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  1. Plz read this to the end cuz its not what you think (its not a kraken attack) you will see why So i built a stock gateway with just the solar panels from the near future solar mod. I launched a stock sls i built to see if i could dock to the gateway or not and it went well. The gateway I built was from renderings, schematics and blueprints from esa and nasa. and the gateway had ion engines, batteries, xenon gas, antennas on hinges, sorvos and pistons, habitation modules (2) and an airlock provided by roscosmos and obviously docking ports But here is where the strange thing happened (I haven't been able to replicate the phenomenon) i launched a 2nd sls and went on to have a randevous with the gateway but, i saw the gateway was moving in a strange way from the distance (its not a kraken attack) and when i get closer i see the antennas are moving on the servos and hinges and pistons. at first I too thought it was a kraken attack and even thought of dismantling it in kerbin orbit and deorbiting the modules but upon further inspection I found something truly shocking which was that it wasn't a kraken attack because the antennas were moving in a VERY specific way and after trying to figure out what was happening I saw that the antennas were moving to point VERY accurately to my vessels in the save so the antennas were manipulating the locked hinges, servos, and pistons in a way that they would point with pinpoint accurately to vessels across my save ( and i made sure that they were vessels cuz it pointed to two objects with little distance on the mun (my mun rover and lander) and even i made sure it upon looking at the map then it pointed to an island on which i had a functional craft somone plz explain what is happening
  2. What made you play KSP? Well for me, it was through YouTube. I was searching up project StarShot on YouTube and cam across this video: I though this video was a cool animation but then I relized it was a game after this video: Then I immediately bought a copy of KSP on the console. Now I play on PC. And now I make YouTube videos of it.
  3. I was trying to get a stable orbit around Kerbol (the sun), and the tragectory then bugged out and went to a verticle that would go straight into Kerbol.
  4. Lately fourms are getting clumped and messy I am meaning There is a Variety of them and they need to be Organized together into Sub-categories of sub-categories So lets start at this standpoint Add-On-Development > Mods But it should be like : Add-On-Development > [Type of Mods, e.g Terrain shader, part mods] And it should be extended for all sub categories of the fourms like Mega-Threads category Mini thread category Types of missions/Challenges category Self promo/ Group promo category etc. Share your thoughts below and give ideas If the Mods see this thread (hopefully this becomes a mega thread full of ideas that they can implement) Signing off Weak Player 5th May 2021
  5. Ive made a sub reddit for KSP content creators to Collab, meet, and talk. https://www.reddit.com/r/KSPContentCreators/
  6. So this is a mod by u/Rattraps123 from reddit He was trying to finish this when he was not able to load it on ksp 1.11 so the download will not be provided and the provided ones are the broken version, so I asked him to take over his mod I am consulting linuxgurugamer for help, but the reddit discussion thread
  7. unete al grupo de ksp en español para compratir diseños y ayudar a nuevos :D https://chat.whatsapp.com/Hxa216Zgpc56fEaeGuSIPF
  8. Hello I played KSP 1.9.1 with Real Scale Boosters today. I wanted to launch a satellite in an 53 degree inclination orbit. The targeted Altitude was 300 Kilometers. I tried to launch 5 times without sucess. I flew on a Atlas V, after Meco and stage sep and SES 1 I fired the engine with full power. My apogee was 300 Km but everytime I reached the apogee to fast (after 1,5 minutes after stage sep) after passing apogee my altitude increased very fast and at 100 Km my vehicle exploded. Whats the problem? I‘ve also tried mechjeb at the last try. Thanks Fly save
  9. Hello, is there a way to play KK‘s launcher SpaceX mod with RO and RSS so that the rockets have the right configuration including size and fuel? And is it also possible to optimize Tundra‘s exploration with RSS and RO too? A instruction with the right KSP version and the settings/codes of mod would be really cool! Thanks and greetings from germany!
