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Everything posted by Vl3d

  1. A bit late to the party, but I'm proud of my Dunk-it offshore mini-rig.
  2. https://www.pcgamer.com/this-game-wants-to-blend-survival-and-tycoon-games-in-a-race-to-build-a-moon-colony/
  3. The issue is how pointless is having to remember to press the button when the devs actually try to make it flash and sound alerts for you to press it.
  4. Please also fix the pixelated icons and raw / thick lines. They look crisper and cleaner in KSP1. It's like they have a slight pleasant glow.
  5. They weren't. They laid off 600 of their workforce last may. There's no research anymore, and I doubt it will be any further development - I'm betting that whoever is left, will be only closing issues from now on. Imagine this being a shock that they deleted 25% of employees after the developers' reaction to a an alternative business decision which was supposed to balance the books. This is all on the devs.
  6. It disappears sometimes - when moving the maneuver node out of the encounter margins for example.
  7. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X | GPU: Nvidia RTX 4070 | RAM: 32 GB DDR5 I attached the craft file. Also there is an extra bug - if you stage the parachutes cover away after landing, the craft will not be "selected" anymore - then if you select Revert to VAB the game will freeze on the loading screen. Please merge with: Included Attachments: Boat-Parachute-Decoupler-Test.json .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  8. After playing a lot, my conclusion is that the biggest innovation is the fact that the science parts force you to build unique craft adapted to their shape, size and weight.
  9. We need lockable assemblies and multiple named vehicles in workspaces. Construction is really a torture when craft complexity increases and you have to start moving assemblies around. The stages get messed up every time.
  10. After a 120 hour campaign and probably 30-40 craft all over the Kerbol system it's really starting to slow down.. especially when time warping.
  11. It's actually this bad after decoupling the heat shield on Laythe. Also, the struts are invisible.
  12. Stay away from Laythe, it's a death trap.
  13. A quick fix: -comms network (1.2) :: incomplete -procedural fairings (1.0) :: KSP 2 fairings are terrible -heatshields(1.0) :: bugged -part tweakables (0.23) :: incomplete -subassemblies (0.22) :: not importable as individual nameable group of parts -anomalies/discoverables (BG) :: no interactable scatter
  14. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X | GPU: Nvidia RTX 4070 | RAM: 32 GB DDR5 Parts are misaligned after staging decoupler to jettison heat shield while suspended by parachutes - see video. Included Attachments: KerbalSpaceProgram22024-01-0523-07-11.mp4
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