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  1. So, lets build a plane. Stock. That fits in a mk3 cargo bay. A jet, naturally. So the wings MUST fold. Say they tilt forward 90 degrees and then move back flat against the fuselage. Then it moves on powered wheels. I know. It's absurd. But it's a challenge. Get building!!! Any suggestions, @Azimech and @selfish_meme? Because you two are good at building hinges stock. Is it even possible with ksp physics?
  2. BEFORE SOMEONE SAYS 'YOU CAN'T POST THIS TYPE OF THREAD HERE' I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT I AM NEW TO THE FORUMS AND I HAD NO IDEA WHERE TO PUT THIS. Thank you. I give a challenge to all of you to build me a type of ship with specific requirements. I'm just looking for ideas from you guys and gals. (Note: You can keep the craft file of your creation for yourself, you just need to give me a copy.) Requirements: 1000-2000 Ton Payload Capacity (Mods can be used to see whether it can hold such an amount) Able to refuel. Must be able to get from Kerbin to other planets/moons. (Minmus at the least, and I would prefer if it could get to Duna) Can actually take off from the runway and get into space. (About time I note that it does NOT have to be an SSTO but I would like if it was.) At the least, 100,000 LF, 40,000 OX, 10,000 EC, 10,000 MonoProp, 5,000 Ore Capacity and 10,000 XenonGas. Science Equipment Must be able to land. Must have atleast one rover and scout ship. 10-30 Crew OPTIONAL: Make it a tough kitty. I am probably NOT going to get this built for me... I will also note that I might edit the craft. The only mod that can be used for parts is OPT.
  3. What is the Kopernicus Creativity Marathon? An open competition for those who want to build planets. Every three weeks, a new challenge, describing what sort of planet or celestial body we are looking for. After the closing date for each challenge, the planets shall be judged and the winner shall be put in the Community Planet Pack. Judging: Planets shall be judged by thee following characteristics: Beauty: How attractive they are to view, and the level of detail and apparent effort was put into the world. Accuracy: How closely they match the challenge guidelines. Creativity: How unique and original is the planet, its features, and its use of procedural generation and/or textures. General Entry Rules: Planets must be made using an up-to-date version of Kopernicus and Kerbal Space Program. Any planets that are not updated to the current version will be disqualified. Planets must be created for this contest. No planets released in other planet packs may be entered. Any planets must be entered for the competition before the completion of each challenge. After the final day, submissions will be ignored. All planets must be released to myself under an MIT license, such that the worlds can be polished and made more consistent with each other so they can be released as a community planet pack. We can discuss alternate licenses in the private messenger. All credit will be given to the creators of the planets. Any entry containing a generic Space Engine export will be disqualified, however those which use the in-game editor may not be if it looks good in KSP. One planet per person per challenge round. Co-operation with other people is fine, but must be restricted to one planet per team. The above two rules may be loosened if a challenge calls for a specific number of bodies together. No plans, ideas, screenshots/images, or files regarding your planet may be shared until the completion of the challenge round for which it was designed. -CURRENT CHALLENGE ROUND- Post Date: July 18th, 2017 Closing Date: August 8th, 2017 Time: 3 Weeks The terrestrial space agency NASA has just released topographical data of one of their solar system's dwarf planets, Pluto. As such, the gods of the Solar System are gloating at us. We must one-up them. Your task is to design an icy dwarf planet oribiting the sun outside Eeloo. GUIDELINES/RULES: -Take inspiration from the known dwarf planet terrains: Pluto, Charon, and Triton. -Its orbit must be apparently stable, and not particularly ridiculous. -Try to strike a balance between realism and beauty. -Planetary radius should be between 70km and 180km, with a density between 1.5 g/cm^3 and 2.5 g/cm^3. --Radius, Mass, Density, and Gravity are related, in Earth-relative units, as G = M/(R^2) = R*D. --Earth density = 5.51 g/cm^3. Earth radius = 6370 km. --If your values for geeASL don't fit within the radius and density, then it will be lowered in the polishing phase. -You may add a small minor moon if you wish, but it will be judged separately from the dwarf planet. If it is not satisfactory it will be removed.
  4. Hello everyone! Here I am with my second challenge. My first one didn't do so well, so it's time to add another seed to the plot! The Challenge: Get a stock BFR-based rocket to the Mun, and back. Points: Hey, it worked! | Get off the launchpad = 100 points It's getting hard to breathe... | Get into thin air = 500 points Spaaaaaaace!!! | Get out of the atmosphere = 1,000 points A huge gray ball in the sky... | Encounter the Mun = 2,000 points I'm running circles around you! | Orbit the Mun = 3,000 points That's one small step for a kerbal... | Land on the Mun = 5,000 Home sweet home! | Return to Kerbin from the Mun = 5,000 points The booster has landed, where? | Land the booster on Kerbin = 500 points Hey, there it is! | Land the booster near the KSC = 750 points The booster has landed. | Land the booster back on the pad = 1,000 points Hey, we're back! | Land the main ship on Kerbin = 1,000 points I can see my house from here! | Land the main ship near the KSC = 1,500 We're back! | Land the main ship on the pad = 2,000 points Good thing the booster is coated with Power Musk... | Land the main ship on the booster = 5,000 points One step closer to a multi-planetary species. | Re-use the entire thing = 10,000 points Just in case! | Refueling capability using ISRU = 1,500 points Let the professionals do this. | Refueling capability using other crafts = 1,000 Bonus! A huge ball of snacks! | Encounter Minmus = 3,000 points Let's land, this is making me hungry! | Orbit Minmus = 3,500 points Let's feast! | Land on Minmus = 4,000 points Reddy or not, here we come! | Encounter Duna = 5,000 points Duna if we should land or not. | Orbit Duna = 7,500 points Hopefully this tastes like the bars. | Land on Duna = 10,000 points There's a starman, waiting in the sky... | Do a Grand Tour = 100,000 points Why use the ground and air, when you can use space!? | Use the BKR as a Kerbin-Kerbin transport system as well. = 2,500 points It's 2017, why didn't we have a Mun base before? | Make a Mun base = 20,000 points Shake hands! | Dock with another craft = 1,000 points Back to the roots. | Release some cargo into it's destination as well = 1,000 points Of Course I Still Love You | Land the booster on a barge = 2,000 points Just Read The Instructions | Land the main ship on a barge. = 2,000 points Rules: Don't go any farther than Minmus. That messes with my head. Unless you're doing the bonuses. Then that's okay. The rocket must resemble the BFR somehow. The mission must be fully possible in stock, so no part or part-changing mods. Notes: Unlike my previous challenge, altitudes do not stack.. Let me know if anything seems out of proportion. The brave kerbals taking upon this challenge: Mukita12 = somebody (once told me) do the math for me