  10. Life On Laythe science mission Premise: Life has been detected in the deep oceans of Laythe. Mission: Launch a science mission to Laythe, and return science data from the floor of the DeGrasse Sea. This challenge is based loosely on the movie Astronaut : The Last Push. Rules: The Science data must be the results of a Mystery Goo experiment collected from the sea floor (not the surface) of the DeGrasse Sea returned to Kerbin and recovered Two kerbals need to go to Laythe and at least one kerbal must land or splash down on Laythe’s surface The kerbals must launch from the KSC, and both must return alive to the surface of Kerbin for recovery No command chairs are allowed. The kerbals must reside in pressurized seats during interplanetary and atmospheric flight. The use of stock probe cores is allowed where it fits within the challenge guidelines. No ISRU is allowed. The launched craft(s) must have all the fuel for the journey to and from Laythe Clipping is not allowed, and all parts must be adjacent to another part. If you want to clip, and you think it is fair, ask me. Stock parts with DLC only. Mods that affect parts or game physics are not allowed. Cheats - Hyperedit, F-12 , file editing etc are not allowed Informational, flight control and visual mods are allowed (e.g. MechJeb, KER, Trajectories, Precise Node etc) Settings must be default, normal. Entry reheating must be set to 100%. If you change default settings, you are breaking this rule. Mission must be completed in less than 13 years from launch date Submission: The mission will be listed in order of submission. Please provide an Imgur gallery with detailed explanation, or a video. This should include an image showing science recovery from the Laythe seafloor, with the resource window open. This challenge is all about good reliable design, mission planning and game play. The following may provide a guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZIe2fWK85s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiMW4Qtoj2g Special mentions for low cost entries. Any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck. Completed entries: @camacju16750 funds, ultra low cost entry . Amazing orbital mechanics! Uses EVA and jet packs and V1.11 EVA Construction to reduce costs @Brikoleur Zoë. A big SSTO seaplane lands two Kerbals on Laythe. Gotta love the hydroplanes and the cool Laythe probe. @Brikoleur Bak Billbo. A bigger SSTO seaplane with massive dV, single stage from Kerbin to a Laythe sea landing and back to Kerbin. @jinnantonixLife One. [video] Replicates the artificial gravity system and the space craft design used in the video Astronaut: The Last Push. @Death Engineering Apollo to Laythe - McDonnell Douglas Phase B 12-Man Space Station Launch. In DE's own words, incorporates some of the more far-out NASA concepts from the early 1970's, mixed in with a healthy dose of just plain Kerbalistic nonsense. Brilliant. . .
  11. Every kerbal of me is going But not from the mun Something is familiar Like a mun explore, I can reach but not quite hold I can sense your on the mun Like a planet I've always known I'm comeing And it feels like I am in orbit I have always been a rocket kerblish secrets deep inside You have kerbals, too But you don't have to land land now I'm dying to land land now It's your turn Are you the kerbal perfect to land All of my mission? land now I'm ready to learn Ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah I've never felt so certain to land, I've been torn But I'm here for a reason Could it be the reason why im hear? I have always been so bad at landing kerbal rules did not apply Is this the kerbal? Are you the way I finally find out how? land now I'm no longer scared Here comes the lander I've come so far You are the answer I've waited for All of my mission Oh, landing Let me see the surface Come to land Open your hatch Don't make me struggle One moment more Oh, come touchdown Open your hatch Don't make me struggle One moment land Where the North pole meets the sea Ah-ah, ah-ah There's a kerbal Ah-ah, ah-ah Full of srb's (memories, memories) Come, my darling, homeward planet I am a kerbal land now Step into the surface don't kill yourself crew depends on you You are the one you've been waiting for All of my life All of your mission Oh, land now Ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah, ah-ah
  12. What is your favorite planet/moon?
  13. If you use Mac computers/laptops with KSP, you can chat about preformance, mods, etc.... I use an M1 chip Mac and it runs great with stock, and OK with heavy modding.
