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Everything posted by JonnyOThan

  1. I'll make a note to take a look at it, but in general RSE patches ALL engines according to certain heuristics. There's probably something else going on and you might want to also ask the owner of that mod and possibly also any mods that configure the waterfall effects.
  2. I’m not quite sure I understand the drawing. But Planetside, sspx, habtech2, pathfinder, buffalo2, and kerbal planetary base systems all have great base parts. There’s probably something you can use in those. I’ll add it to the list! Does it have a new iva too?
  3. I can't really see the banding on the first image from BLUAV8R, but the second one is one place where I've noticed it. Also in KS_Positive_Z: If you use the eyedropper tool, the adjacent color RGB values change in increments of ~3 instead of using the full 32 bit depth.
  4. Not currently...I'll have to think about the best way to do that. The screen selections should persist per vessel though.
  5. TUFX 1.1.0 is now available! https://github.com/KSPModStewards/TUFX/releases Note the change in github repo. But you're using CKAN anyway, right? Right? New Dependencies ClickThroughBlocker ToolbarController Changes Remove patch that disables scatterer's temporal antialiasing Better default profile settings (mostly removing the neutral tonemapper which tended to result in a desaturated image) Added toolbarcontrol integration (you can use this to hide the toolbar button) Added clickthroughblocker support and other code to prevent mouse interactions from affecting other things when interacting with the config window Fixed icons appearing blurry when game is not at full texture resolution TUFX window is now hidden when you press F2 (this is useful in photo mode - press escape then F2) Disable stock antialiasing when HDR and bloom are enabled to prevent strobing artifacts Configuration window now loads and saves directly to cfg files Redesigned profile editor UI Postprocessing effects now only apply to the final camera so that they don't get doubled up when in IVA or other situations. Added a secondary camera antialiasing setting. The old setting will be applied only to the main camera (local space in flight). The secondary antialiasing method will be applied to other cameras (scaled space, internal camera, editor cameras). This prevents smearing when using temporal antialiasing because the cameras do not share motion information. Fixed a bug where the bloom diffusion parameter would not get loaded from the profile Fixed a NullReferenceException when saving a texture param with nothing selected Added properties to customize antialiasing settings Added support for changing the mainmenu profile in-game Added a separate default profile for IVA mode Properly set HDR on the GalaxyCamera
  6. One that moderators don't want discussed on the forum.
  7. Hi @theJesuit, I had some questions about the CKAN metadata here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/10068#issuecomment-2243663614
  8. That's really cool. Nice work MiraZaWitch! @MYKori_Rosales: out of curiosity, did you use CKAN to install it? Just want to verify that everything's working OK. Mistakes often get made when first adding mods to CKAN, but they're easy to fix if people report them.
  9. Hey @linuxgurugamer I've heard that the reason this isn't on CKAN is because it does stuff outside the GameData directory. I think CKAN can now support that to a limited extent. I don't know the details, but if we can figure it out would you like us to get it added to CKAN?
  10. This pack is so much fun! I've been working on some updates for TUFX and I noticed that the skybox has a lot of color banding. At first I thought I had a bug somewhere, but it's actually pretty bad in the source texture files too. Any hope of getting that cleaned up? Thanks for putting so much work into this, it's fantastic!
  11. You have old versions of ProbeControlRoom and incompatible versions of many other mods. Doing this will cause issues in unrelated mods. Please use CKAN to install your mods with the compatibility set to 1.8-1.12 only.
  12. What would that even mean...? Currently, IVAs need to be associated with a vessel. I'm not sure I understand the suggestion. Something like this? https://github.com/FirstPersonKSP/FreeIva/issues/373
  13. Hi @MiraZaWitch - I'm working on the backlog of CKAN pull requests. The spacedock link on this one is invalid - is this PR no longer relevant? https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/10081 Umm...yeah I don't really understand what's goin g on with all these PRs. This one is identical? https://spacedock.info/mod/3654/KSC Enhanced If the same mod works for both stock and JNSQ then you don't need to have two mods on spacedock/ckan. Ideally you're using MM patches to toggle anything based on what planet pack is installed. I think I'd suggest using KSCEnhanced as the base mod on spacedock and delete the JNSQ one. I think maybe that's what you intended since it looks like the most recent PR was meant to set that up. Is that right? OK, I think I've got everything set up using this PR: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/10082/files If that looks OK to you, just let me know and I'll merge it. But since this wasn't straightforward I'll hold off until I hear from you.
  14. woops, I missed that. But you need to allow anyone with the link to get access.
  15. No, the change was not arbitrary. There are two good reasons why it should be done. They've been laid out in this thread. You really don't need to continue this discussion since we're talking with ColdJ in PMs.
  16. It’s easy to reverse right now. It’s not easy to reverse in a few years when there are more interconnected relationships and more users that may have installed the mod - which is when any hypothetical identifier change after an adoption would be taking place. Also, there was a bit of info referenced by HebaruSan: the ckan spec says that the identifier *should* match the installed folder name. There are a lot of benefits to this. I wasn’t aware of that when I made the change, but it happened to luckily also bring the metadata in alignment with this recommendation. However it is just a recommendation.
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