly what Hangars is for, but "on size bigger". Or is there something else? EDIT: One maybe doesn't even need a special part... an configuration option to enable a hidden menu like "unload vessel" and "reload vessel" from the hangars button/menu would maybe be enough?! BR JebsSY
  21. Now that you say it, I can remember that I had a non-working left click on map, too. In the last one or 2 weeks. I think I switched vehicles with HayStack and then it was good to go, again. I didn't had time to investigate it further. Precise Maneuver once had a bug where in a special situation you were not able to create maneuver nodes anymore on orbits. But the rest of left clicks were working. I reported how to reproduce that and it got fixed. So all information I can deliver for now, that it happened to me, too. Not much, but we will see.
  22. Hello, the thing I would fear is that a motivated author decides, to take this decision for the user and includes "remote has priority" in the online / server version and then maybe at some time loses motivation and then it's abandoned. I like the idea, but to be on the safe side, could you implement it that way, that these values only be taken into account when read from the local side? And ignored when read on the remote side. BR JebsSY
  23. Everything has 2 sides... for me that "remote before local" feature also was annoying sometimes... when I had an older mod installed on a newer KSP, and I knew after testing, that it works, I edited my local version file to update for that and take this into account and remove the nag screen but stay with the possibility to receive an update when a new version comes out. In some cases this has simply not worked and with the information now I assume, that I continued to get a nag screen because AVC used the remote file, which the author didn't updated and my local change wasn't taken into account... So an active author can push our a release but an inactive author can not update the remote .version file and the user stays with nag screens forever (or removed whole AVC functionality by deleting the version file). So in the end I think both solution have up- and downsides... well, I am fine with both. o/
  24. Missing History used other names for these engines than porkjet, iirc.
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