  5. Main Goal: Land on Minmus with using a Level 1 VAB with the Kerbals living.
  6. Hey guys! I thought of a challenge for you guys; if I could draw a design or an artwork/paintings of anything (KSP related), See if you be able to make it and build it in ksp and post your pictures here. (sorry if there are similar challenges like this before in this forum, I did not have time to do a bit of searching) ok let me upload some drawings!!
  7. ☆☆☆CLICK HERE OR HERE FOR MY LATEST MISSION REPORT☆☆☆ I started a new career game (v1.2) and put all reward slider (Funds, Science and Reputation) at 10%. My goal: to unlock the entire tech tree with the difficulty on ultra hard mode! Mission reports 1. Introduction (this post) 2. Minmus, Mun and Duna Flyby 3. Visiting Gilly and Cash Cowing Minmus 4. Visting several biomes on Duna with a drone 5. Jeb and Bobs' radical adventure to Bop and Pol 6. Biome hopping Mun with new equipment 7. Biome hopping Vall 8. Biome hopping Laythe 9. Taming Tylo 10. Completing the challange! <NEW> Introduction In this thread I will report on the progress of my mission. I've already been working on the career for a couple of days and I didn't take pictures of all large events, so my apologies if my story looks a bit inconsistent. I will not report on every single contract I've accepted, since that would become real boring, really fast. Instead, I will just talk about the approach I've used and talk about some cool stuff that happened along the way. So let's get started, shall we? The beginning With all slider on 10%, money is a real issue. I had to carefully select contracts, because many of them did not return any profit. Landing my ship near the space station is also very important. This way, I could minimize profit loss from the ship recovery. I would also try to use single stage ships as long as possible. My first goals was to unlock basic rocketry, and Engineering 101. Getting science was pretty difficult with the reward slider on 10%. After several missions I saved enough science, from biome hopping, to unlock basic rocketry and Engineering. This also unlocked more contracts. With liquid rockets unlocked, I could start collecting the science near the KSC. I earned money by performing: Tourist missions Crew report missions Test stuff in flight Flying sub orbital tourist missions was very profitable ( ~1300 Funds/ mission). I just flew straight up and landing near the KSC again.Crew report missions near particular zones were less profitable because of distance I landed from the space station. I used these missions to collect the science on different biomes! In a short period I retrieved most of the science from Kerbin's biomes, which wan't much ( ~ 8 science points or something). I would have to visit the moons in order to progress any further. However, I wasn't able to get to the mun with my current available techs, so I asked the people on this forum to help me out. Many people had great ideas of increasing my science output and there were even two designs posted that would give me a Mun flyby ( thanks to @Cunjo Carl and @Streetwind for the help!). I eventually chose Streewind's design because of its simplicity. I really recommend everybody to check cunjo carls design as well. It's really something special and way past my designing capabilities. This is the Munshot, designed by Streetwind I used it to perform a Mun Flyby: After the Mun flyby I almost had enough science points to get the survivability tech unlocked. I was lucky to find a contract that gave me 1 science point after completion which is quite a big deal on ultra hard mode. Now I could unlock the barometer! With the barometer, I visited most of the biomes again to get all science points (0,4 per biome). After that, I started performing missions to earn funds to upgrade the astronaut complex, which costs 150k... I performed many test XXX mission, which gave me approximately 2000 funds per mission. I have to admit.. performing these missions over and over was a bit boring. After many of flight hours, I finally saved enough dough to upgrade the facility. I then put Jeb into polar orbit and from there we started performing EVA reports on all biomes we flew over. This gave me ~0,6 science points per biome! Hurray for me! My next goal was getting enough science points to unlock the Terrier! That thing is essential for space travel! But 45 science points is very expensive price to pay, so we'll have to think of a way to up our science output. Luckily I didn't have to think for long... After several contracts, I received a test a terrier on the launch pad mission!! Naturally I was overjoyed! I didn't accomplish the mission, but instead.. I made a rocket that hopefully could get into orbit around the mun (and perhaps minmus?). I shamelessly used part clipping to make the ship more compact. It had approximate 5200 m/s delta v. We flew towards the mun and successfully into orbit. We even had enough juice to get home! From here, Jeb made tons science points on EVA reports while skimming the surface. I don't have any pictures of this mission. We then flew home and received many juicy science points After that, we refuelled the vessel and flew towards minmus, the science goldmine of the solar system. Here, Jebb also made several Eva reports and then headed back towards the KSC. I had enough science points to unlock advanced rocketry and could ditch the terrier contract. After unlocking the tech, I optimized the ship and squeezed an extra 600 m/s delta v out of it, making it able to land on Minmu. I also received a contract for landing on minmus which would give me ~35k funds : Now, I've got enough science points (69) to unlock the tech. I'm still not sure what I'm going to choose. I'm thinking of picking Basic Science, because of the science jr module. I could also wait and save up to unlock the spark or skipper What do you guys think? Thanks for reading!
