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Everything posted by Minecraf345

  1. Thanks for looking into this! I thought I was just going crazy from the stress of my upcoming ACT test!
  2. I have never not done that . I think I found a small bug, the sounds only come from one side of my speakers. I tried unplugging and re-plugging in my speakers, but it was still acting like that. Same as my headphones
  3. Yay! This should keep me busy for a few days! Love the Nuclear Props!
  4. I had it ground into me that whining and complaining doesn't speed things up by my parents! If I want to complain, i just complain in my head and that urge just disappears! Apparently some people haven't learned that lesson yet.
  5. Hmm. Should i wait for this mod to be done, or get impatient and complain as well? Decisions decisions! As long as it eventually gets released, I shall be happy. I have waited this long and I will wait even more because this is an essential mod for spaceplanes in my opinion. Keep up the amazing work on this mod!
  6. I always wanted to explode launch jeb into the ground stars with black powder!
  7. Yay for Nuking a planet to get to orbit! I was hoping someone would revive one of my favorite mods!
  8. It is like that on both sides, I love the cockpit, but I cant go fast with out my Kerbals exploding due to decompression ( I know that is not in game yet), their deaths need to be earthy or burny
  9. Here is a suggestion 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 (used on the USS Missouri) I kind of want to try to build a plane around one of those guns!
  10. The R-71 cockpit is missing some model under the canopy because I can see right through the cockpit under the glass, I would post a screen shot but I don't have access to KSP at the current moment.
  11. I was always trying to design cool planes instead of rockets. Lack of skill and Delta-V also did not help!
  12. It is either the ASAS unit or the modded RCS ports I am using. Or your eye sight went bad
  13. I actually have 0 broken solar panels. I only brought 2 Gigantor XLs and 2 RTGs. I brought a probe mostly to test the lander and I am surprised that it worked!
  14. I played KSP since .19 and this is my first time landing on a planet or moon! (It got hairy when I landed because of the steep angle but yay for powerful ASAS)
  15. How about having a very high heat tolerance or having ablative shielding for re-entry. It always gets a little bit hairy while re-entering. Very fun for science farming!
  16. You need to set the scan interval to the lowest (1 i think) If it is on 8, it will take awhile for the others to notice.
  17. I think that a Mk 2 in line Air intake would go perfectly with this mod. If I had any modding skills i would make it but i have none
  18. How soon? I need that part in my life more than you could imagine!
  19. This mod is getting put on my bookmarks! The only other mod on there is BD Armory! This is an amazing mod!
  20. I was wondering, does this mod change the look of anything? I can finally play ksp on max texture resolution but want to get B9 aerospace.
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