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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. He's busy with his soup, I'm sorry... But maybe the bone man aka @DasSkelett is available?
  2. Hmm... as per the Wiki, thrust atm (kN): Mainsail 1 379.03 Twin-Boar 1 866.67 Clydesdale 2 948.936 Rhino 1 205.88
  3. gc stands for garbage collection, cleaning up KSP unused memory. And the more RAM you have, the worse gc functions. If you have say 12 or 16 or more GB RAM, try this mod, I did not have any gc errors since I installed it.
  4. Thanks, @Mythos , it is a really really useful tool, part of my KSP toolbox for years. Didn't need it often, but for the few times, saved me a lot of sweating and cursing and some pulled out hairs!
  5. Most of the time!!!! ... now I understand why you have this particular profile picture - woof, woof
  6. Hi @EdwardB3020, please help us to help you, we need some more information as outlined here: In particular, of course, the error message you mentioned (maybe a screenshot?). Is the error reproducible, does it happen every time? And what are the exact circumstances (again, a screenshot might be helpful)?
  7. Just my 2 cents then, I think using MJ is a two sided coin, two examples: When I started playing KSP some years ago, I couldn't perform a Mun landing, always crashes, crashes, and more crashes. Then I installed MJ and let it do the landing. And watched, very closely. And began to understand. And tried it again myself, which after three attempts finally succeed. Fast forward to today, I do all my landings manually which for me works better than MJ. As I said earlier, I'm playing KSP for a couple of years now and have launched a couple of thousand rockets. It's the very same same over and over again to reach orbit, that is why I delegate that job to MJ. I'm a bit OCD here, I totally love to build and optimize rockets so they follow the predefined ascend trajectory as close as possible, optimizing sometimes for hours without any practical relevance or use, just for the fun of it.
  8. And in addition to what @FleshJeb and @paul_c already said: 1st stage has almost 1700 m/s (I'd put the launch clamps directly into the 1st stage too), ASL, probably way more vacuum dv as those are Rhino engines. That's quite a lot of dv. I recommend for the 1st stage between 1000 and 1300 m/s (vac), using engines that are build for ASL operations like the Mainsail or SRBs. 2nd stage then 2200 to 2500 (depends on the dv for the 1st stage), engine-wise something between an ASL and a vacuum engine, e.g. the Skipper or the Mastodon or the Skiff, that stage should bring your rocket out of the atmosphere but not fully into orbit (avoiding space junk). Finally, in space use any vacuum engine as it fits.
  9. Yes and no... in the end, we are well aware that those animated little green critters are just bits any bytes, no consciousness etc. You got me here. Despite "they" are just animated bits any bytes, I actually do like them, and feel affection. Tamagotchi 2021. I always go for F9, never let any of my imaginary green little people die. Call me crazy, whatever, I can not do that. Responsibility. My ethical compass, quite old fashioned (I still open the door for the lady, help her with her coat, insist paying the restaurant bill, and so on.). Do what is the right thing to do. Even for/with imaginary critters. He who doesn't respect life of a fellow animal, can not respect life of a fellow person. Won't get me alive. Enough said. I hope for sooner. -------------------- And now for something completely different: I'm glad you found this thread, @Lisias, it is meant just to let your thoughts roam free, which is what you do That said, I assume that you are aware that I'm the diametrical opposite what nowadays is "political correct". You have been warned
  10. It's really not that hard to do, only costs some time and patience. Let me know If I can help you out with anything
  11. Well, I basically follow this tutorial, with a few adjustments as per my personal preference: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Setting_up_a_CommNet_system And for the precision: doing the orbital periods as precise as possible, the constellations won't degrade significantly in 10 or 20 years, I prefer that over deploying new satellites every other year.
  12. Been procrastinating that myself too for too long, tbh For the Jool system, as per my plan, I need to deploy 27 Relay Satellites, plus 20 ScanSat Satellites. Sending 14 rockets to Jool is one thing, but then deploying almost 50 satellites, one by one, in specific orbits, plus adjusting for the relay satellites the orbital period precise to milliseconds? Jeez... At least I now have most of it done after procrastinating for weeks - it's so much easier and more fun to send some tourists to Mun or Minmus
  13. That sounds like a call to built a solar system wide communication network, if you're up for the task
  14. A significant part, if not most of the time, of my job I have to work as an Issue Solver. And one of the core issues is that the Cathedral Builders never listen when we tell them what's wrong, and further more, they don't give a bit about what the users of the cathedral want and need.
  15. I follow the old Bauhaus mantra "form follows function". Sure, my constructions are all looking bland, but they WORK.
  16. @stevehead comes to my mind, author of the still working Simple Orbit Calculator. Saved me many many times ALT-tabbing out of the game and checking the wiki or calculation tools. And @NecroBones of course, author of the for me most important part mods.
  17. ...says the one with a childish avatar. Back to childhood days then?
  18. or just "robocopy <source> <dest> /mir" ?
  19. Settings... from settings.cfg, to the various .xml from KER, to toolbar-settings.dat, JanitorsCloset.dat, ... Those are the ones always costing me the most time when starting from scratch.
  20. I recommend to copy the whole KSP folder, this way you don't have to worry about mods or any settings not copied. I do regular backups of my whole KSP folder every couple of weeks plus when changing my installation (e.g. updating a mod), and I also make a backup of the \saves folder every time I start KSP. Better safe than sorry
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