  8. So I see there are challenges posted by players as well as by Squad personnel, and that some challenges restrict the mods allowed, and have specific requirements. Would it be feasible to make a challenge parameter setting for KSP that would set the goals and allow or disallow specific mods? The challenger would effectively create a pseudo save game file with x amounts of Kerbal bucks, Science, Reputation, techs unlocked, buildings upgraded, goals, and planetary locations, then uploads that file (Dropbox or where ever) for other players to download. The challenge save could be career, sandbox, or science. Re: Planetary locations Put up a top down view of the system and let the player drag the planets into whatever configuration they want. Have the game adjust the date accordingly.
  9. Hello everyone! Today I decided to make a challenge myself, because I couldn't get my mind out of it. The challenge is currently open, but suggestions are also open as well. The challenge: Get to space only using SRBs. Points: Expendable = 100 points: qzgy, swjr-swis, Roboslacker, Semi re-usable = 500 points: Fully re-usable = 1000 points: sevenperforce, Each parachute landing = 100 points: sevenperforce x 3, Each runway landing = 300 points: Each vertical landing within the KSC = 300 points Each landing within visible range of the KSC = 200 points Each powered landing = 500 points: Roboslacker, sevenperforce x 2 Functional Launch Escape System (Single Stage to Space allows LES) = 200 points: sevenperforce, Manned = 500: sevenperforce, Unmanned = 500: qzgy, roboslacker, sevenperforce, swjr-swis, Single booster = 300 points: swjr-swis, sevenperforce, Single stage to Space (LES doesn't count as stage) = 300 points: swjr-swis Reach an altitude of 0-69 kilometers = 100 points: qzgy, swjr-swis, Roboslacker, sevenperforce, Reach an altitude of 70-100 kilometers = 200 points: qzgy, swjr-swis, Roboslacker, sevenperforce, Reach an altitude of higher than 100 kilometers = 300 points: qzgy, swjr-swis, Roboslacker, sevenperforce, Get to the Mun = 500 points: Roboslacker, Mun landing = 300 additional points: Roboslacker, Mun return = 200 additional points: Get to Minmus = 600 points: Minmus landing = 150 additional points: Minmus return = 200 additional points: Get to Duna = 1000 points: Land on Duna = 500 additional points: Duna return = 500 additional points: Jool Fly-by = 3000 points: qzgy Jool orbit = 3500 points: Jool return = 3000 additional points: More later. You can suggest how many points for a suggested unlisted achievement, or request to change one. NOTES ARE IMPORTANT, READ THEM! Notes: Pretty much everything stacks. Getting to a place simply means getting a little closer than visible range from it. I have a really bad habit of changing how much points each milestone is worth. I also have a really bad habit of changing the suggested amount of points by a lot. You should list your estimated amount of milestones reached and overall score at the end of your post. Videos are allowed. Mods are allowed now, different class as usual. I love craft files. Sometimes I want your designs for myself, so share them if you want! The brave kerbals taking apart this challenge: sevenperforce = 4600 points qzgy = 4200 points Roboslacker = 2000 points swjr-swis = 1300 points Natokerbal = 0 points, nothing yet. The modded kerbals taking apart this challenge: Nobody, = yet. I don't know how to make a badge, let alone give someone one.
  10. Kerbals have unlocked the secret to the Infinity Torch -- a special module which taps energy from an alternate dimension and allows any engine to perform at 100% thrust with no propellant at all. (This module can be enabled by selecting Alt+F12 and checking "Infinite Fuel"). With this came the rise of torchships -- vehicles capable of performing Brachistochrone trajectories, accelerating constantly from Kerbin's SOI toward their destination and then turning around and accelerating in the opposite direction until they arrive. Space travel has grown exponentially, and it's time for you to make your entry into the interplanetary transport market. The challenge: Build an Executive Torchship transport suitable for Brachistochrone transfers. Fastest possible round-trip time wins. Rules: SSTO, obviously. No need to stage when the rocket equation is broken. Your vehicle must not take damage at any point during the mission. All stock. You need to be able to take off and land in style, on any surface, so it must have separate VTOL landing engines. You need crossrange capability, so your craft must be aerodynamic enough to fly to your landing site using aerodynamic control surfaces before engaging its VTOL engines. This also will allow for a survivable crash-landing if you suffer engine failure. Torch drives can be finicky, so you need to carry at least enough propellant to make your final landing without Infinite Fuel turned on, just in case. Kerbin doesn't yet have inertial dampening technology, so for your executive passengers' comfort you must keep your total gees below 8 at all times. You must carry at least four passengers and at least one pilot; command seats are not allowed. Round-trip mission time is any amount of time during which the vehicle is moving. So you can land at your destination and wait as long as you want for an opportune launch window; it won't count against your mission time. Entry levels (will have separate leaderboards): Torchship Jockey. Take off from Kerbin, land on both the Mun and Minmus, and return to any place on Kerbin (no splashdowns). Torchship Navigator. Take off from Kerbin, land on Duna, and return to Kerbin within sight of the KSC. Torchship Pilot. Take off from Kerbin, land on Eve, and return to a landing on the runway at KSC. Torchship Commander. Take off from Kerbin, land on Laythe, and return to a landing on the helipad on top of the VAB. Torchship Master. Use your torchship for a Grand Tour, landing on every body in KSP other than Jool. I'll put together some cool badges once we have entries and can award them. Good luck!
