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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
  2. "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
  3. [snip] And then you still have people who are just and simply obnoxious. Telling them they are is a bad thing. Better say nothing, preserve the peace. For how long you keep quiet then? Until there is nothing left? No right or wrong, no decency anymore? EDIT: It's not that I don't understand our fellow moderators, heck no, If I were in their shoes, I'd do the very same: keeping the peace. Don't get me wrong here. Still, for me, wrong means wrong, right means right.
  4. I do remember, in another forum, a particular disagreement with the moderators there: They had the rule, that whenever a topic was closed by the moderators, regardless of the reason(s), any user was forbidden to open a new thread about that very topic. Long story short, if "the gang" (aka the progressive, "woke", good-doers) did not like a specific topic, they simply started a flame war, which naturally and rightfully got that thread closed. Gaming the system. Try to open a calm, serious, fact based based discussion about that very topic got you punished badly. I left that game.
  5. "Кто не жалеет о распаде СССР, у того нет сердца. А у того, кто хочет его восстановления в прежнем виде, у того нет головы" (ввп) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jorX9kjJiY#t=150s
  6. You asked for it Regarding KSP though, it was my first successful Mun landing, after - better don't ask how many - lithobreaking attempts.
  7. "What was your favorite first?" - won't tell, would violate the forum rules
  8. As per my experience it is actually a true full screen. For example, to have the chat displayed via a widget as an overlay while streaming, one needs to disable the full screen radio button. Yeah, the classic Windows key board command, which proves my last post.
  9. I see, a quite unfortunate situation for you then. For my own part, I never felt a big need to seriously engage in robotics as well as EVA construction, hence going back to 1.10.1 wasn't any loss at all for me. Guess you'll have to wait then until the bugs hopefully get fixed soon. Or try out KAS/KIS, it might not offer everything 1.11 should, but it works.
  10. After trying out 1.11 for a couple of hours, I went back to my stable and for me perfectly fine working 1.10.1 installation (for the fuel transfer bug in 1.10.x, there are good established workarounds), maybe that's an option for you too?
  11. Regarding the thread topic, while it is not a single thread, I'd like to nominate https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/24-welcome-aboard/ Welcoming new forum members is one of the most important things we can do, the first impression they get here is not to be underestimated. Reason mentioning it here: the usual procedure via reporting a particular thread and suggesting it for TOTM is not possible in this case.
  12. All 0.4.x versions are marked to be compatible with KSP 1.11.1 only, no earlier versions, is that correct?
  13. The current version is listed for KSP 1.8 - 1.11.1, the version information for a mod is provided by the mod author.
  14. And then there is Swiss German, many native German speakers can't understand that. And almost every town has it's own dialect.
  15. Until proven otherwise, for me: vaporware. I believe it when I see it.
  16. I may have heard that name, though still, that name isn't familiar, I'd have to look it up, tbh. We (as in we Aspies) do have our "obsessions", but mine actually were not in spaceflight, in particular not during my teens. Had other issues, so to speak.
  17. Strange things do happen in the forum... Naming them, putting my criticism in words publicly, probably will get me banned. Diametrical disagreeing with moderators about what is proper conduct, what is not. Obviously, some posts are allowed where I think they shouldn't. And vice versa.
  18. You lost me here. As per my understanding, this is just a friendly "poke, poke" thread, I don't have the slightest idea what you want to tell me. I understand your post as neither funny, nor annoying, but just weird.
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