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  1. @harleyquinneth You can get RESCALE 2.5 to work with any planet pack, make sure you get the latest sigmadimensions and rescale directly from their respective github pages as the versions on CKAN are outdated/misbehave.
  2. @N3N If your using CKAN i got kerbalism and RR to work properly by installing, RR, RR Companion, RR Kerbalism. Adding any other RR submods would give me errors or not let harvesters work. So only those 3
  3. @G'th Ive got AA 1.7 and all its dependencies installed in a clean environment. Having an issue where all of the Eve config texture files are red so nothing shows up in game. Should these texture paths be guiding to /AstronomersVisualPack/ instead of /Ad_Astra/
  4. Getting similar problems especially with UI in map view. Submitted a issue on github with logs. Turning off TAA fixes it
  5. I installed 0.5 from curse and I cannot find the parts anywhere in game. Digging into logs i find this for each part. [LOG 13:57:48.395] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'LithobrakeExplorationTechnologies/Parts/Pods/LETpod2m4k/LETpod2m4k' [ERR 13:57:48.395] PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'NecroBones/LithobrakeExplorationTechnologies/Assets/Pods/LETpod2m4k' as model does not exist [ERR 13:57:48.396] PartCompiler: Model was not compiled correctly [ERR 13:57:48.397] PartCompiler: Cannot compile model [ERR 13:57:48.398] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part
  6. Exactly, but I also needed to edit files in the stock scatterer configs or it would keep happening, something related to homeswitch and how "kerbin" was handled. Im no modder or programmer so it was just trial and error until something worked. Which file did you delete?
  7. @Kerbal Productions So I believe I found a solution and ive posted it to blackrack's scatterer thread. Everything appears to be working now. Link to possible solution
  8. @blackrack So i have been screwing around with this for a couple weeks, tons of trial and error and I think I have found a solution. First I downloaded and reinstalled everything fresh with the latest updates and didnt install any extra mods and the problem still persisted. Logs can be found here KSP log Player log As you can see one of the first exceptions mentions scatterer.SkyNode.RestoreStockScaledTexture. After that something crashes and starts throwing exceptions at mach speed. So I went into each planet's atmo.cfg, including the ones included in your stock configs and removed the entries for adjustScaledTexture = True. So now the ingame editor tool shows that setting as disabled. It appears to be working fine now, ive applied that solution to different combos of modlists and planetpacks and it has not given me any crashes or exception explosions. Im no programmer but it appears something is wonky with adjustScaledTexture. Im not sure why I seem to be the only one with this problem, maybe others have had it but they've never looked into their console and just assumed the reduced performance was normal. Hopefully this can help some poor sap in the future who has the same issue as me.
  9. @StarCrusher96 Having some issues with scatterer giving log exceptions leading to crashes. This issue only happens with GU, other planet packs work fine. I have tried each individual GU star system and it happens with all of them. Ive reinstalled everything and am using the latest versions of GU and of all dependencies. No extra mods installed. Any ideas? logs attached KSP log Player log EDIT: Anyone with this issue try this
  10. So I am trying to get scatterer planetslist configs to load up for two planet packs, JNSQ & GPP. I have scoured the wiki and syntax pages for clues and was able to get the EVE clouds configs to load up and work properly but using the same syntax for the scatterer planetlist configs leaves JNSQ scatterer overwriting GPP scatterer. I am a bit puzzled since it works for EVE but not scatterer. Using @Scatterer_planetsList for the JNSQ config and @Scatterer_planetsList:LAST[JNSQ] for the GPP config, but when I load the game I get no configs for the GPP planets. Is there a way to load these two configs up together or do I need to make a third patch which includes both config's contents and load that up as FINAL? thx for the help
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