  11. Today I fly an Eve lander that only uses Oscar B tanks! Here is my video:
  12. After tons of researching, Kerbal scientists finally invented some powerful nuclear bombs, but somehow they came up with an idea that is using them to go to space. Basically this challenge is just blasting yourself to the air. I accidentally got 2500m/s while playing with these bombs. So here is the rules: Challenge--> Go to space with a nuclear blast RULES 1. No cheating of course. Please submit at least an pic to imgur with descriptions below, or you can record an video if possible. 2. BDA is needed to complete the challenge. All the add-ons is allowed. (North Kerbin Weaponries etc.) 3. You must carry a bomb on your ship. You can do anything else to improve it. 4. Get to space (above 70000). You can have engines on the ship, but you need to detonate a bomb and ride on the shockwave first. 5. Carry at least 1 Kerbal. Send them back to home happy and alive. ADVANCE CHALLENGES 10 mach (3400m/s) - (blank) Get to orbit - (blank) Get to mun - (blank) Get to other planets - (blank) LEADERBOARD Highest speed - (blank) Highest attitude - (blank) Highest G force - (blank) Sorry for bad English. Not native.
  13. HRO shuttles, originally designed for some advanced levels of STS challenge, now join together for even more daring mission than before Launch sequence First is HRO-M03 with all the deployable vehicles. Including the Elcanoplan 2 strapped on its back Barely enough thrust for takeoff (and that's with payloads having the tanks practically dry). I even activated the main engine of the Elcanoplan, but that didn't seem to make much difference either. Those boosters barely miss the tail wings (just don't forget to set SAS to prograde) Also waited a bit after the tank ran dry before separating it - to wait for the ship to get a bit more balanced (orbiter's tanks are set to drain from the tail first) 55 km? Eh, this isn't Laythe yet! Also forgot to ignite OMS OMS + upper pair of main engines = the best balanced solution with this payload. One ship in orbit OK, now to the second launch... What the Kraken?!! OK, After a tweak to the clamps... let's pretend that didn't happen HRO-M takes off a bit easier, despite having full payload bay as well Looks like we launched a bit too early Well, raise the apoapsis a bit higher and let's meet in one orbit Let's align... and wait for some sunlight Despite the size, HRO is quite good at docking. If you don't rush. (Hey, it's called Heavy Recovery Orbiter - what else could you expect?) This position will provide the best balancing And in couple passes we get the transfer to... somewhere green But this is... Anyway, let's get into polar orbit. By the way, HRO-M also has the scanner antenna in the bay Going down This modification of HRO-M has got some landing upgrades from the latest version of HRO-M03 And a full mining rig in the bay Minmus means "mine me", doesn't it? And a few days later... And in the meantime HROM-03 changed to equatorial orbit - so here's the direct intercept with it There's enough to fully fill all LFO and ore tanks of the craft in orbit So let's make another run down - this time at the equator And after refuel... Who needs atmosphere for horizontal takeoff? And back together - with plenty of fuel Transfer And over 300 days later... (yeah, completely missed the window) What's the best way for Minmus-Jool transfer? Oberth effect! Say goodbye to Kerbin! And a couple years later... Let's just capture into Laythe-Pol transfer orbit What a view! And then, since there seems to be enough fuel to reach the destinations independently, let's separate the ships Oh, hey there! Has anybody checked for running into Vall? Now to pass by Tylo - barely missing its SOI (turned to get better solution than with slingshots) and we are getting to the destination Let's capture with rocket engines, and then release the mapsat - it will change plane at apoapsis Now, to lower the orbit... the shuttle way Strangely enough, the moment you get in, it feels about as much (if not more) drag as on the same altitude on Kerbin. Just don't forget to stabilize the orbit Low Laythe orbit achieved! Next phase - going down there
  14. The Internet Problem I looked at the weekly challenge and said, "This will be easy!". I was wrong. At first, I took what I like to call the direct approach. I decided to modify a Stratolauncher to carry the groundstation. I quickly dismissed this idea due to aerodynamics. I then thought to build a cargo plane. Then I realized the Stearwing A300 existed. I used it instead. Whenever I tried to eject it out the back, the antenna struck the tail and exploded, since a part of the tail sticks down into the cargo bay. I moved it into the BOMB BAY. It fell back into the cargo bay upon deployment. With its parachutes, it descended safely into the ocean with no damage from a height of 3km. Then I realized it had to land within 200m. *sigh* I downloaded Bon Voyage. Will it work now? Can I drive it into Position? Find out next time! Oh yeah, I have to make a truck!
  15. The X-Mas Station Challenge: The Christmas Station is a challenge in which, you will need to launch a 1.25m orbital mini-station in the shape of a Christmas tree. The spacecraft has to have at least 2 Gigantor-X solar arrays, 1 Communitron 16, 1 Stayputnik (as star and main control) and capacity for 4 crew. It has to be in an 80,000km-200,000km orbit around Kerbin. The cost restriction will be 55,000. Only stock parts allowed. Remember to show me your images! Example: P.S: Doing this challenge made me build my best orbital cargo ship.
