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Everything posted by Jebs_SY

  1. @Kobymaru Do you already have an idea, why the patches are not drawn anymore in KSP 1.4.1 when getting close with the camera? I am getting into coding and fiddling around a bit with the issue. Already looked at the issue, that the patches were not drawn when the navball ghost markers are shown, but didn't got that solved. If you have an idea of direction, I maybe could help debugging here. BR JebsSY
  2. For now one can work around this issue by commenting out / removing the texture line in the model section of the MKS drills CFG... it removes the MKS textures and they look like stock drills, tho... but work.
  3. I think the Verniers need a small workover. (ModuleRCS to ModuleRCSFX afaik.) (effect is messed up)
  4. @TriggerAu If it's the only thing, I got it recompiled after adding "KSPPluginFramework." in front of the "EnumExtensions" in "TWPWindowSettings.cs". But I assume, that's not you problem and there's more... damn, looked OK in the first test.
  5. If that's (missing bigger drills) not already solved, that's why they not loaded on my installation and I would work around it by commenting out the texture line in the model section of the drill CFG... [LOG 23:18:27.340] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'MKS.Drill.01A' [LOG 23:18:27.387] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Parts/MKS_Drill_02/MKS_Drill_02' [ERR 23:18:27.388] PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PartLoader.ReplaceTextures (UnityEngine.GameObject model, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 textureNames, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 newTextures) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.CompileModel (.UrlConfig cfg, .ConfigNode partCfg, Single scaleFactor, .AvailablePart partInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [ERR 23:18:27.388] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part [LOG 23:18:27.388] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Parts/MKS_Drill_02A/MKS_Drill_02A' [ERR 23:18:27.389] PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PartLoader.ReplaceTextures (UnityEngine.GameObject model, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 textureNames, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 newTextures) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.CompileModel (.UrlConfig cfg, .ConfigNode partCfg, Single scaleFactor, .AvailablePart partInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [ERR 23:18:27.389] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part [LOG 23:18:27.389] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Parts/MKS_Drill_03/MKS_Drill_03' [ERR 23:18:27.389] PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PartLoader.ReplaceTextures (UnityEngine.GameObject model, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 textureNames, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 newTextures) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.CompileModel (.UrlConfig cfg, .ConfigNode partCfg, Single scaleFactor, .AvailablePart partInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [ERR 23:18:27.389] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part [LOG 23:18:27.389] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Parts/MKS_Drill_03A/MKS_Drill_03A' [ERR 23:18:27.389] PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PartLoader.ReplaceTextures (UnityEngine.GameObject model, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 textureNames, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 newTextures) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.CompileModel (.UrlConfig cfg, .ConfigNode partCfg, Single scaleFactor, .AvailablePart partInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [ERR 23:18:27.389] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part [LOG 23:18:27.389] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Parts/MKS_EL_LaunchPad/MKS_EL_LaunchPad' [LOG 23:18:27.407] PartLoader: Part 'UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Parts/MKS_EL_LaunchPad/MKS_EL_LaunchPad' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 23:18:27.414] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'MKS.EL.LaunchPad'
  6. Hey @linuxgurugamer, o/ would it be much work, to make the axis of the horizontal (master) snapping depending on the camera angle? So either the N-S axis, if the camera looks in a direction from 45°-135° or 225°-315° or the W-E axis, if the camera is looking in a direction from 135°-225° or 315°-45°. I'm sure the game is not using cardinal directions for that, but I hope the idea is understandable. Edit: Can it be, that master snapping only works with surface attached parts but not with node attached parts that got an offset? Would be nice to be able to use it on node attached, but offset parts. BR Jebs_SY
  7. @PiezPiedPy Thx for the new update. Do you have any idea, why the projected trajectory disappears as soon as one enables "Ghost Markers" on NavballAdjustor? Relevant lines here and below. But this issue was already with the old version.
  8. Hi. Was able to reproduce it. Have to say, that pressing CTRL what is "throttle down" kicks the thrust of my engine to 60%. But the throttle stays at 0%. To kill the engine I need to press "X" (cut engine). Interesting is, even on EVA that happens. Made a quick video, send it to you, @linuxgurugamer Maybe it helps debugging. o/ BR JebsSY
  9. Ah, OK. That's the problem. Yes, until KSP is getting a fix, it sounds like a a good idea to compensate it in RPM. So that's only one change there, instead of all configs.
