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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Hi an welcome, @Sqoosh, it's always nice to see another new forum member! Took me more than a year too until I changed from a "lurker" to an active forum member, trust me, you won't regret it, many many friendly, helpful and smart people around here (plus dumb me ) Hope to read from you soon, take care o/
  2. Not by having such a pathetic user name, that's for sure.
  3. As requested @paul_c still here maybe?
  4. And then you see in German speaking countries more and shops with advertisements like "Peter's Laden"
  5. Hi @linuxgurugamer, just fyi, I found a little issue with JC and the K2 pod: purging the 1.875 m variant also purges K2_IVA.mu which is used by the 1.25 m variant as well, resulting in no IVA, no Kerbal portraits displayed, hence no right click EVA option (can only be done then via the Transfer Crew menu by right clicking the pod).
  6. You can't even make proper typos, what a shame.
  7. Hmm... I don't know of any option to toggle that on/off, corrupt save game maybe.
  8. Tried clicking the question mark icon (3rd from the right) in the top tool bar?
  9. That is unfortunate, crash dump often reveals the cause of a crash. The log you provided abruptly stops, not giving much useful information. Hard to analyze without having more to work with.
  10. I don't know either your PC nor your KSP installation details, sorry. Checked here too? AppData\Local\Temp\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Crashes
  11. You're sure this is right crash dump file? Debug session time: Fri Oct 2 22:28:44.000 2020 (UTC + 1:00) TARGET_TIME: 2020-10-02T21:28:44.000Z Please look also for files with a name similar to this: KSP_x64.exe.668.dmp
  12. Assuming you're using Windows, it should be here <systemdrive>\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Crashes
  13. I can see some oddities yes, but no crash in the log. Do you have a crash.dmp? As well as some more information so we have something to work with to find out what causes your issue (see my signature)?
  14. That sounds weird, as if some files are garbled/corrupted. Tried a Steam file verification (assuming that you have KSP on Steam)?
  15. Looking at your haircut, you did already sue you barber?
  16. Another possibility are ad spamming extensions, seen that on various customer PCs.
  17. Oh c'mon, @Gargamel, if you actually could, would you really remove those kittens? Really
  18. Unfortunately, I don't see the answer option "I use both, interchangeably, sometimes this, sometimes the other"
  19. No offense, but (thoroughly) checking stuff before posting is usually not a bad idea at all That is, by the way, the reason why I have those two lines in my signature, I wish more people would care for that.
  20. If you check the part list, it is clear that the craft file includes all stages, not only the lander itself.
  21. Eeek... At the moment, I only see to disable some non-critical mods like MJ (part mods are required, of course) and see if that helps. Also, what about starting a new (sandbox) game and try to import your crafts there, does the issue still occur? If no, my best bet is that some mod interferes.
  22. Some mods do offer to enable visual debug information, namely MJ. Can you test without mods?
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