  16. In the age of reuse, space agencies have a decision to make: TSTO rocket or SSTO spaceplane? Of course, until Skylon flies (if it ever does), TSTO rockets are the only game in town. But in Kerbal Space Program, spaceplanes fly with ease...which brings us to this challenge. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build either an SSTO spaceplane or a TSTO rocket to carry commercial payloads into orbit over Kerbin. Every stage of your launch vehicle must be reusable, and you must use the exact same vehicle to launch each of the following three payloads: A 15-tonne survey satellite to polar orbit (150x150 km or higher). The survey sat must be fully functional. (ADDED OPTION: 15-tonne sat constellation in the same orbit) A 6-tonne relay comsat to Kerbostationary Transfer Orbit (75x2863.33 km or higher). The relay must be able to self-circularize into an equatorial KSO; the relay must be fully functional. A crew vehicle containing at least 7 kerbals to rendezvous with an equatorial space station (200x200 km or higher). The crew vehicle must have independent maneuvering capability and power generation, and must be recoverable. You do not actually have to have an equatorial space station, though if you do, awesome! The challenge is to build a launch vehicle with the lowest possible dry weight. Rules: General: All entries must use 100% stock parts. No piloting mods, though other mods are fine. Obviously, no infinite fuel or similar cheats. TSTO rocket: Both stages must be recovered and must land propulsively. The crew vehicle must have abort capabilities and must also land propulsively (chutes okay for backup; e.g., on abort). Payload fairings, assorted decouplers, and engine shrouds may be jettisoned without recovery. First-stage recovery must be reasonably close to KSC; second stage (and crew capsule) can be recovered wherever you want, as long as it comes down on land. Chemical fuel only (other than on payload). Vertical takeoff from the launch pad. SSTO spaceplane: Takeoff and landing must take place on the runway. Must launch and land with probe only; no crew (except for the crew-vehicle launch). No nukes, ions, or solids. Other than RAPIERs, the only rocket engines permitted are low-thrust OMS engines. All payloads must launch and deploy from inside a payload bay. The crew vehicle must be able to dock back inside the payload bay for re-entry. It does not need to have 0/0 abort or independent re-entry. An expendable solid kick stage is permitted for KTO injection of the relay comsat. To reflect that Skylon will need to carry liquid hydrogen for its precooler to work, LF tanks may not be more than 50% full at launch. Oxidizer tanks may be filled completely. This is a community challenge, so here's how it works. You can submit either a TSTO rocket, an SSTO spaceplane, or both. There will be a leaderboard for lowest-dry-weight rocket and lowest-dry-weight spaceplane, but the overall competition will be between rockets and spaceplanes. The winning leaderboard will have the lowest total mass from the three leading entries. Good luck!
  17. Daredevil Spaceplane The "Daredevil Squadron" is home to the boldest pilots on kerbin since shortly after the invention of powered flight. It is therefore a natural recruiting place for the new spaceprogram. Unfortunately technological progress is not as fast as some of those pilots would like it to be and there is a growing fear that manned spaceflight with all the proper precautions, safety concerns and design delays for capsules is coming too late for some of the pilots. And for those kerbals who live in a cockpit, taking familiar risks in flight is much more appealing than taking the risk of missing their chance. Thus some of the daredevil pilots pushed hard and called in favors to try to go to space with the current technology, even if it is only for a quick peak into what lies beyond the confines of the kerbin atmosphere. The challenge Your challenge, should you accept it, is to reach an altitude (apoapsis) as high as possible, with a kerbal piloting the vessel, under the facility upgrade and technological limits described below and then safely return to the KSC (must be visible when landed). Ranking is done by altitude (apoapsis). For those who reach space, a second ranking is done by vehicle mass (KER readouts in SPH/VAB). Minimum picture requirements for a ranking are 1. Design showing KER readouts in SPH/VAB, especially total vessel mass. 2. In flight, at or very close to apoapsis. Apoapsis displayed by KER or mechjeb (switch KER to partless instead of career in KER settings available in SPH/VAB). Note that the altimeter shows altitude over terrain when in surface mode. 3. Safely landed back at Kerbin with KSC visible in the background. Beware, the cockpit was not designed for space flight, it is somewhat fragile. Of course additional pictures, videos, etc are very welcome. As is a link if you stream it. The challenge was inspired by @Steven Mading https://www.twitch.tv/dunbaratu who streamed trying out the "Giving Aircraft a Purpose" mod pack by @inigma on twitch (which is a bit buggy at the moment due to ksp spawn calculation changes). The restrictions 1. No R&D, SPH/VAB, Runway/Launchpad facility upgrades! (=> 30part / 9ton mass limit, regardless whether you start from Runway or Launchpad) 2. Tweakscale is only allowed for wings/control surfaces/landing gear/adapters. 3. No mods except the ones specified below. Visual and similar mods are exempt from this rule. 4. No cheating. 5. Science/parts restrictions as shown here (thus no liquid fuel engines, reaction wheels, RCS, decouplers, etc.) Start node Early Aviation node Modular Wings node The mods 1. Install CKAN for a separate, clean KSP install. 2. Only select the "SETI-MetaModPack". Click "ApplyChanges". 3. Leave all recommendations selected. Click "Continue". 4. From the suggestions, only SETIprobeControlEnabler is allowed, though for this challenge it does not matter. Click "Continue" and wait for the the mods to be installed. 5. RCS Build Aid is among the recommendations, but is currently not available via ckan. You may (highly recommended) install that manually from here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RCSBuildAid/releases 6. Visual mods are allowed at your own discretion. The ranking By altitude: 1. @Tux1 with ~78,006m above sea level. 2. @Yemo with ~18,295m above sea level. (Altimeter shows 18,232m above terrain) By mass, for those who reach space: 1. @Tux1 with 5,766kg, reaching an altitude of ~78,006m above sea level. I ll start with a simple submission (no pics no clicks!), though I have tested the challenge before and space (70km+) is possible, given the restrictions.