  10. @alexustas Thx for the great props and cockpits! Just wanted to note, that radial in/out buttons in the ALCOR and MK1-2 cockpits are working inverse for me at the moment. As from my understanding from the configs, the ASET configs are OK, but I think RPM interprets it inverse. I pinged MOARdV for that, here. I think that needs to be fixed from RPMs side. If this can't be done there, you could inverse the calls in your configs too (I fixed it here for myself) but the configs would be counter-intuitive then. BTW, may I ask how one places the buttons in the cockpits when one designs a new cockpit? Are there tools where you can load the cockpit and button models and place them? I always wondered that. If yes, which are it?
  11. @MOARdV Hello MOARdV. Thx for you work with RPM! I wanted to ask, if the inverse radial in/out is intentional in SASModeButton.cfg? I think it works correct as it is, but JSISASRadialPlus should not be ButtonSASModeRadialIn. I assume the function name in the DLL is inverse and so the inverse config corrects for that. But ASET's radial in/out buttons are now inverse for me, because ASET uses RADIALOUT with PLUS (as it should be) but that works inverse then. Hope you can get, what I mean?! PROP { name = JSISASRadialPlus MODEL { model = Squad/Props/ledPanelSpeed/model } MODULE { name = JSIActionGroupSwitch actionName = plugin switchTransform = toggleButton switchSound = Squad/Sounds/sound_click_tock coloredObject = toggleButton disabledColor = 0,0,0,255 enabledColor = 0,255,0,255 PLUGINACTION { name = JSIInternalRPMButtons actionMethod = ButtonSASModeRadialIn stateMethod = ButtonSASModeRadialInState } } MODULE { name = JSIVariableLabel labelText = Radial + transformName = textLabel fontSize = 0.01 oneshot = true } } PROP { name = JSISASRadialMinus MODEL { model = Squad/Props/ledPanelSpeed/model } MODULE { name = JSIActionGroupSwitch actionName = plugin switchTransform = toggleButton switchSound = Squad/Sounds/sound_click_tock coloredObject = toggleButton disabledColor = 0,0,0,255 enabledColor = 0,255,0,255 PLUGINACTION { name = JSIInternalRPMButtons actionMethod = ButtonSASModeRadialOut stateMethod = ButtonSASModeRadialOutState } } MODULE { name = JSIVariableLabel labelText = Radial - transformName = textLabel fontSize = 0.01 oneshot = true } }
  12. Thank you very much. Tested and works well, as it seems.
  13. Hey Linux, one small thing here... when EVA Enhancements is installed, the main menu game setting "EVA's auto rotate to camera" doesn't work anymore. The function (indicated by SAS light on EVA when RCS is on) is always off and needs to activated by pressing T while on EVA. A little bit annoying. (EDIT: To be more precise, after EVA the SAS light is on, but when pressing SPACE and then R it goes off and the kerbal doesn't auto rotate into the camera when pressing WASD - however, without EVA Enhancements this function stays on, when it is enabled in the main menu settings.) I think I maybe found the cause for that. EVA Enhancements always initializes this feature as off in line 30. On the other hand the state will be written in line 113. Could that maybe be initialized by the game setting instead of "false"? Like (bool rotateOnMove = GameSettings.EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE; ) However I don't know if it's really that easy. If you try/change it, can I use that also on KSP1.3.0? BR Jebs
  14. I've just tested this version in 1.3.1 and it works. ( https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases ) However, there is still an old bug present, that after one uses Camera Tools, the ksp space music volume then changes volume when zooming in or out the vessel until you restart KSP. Normally the music doesn't change volume when you zoom in or out. Sound does, but music should not. Maybe @jrodriguez could take a look regarding this issue? BR Jebs
  15. @RoverDude This is meant more or less as FYI, but maybe this information could be helpful... I think there will be no solution for my problem, but I at least wanted to ask... we already had the drill-performance topic and yes, 160 drills are not to consider. But with the change from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 the performance of my 16 drill ship dropped noticable for me. I assume that's a change in KSP itself, unfortunately. My ship with 16 "Automated Industrial Strip Miners" changed its loading time from 1 minute to 4 minutes every time I switch to it. This is the point where I need to stay away from 1.3.1 or trash my highly modded install. Anyway, I made 2 comparisons with pure "Vanilla+MKS" only. "1.3.0 &" vs. "1.3.1 & 0.53.0". I just took a Kerbodyne-S3 tank, added 16 "Automated Industrial Strip Miners", saved it and loaded it again. The difference is 5 seconds vs. 23 seconds for the "overheatable evaluation". [LOG 20:22:54.113] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:54.410] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:54.717] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:55.027] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:55.349] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:55.640] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:55.929] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:56.239] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:56.552] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:56.870] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:57.190] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:57.499] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:57.806] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:58.105] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:58.399] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:22:58.697] Found 