  18. After the squad introduced us 1.2 with its new communication and relay system, we discovered many new possibilities. It was interesting to revive old probes, connecting kerbals that are separated by billions of kilometers from each other and making every meter on any planet or moon, a place, with great connection. But we often forget about relay, sometimes people don't even launch it, they simply use antennae attached to their craft. But what if we took the opportunity, and made a challenge out of it? I present you the “Butterflies and Hurricanes” challenge! Despite that you might think that it is an easy and boring challenge, you may face a lot of interesting situations, and discover something you didn't know about relay. I will start from rules because they will affect the whole challenge. 1.You have only 80 500 funds and If you will spend more, you basically fail the challenge (reusable rockets are allowed) 2.Using mechjeb and other calculative mods is allowed, though no cheat mod can be used in this challenge (Alt+f12 counts as a cheat). And if mod adds some kind of infinite propulsion it is also considered cheating. 3. If you made the whole challenge with some money left it means you are a cheater it means that you have completed the challenge, quite well. Back to the challenge itself. You have to put 6 satellites in 170 000 m orbit (a bit lower or higher also counts). Into orbits with different inclination of 30,-30,0,50,-50 and 90. They need to have the RA-2 antenna The final step is to put 2 satellites into a very high orbit of 7 000 000 m orbit (higher or lower also counts) You have to design these 2 satellites to have powerful antennae like RA-15. After you've set up all the satellites you have to perform a first task of your relay system- you need mark all anomalies and space centres (like baikenbanour and etc.) You will end up with a relay covering the whole kerbin surface. In case that you've already made a relay around kerbin try to do so with other planets/moons. In such case orbital altitudes may be random, but inclinations must be done according to the challenge. Send your screenshots! Have fun! Invent cool relay designs! Now to the scoring system: I made it different from many other challenges. Here is it: There is factors that will make up your challenge: Launcher design (reusable, SSTO, launch from water, launched via plane, lifted with air balloon) Relay design (more than 10 parts on the satellite, decorative use of other parts for looking good, a copy or an analog to the real relay) Perfectionism (ideal orbits, ideal inclination, ideal landmarks) Fund economy (lower than the certain amount given in the challenge, reusablilty) Perfect funding (the given fund amount is spent perfectly with 0 funds left) Other planets/moons ( add 2 to your score if you visited other planets, add 1 if it is Kerbin's in moons) Visited at least one landmark that you've made during the challenge (each visited location is a factor point) The more factor points you have, the better you did the challenge. Leaderboard itself 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ... This thread may be necroposted, but I think I edited enough of it to be clearly different to the previous one. If this is out of forum rules,I ask moderators such as @Vanamonde, messenge me, so I could edit it enough. Please don't lock this.
  19. To follow up on the famous K Prize, this challenge asks you to show off your master spaceplane design and flying skills. Build a spaceplane capable of reaching orbit, and returning safely using a single jet, and a single rocket engine. I have found this an interesting limitation that makes spaceplane design a lot harder. Mostly because the trust vectors are no longer trivially aligned with the CoM. Enjoy! Rules: The spaceplane must follow the rules as defined by the K Prize. In short: a horizontal take-off stock SSTO that can reach orbit(pe>70km) and land again in one piece. The provisions of the K Prize do apply to this challenge too. Use exactly 1 jet engine - defined as an engine that requires intake air and liquid fuel to run. Use exactly 1 rocket engine - defined as an engine that runs entirely on on-board fuel. An ion engine is also allowed. Rapier engines are allowed, but cannot switch mode during the flight and as such operate entirely as a jet, or entirely as a rocket engine. Merging/clipping/offsetting the two engines together into one is also not allowed (this is not much different from a mode switching rapier). Please remember to take pictures or a video as proof and for our enjoyment. Advanced Aviators: @Scarecrow - Rotate the engines, why not? @Martian Emigrant - The perfect case for a Thud @goduranus - Reverse trust in reverse @StanK - Me @Wanderfound - With spare seats @foobar - You can see through it @tsgaerospace - Pushed up into space @Rosvall - Rolling into space @michal.don - Pancake to accelerate! ...can proudly wear their badge: I have done a few times in past versions. To show it is still possible in 1.3 below is my own new entry: Album: http://imgur.com/a/dDIOT
  20. Daredevil Satellite Launcher While work on crew capsules for spaceflight is progressing slowly and cost overruns are common, the recent probes prompted a debate on whether it is cheaper to simply stick to an unmanned spaceprogram for now. Fearing for their future opportunities, a few daredevil pilots brought about the idea of reusable planes as a means to launch small satellites. The idea is, that a manned plane launches one or two mini satellites, and then safely lands back in the vicinity of the KSC. While more economically thinking kerbals call the concept a wasteful publicity stunt without any benefit, some politicians recognized it as an opportunity to shift public scrutiny away from their own performances. So the idea was quickly approved. The challenge Your challenge, should you accept it, is to launch at least one mini satellite (essentially just a probe core) from a manned plane into an orbit around kerbin (periapsis above 70km). The plane must be over 5km altitude above sea level when you launch the satellite. Thus you can use an air breathing plane and launch the sat at 5km altitude above sea level, or a rocket plane and launch the sat at 75km altitude. The plane must then land back around KSC. Note that the FMRS mod is now part of the mod recommendations and should be used to switch between the plane and the satellite. Ranking is done by non-recovered mass per satellite. For example in my entry below, I started with 8455kg mass (8555kg minus launch clamp 100kg), had a mass of 3312kg when landed and launched 2 mini satellites into orbits around kerbin. This results in a mass expenditure of 2571.5kg per mini satellite. Minimum picture requirements for a ranking are 1. Design showing KER readouts in SPH/VAB, especially total vessel mass. 2. In flight, showing KER readouts roughly when launching the satellite(s). Must be over 5km altitude above sea level. 3. The satellite in flight, showing KER readouts with periapsis above 70km. 4. The plane, landed back on kerbin with KSC visible in the background, showing KER readouts, espcially the vehicle mass when landed. HINT : The Small Hardpoint functions as a separator. If you adjust the ejection force to 0, it does not mess up the vector of the launched object. Of course additional pictures, videos, etc are very welcome. As is a link if you stream it. The restrictions 1. No R&D, SPH/VAB, Runway/Launchpad facility upgrades! (=> 30part / 9ton mass limit, other facility upgrades are allowed) 2. Tweakscale is only allowed for wings/control surfaces/landing gear/adapters. 3. No mods except the ones specified below. Visual and similar mods are exempt from this rule. 4. No cheating. 5. Science/parts restrictions as shown here (thus no parachutes, reaction wheels, etc.) basicRocketry node provides a basic liquid fuel engine The mods 1. Install CKAN for a separate, clean KSP install. 2. Only select the "SETI-MetaModPack". Click "ApplyChanges". 3. Leave all recommendations selected. Click "Continue". 4. From the suggestions, only SETIprobeControlEnabler is allowed, so that you dont have to worry about a RemoteTech connection. Click "Continue" and wait for the the mods to be installed. 5. RCS Build Aid is among the recommendations, but is currently not available via ckan. You may (highly recommended) install that manually from here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RCSBuildAid/releases 6. Visual mods are allowed at your own discretion. The ranking By spent mass per mini satellite: 1. @Yemo with a spent mass of 2571.5kg per mini satellite to kerbin orbit (8455kg launch mass, 8555kg minus launch clamp 100kg, 3312kg mass when landed, 2 mini satellites launched into orbits around kerbin. Thus a mass expenditure of (8455kg - 3312kg) / 2 =2571.5kg per mini satellite. I went for the rocket plane / high launch concept. Ejection force on Small Hardpoints set to 0 for a clean launch:
  21. I think the name says it all. Pick your favorite historic(al) mission and re-create it as closely as you can in as-stock-as-possible KSP (you can use mods, in other words, just no hyperedit or f12 cheatiness) - from any era (Wright Brothers, anyone?) As an example, here's my X-15 re-creation, weight is spot on, which made me happy. It wanted to go higher than the "normal" historic 80km so I had to fight that a bit, but I was pleased with the results. Oh, and Gen. White's record? That's almost twice the speed of an SR-71. In 1962. It's also not the fastest - my bad - that was William Knight in 1967 at 7,273 kph. Knight "holds the world's speed record for flight in a winged, powered aircraft." Imgur albums or vids are very welcome. This was in KSP 1.1 beta 64-bit. Your Mileage May Vary.
  22. Mun Flyby After the spectacular success of the Daredevil Pilot who went to space in his plane cockpit using nothing else than solid boosters, there has been increasing pressure on the KSC to be less hesitant and more daring. The work on a liquid fuel engine had numerous setbacks and the public is growing impatient. So a special group has been tasked with the design of a Mun flyby probe using current technologies. The lower to the mun we can get, the better for appeasing the public. The challenge Your challenge, should you accept it, is to reach an periabsis as low as possible above the mun, under the facility upgrade and technological limits described below. Ranking is done by periapsis. For those who reach a periapsis below 10km, a second ranking is done by vehicle mass (KER readouts in SPH/VAB). Minimum picture requirements for a ranking are 1. Design showing KER readouts in SPH/VAB, especially total vessel mass. 2. In flight, at or very close to periapsis. Periapsis displayed by KER or mechjeb (switch KER to partless instead of career in KER settings available in SPH/VAB). Note that the altimeter shows altitude over terrain when in surface mode. Of course additional pictures, videos, etc are very welcome. As is a link if you stream it. The restrictions 1. No R&D, SPH/VAB, Runway/Launchpad facility upgrades! (=> 30part / 9ton mass limit, other facility upgrades are allowed) 2. Tweakscale is only allowed for wings/control surfaces/landing gear/adapters. 3. No mods except the ones specified below. Visual and similar mods are exempt from this rule. 4. No cheating. 5. Science/parts restrictions as shown here (thus no liquid fuel engines, reaction wheels, etc.) Engineering101 node, use the "Alkaline Fuel Cell Mini" to provide EC when lower than 10% capacity Structural Parts node Stability Node, the "Place-Anywhere 1 Linear RCS Port" can be used as an engine The mods 1. Install CKAN for a separate, clean KSP install. 2. Only select the "SETI-MetaModPack". Click "ApplyChanges". 3. Leave all recommendations selected. Click "Continue". 4. From the suggestions, only SETIprobeControlEnabler is allowed, so that you dont have to worry about a RemoteTech connection. Click "Continue" and wait for the the mods to be installed. 5. RCS Build Aid is among the recommendations, but is currently not available via ckan. You may (highly recommended) install that manually from here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RCSBuildAid/releases 6. Visual mods are allowed at your own discretion. The ranking By periapsis above the mun: 1. @Yemo with a periapsis of ~11,667m above the mun My entry for the challenge:
  23. Main challenge: Do a front flip on every celestial body, (excluding Sol). This does not need to be done on one trip, but has to be the same model / spaceship for each body This can be either manned or unmanned. Side Challenge: Do a front flip in orbit of each body. This is a compilation challenge. Evidence should be a collage or an album. Pics should be taken mid-flip. This is more of a time waster challenge, as it shouldn't be too difficult. Have fun!