12 overheatable modules vs [LOG 20:25:48.953] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:25:50.560] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:25:52.163] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:25:53.722] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:25:55.300] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:25:56.883] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:25:58.444] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:26:00.001] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:26:01.578] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:26:03.170] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:26:04.735] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:26:06.347] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:26:07.941] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:26:09.523] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:26:11.085] Found 12 overheatable modules [LOG 20:26:12.658] Found 12 overheatable modules This 1:4 ratio matches the ratio with my issue, also. If you're working close with squad, maybe some of you will see, where the performance got lost. BR Jebs
  16. @DMagic @MOARdV @alexustas It's not a game breaker, so if it's to hard to find, we maybe should let it be. But because I started it, I still wanna give the latest information I found. -It's not related to ALCOR only. It happens with the ASET props. They are used by (f.e. the MK1-2 pod IVA and also by ALCOR). -Removing "SCANsat\MM_Parts\MFDPatches.cfg" doesn't change anything (I thing because ASET already uses these value). -If someone want's to debug it, one needs 1.3.0-Vanilla + Scansat18 + MK1-2IVAReplacement0.2 + RPM0.29 (and I suggest USI MKS for more resource layers to compare) I made one more screenshot set, where you can see the problem. However, just if anyone is interested. I can live with it, so this is not a fix request. o/ BR Jebs
  17. @DMagic Thx for your work with Scansat! Really love that mod. Do you maybe have an idea / searching direction regarding this issue? (The screens are fully drawn. Notice 3 different ore overlay heights) (The scansat rpm ore overlay is not properly aligned on different (aset) screens) I alread asked MOARdv on his opinion here and looked over the code but I can not spot the error. BR Jebs
  18. Hello @MOARdV OK, thank you very much. Wouldn't that mean, that when the overlay is correct on Page1 on MFD-Type-A, but incorrect streched on Page2 on MFD-Type-A (same MFD Type) that is then only can be a scansat-rpm-DLL issue? I mean it's correct on one page, but incorrect on another page on the same MFD type. BR Jebs
  19. Hello @MOARdV if I see that all correctly, in that screenshot both MFDs are the "ALCORMFD60x30" and they have "screenPixelWidth = 960" and "screenPixelHeight = 1024". The interesting thing is, that the "map" is OK, but only the "ore overlay" seems not scaled properly. Here I wonder, if "map" and "ore overlay" are two different images/information, that RPM gets from scansat and RPM combines them, or if RPM just requests a "map with ore overlay" and scansat combines them and delivers it as one image/information. No need for a sorry, it's not a deal breaker. Much thanks for all your work with RPM. It's great. I really love it. It just has a litte performance impact on my highly modded install, but that's the way it is. BTW, are there hints where one can lower the performance impact a little? Maybe change the refresh rate or such things? BR Jebs
  20. @sarbian Is there a way to set up GCMonitor that it does not auto opens at KSP loading? I've checked GCMonitor, but I didn't found a setting regarding that. BR Jebs
  21. @linuxgurugamer You fixed an issue with the key combinations in the last version. Thank you very much for that. There is a small thing left over. When you selected an image with CTRL-i in the image list and keep it selected, close it with ALT-i, imageviewer auto-opens on the next KSP start in the loading screen. Could you maybe change it, that it doesn't auto open itself at game start, if an image is still selected? I didn't wanted to bother you, but this issue is really a little bit annoying. I think/hope it's just like an "if true/false show image" at initialization. BR Jebs
  22. @MOARdV Do you maybe have an idea / searching direction regarding this issue? (The scansat ore overlay is not properly aligned on different (aset) screens) BR Jebs
  23. Hi all. @Diddly Feelerino @Hydrothermalventclam @themaster401 For me it's a green screen issue. However, are you guys using Astronomers Visual Enhancements? I've just found out, that for me "AstronomersVisualPack\EVE\atmosphere.cfg" breaks VesselViewer. For whatever reason. You could try to remove it and report back, if so. @themaster401 @linuxgurugamer Do you maybe have any idea, why this file confuses VesselViewer(RPM)? All what is in this file (atmosphere.cfg) is: EVE_ATMOSPHERE { OBJECT { body = Kerbin atmosphereMaterial { _Color = 0,0,35,0 _SunsetColor = 0,0,35,0 } } } Hmm?! BR Jebs
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