  24. This mission completed for submission to the EM1 Mission of the Doing It Orion Style challenge. Only mod was TweakScale. I went a little overboard trying to match all the elements of the real SLS + Orion, down to the count and placement of the RCS thruster blocks. Definitely pleased with the final product, though! View from the VAB. Standing tall on the pad. Igniting the SSMEs first. Booster ignition and clamp release! I always love these kinds of shots. I don't much like the SLS myself but it is a nice-looking rocket to be sure. Look familiar? Halfway through the SRBs and just now supersonic. Not going to get rid of the launch tower until after the solids are jettisoned. Really starting to get some heating now, right at burnout. Gees will drop soon, though. Booster staging aided by some sepratrons clipped into the nosecones. Boosters receding; about half my launch fuel and pulling two gees. Throttling down to fine-tune my ascent. Fairing and LES jettison! Now I just need to go a little bit further... MECO in a disposal orbit. Separating the core. Nice shot of the ICPS here, compare to this. Extending solar panels as the core recedes. Circularizing. As you can see, I have 13 cubesats mounted around the ICPS decoupler. Orbit circularized. Testing out my RCS blocks. Note the placement is identical to here. Really good view of the ICPS. Went ahead and threw an antenna on here since it is unmanned. Extending the antennae on the KubeSats. KubeSat 1 away! These each consist of a probe core, an antenna, and an instrument of some kind. I plan to deploy them in low Kerbin orbit, kerbostationary transfer orbit, Munar free-return, and Munar orbit. I only brought 13 KubeSats because that's the number of adapters on Orion's Stage Adapter. Deploying a few more KubeSats: Let's see, where were we? Planning Munar Free Return. ICPS reignition! TweakScale is almost perfect, but it didn't adjust exhaust plume length. So it looks a little weird. Deploying another KubeSat with a slightly higher apoapse. Yet another. You can see the orbits of the individual KubeSats. Deploying KubeSat in Kerbostationary Transfer Orbit. There it is in KTO! Throttling down to finely adjust the free-return. And there's my free-return! Got a pretty good Munar Periapsis for a free-return. Releasing more KubeSats now that I'm in a free-return trajectory. Nice shot of the service module here too, along with the large battery to show I have backup in case the solar panels fail. Approaching cismunar space. Nice shot of the loop around the Mun; you can see that the KubeSats I released have spread out nicely. One of the KubeSats is on an impact trajectory, the others are not. I went ahead and used the ICPS for this burn so I could save some KubeSats for deployment in Munar Orbit. Deploying! Finally separating the ICPS and Orion is flying free! Nice swarm of KubeSats here along with me. Let's head a bit closer to the Mun. Tightening up that orbit... Much better! Did a few orbits until I was lined up to head back to Kerbin. Getting ready for the return burn. This is the first really good shot of Orion by itself. Starting the burn. And now my periapse is below the surface! This will be hot. Farewell, Mun! Earth approach. Separation from the Service Module. Hope I don't overshoot and come down on land. Very warm. Hitting the drogues immediately to try and get a splashdown. Popping the mains. This is gonna be close! Dropping the heat shield. Cut the drogues. Aaaaand... Splashdown!
  25. The Kinetic Science Kit Challenge. Background: Since Kraken Co's Founding, they wanted to smash something into a Planet, for science. Now, they want YOU to smash a payload into a planet with an atmosphere, and collect science on the way. At least one Kerbal must be brought along. Rules: No Debug(No Cheating Alpacas!) Screenshots or video to go along, or it didn't happen. Stock Parts Only Please. Graphic Mods like EVE and Maneuver Mods, such as MechJeb are okay. Refrain from Hyperedit at All Costs. For All Levels, IMPACT at the speed given. Normal Mode(Level 1): Smash a 6 Ton payload into Kerbin At least at 3500 m/s. Collect science during re-entry. Winners: Medium(Level 2): Smash a 12 Ton payload into Kerbin at last at 4250 m/s. Collect Science during re-entry. Winners: Harder (Level 3): Smash a 6 Ton payload into Eve at least 2000 m/s. Collect Science during re-entry. Winners: Very Difficult (Level 4): Smash a 12 Ton payload into Eve at least at 5000 m/s. Collect science airing re-entry. Winners: Extreme (Level 5): Smash a 6 Ton payload into Laythe at least 3000 m/s. Collect science. Winners: Bill's Level (Level 6): Smash a 12 Ton Payload into Laythe at least at 4000 m/s. Collect Science. Winners: Bob's Level (Level 7): Smash any payload over 6 tons into Jool. Collect science. Winners: Jebadiah's Level (Level 8) Smash into Jool with a payload over 6 tons at 10000 m/s. Collect science and enounter a Kraken attack. Collect Science. Winners: Kraken's Level(Level 9?) Survive any Level Above Level 6, Without using Parachutes. Something However, Must Crash into the Planet. Winners:
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