  14. Just state your favorite old game version that you enjoyed playing with the most. I only started playing since 1.10, so I haven’t used old versions before.
  15. Share any modded KSP screenshots and get help on how to take amazing screenshots! Open to all.
  16. jeb? Do you wanna build a rocket? C'mon let's go and build! I never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like you've gone away We used to be best kerbals and now we're not, I wish you would tell me why Do you wanna build a rocket? It doesn't have to be a rocket Go away, bill! Okay, bye Do you wanna build a rocket? Or launch our prototypes around the halls? I think some company is overdue, I started talking to, the kerbals on the walls — Hang in there, bob! It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms, just watching the hours tick by jeb? Please I know you're in there, people are asking where you've been They say 'have courage, ' and I'm trying to, I'm right out for you, just let me in We only have each other, it's just you and me, what are we gonna do? Do you wanna build a rocket? (sniff)
  17. Hi, Marcus house had made a kos code for falcon heavy which only works with ksp 1.3 and lower. So i have modified his script and made it compatible with Ksp 1.8.1 and higher . So i will now continue to to update his script . Script is finally complete ,here it is : https://github.com/daiwik-ksp/Falcon-Heavy-Dual-booster-landing- More pic on : https://imgur.com/a/0vaAUyH
  18. (Oh) I can go to duna but I won't Some look for life while others don't There's a thousand reasons I should go And ignore your sight which I wish would go away, oh Whoa You're not a shine, you're just a ripple in my eye And if I see you, which I don't, I'm spoken for I fear Everyone I've ever I gone is here within these walls I'm sorry, secret sight, but I'm blocking out your signal I've had my adventure, I don't need something new I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you Into the planet Into the planet Into the unknown (Oh) (Oh) What do you want? 'Cause you've been keeping me awake Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake? Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be? Every day's a little harder as I feel your power grow Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go Into the unknown? Into the unknown Into the unknown (Oh) (Oh) Whoa Are you out there? Do you see me? Can you help me? Can you show me? ooh (Ah) ooh (Ah) ooh (Ah) ooh (Ah) ooh (Ah) ooh Where are you going? Don't leave me on duna How do I follow you Into the unknown? Woo!
  19. The snow glows white on eeloo tonight Not a kerbal to be seen A life of isolation And it looks like I'm alone The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't land, heaven knows I've tried Don't let them know, don't let them see Be the good kerbal you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now its trashed Let it bust, let it crash Can't hold the fuel anymore Let it bust, let it crash Turn away and tell capcom the bad results I don't care what they're going to say Let the capsule crash The chance of death never bothered me anyway It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the kerbals that once controlled me can't get to me at all It's time to see what I can do To test the limits and break through No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free Let it crash, let it bust I am one with the planet and sky Let it crash, let it bust You'll never see me cry Here I stand and here I stay Let the life rage on My parachute broke through the air into the ground My soul is spiraling in panic fractals all around And one thought crystallizes like an good burn I'm never going back, tell capcom my new life Let it crash, let it bust When I'll rise like the rocket of life Let it crash, let it bust That perfect capsule is gone Here I stand on the planet Let the mission rage on The chance of depth never bothered me anyway
  20. here are some examples saturn v space launch system r 7 falcon heavy falcon 9
  21. So I sometimes when I play KSP it crashes to a black screen. It basically forcefully shuts down my laptop like when you hold down the power button for a long time ( I get that peewww sound). It tends to happen at the start of the game. For example when I enter the VAB or when I launch a rocket. I also got it one time while the game was still starting up. It can also happen like 3 times in a row (after starting up again). If it doesn't happen I can play the game just fine. I have no mods installed, I only have the breaking ground expansion. I play the game from steam. Here I have my player log uploaded to dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/465m7hagdxxp5b9/Player.log?dl=0 This is my task manager when I just loaded up the game (the screen where you see all the buildings): And here are my graphics settings. I already tried lowering some (like texture quality) because I suspected it had to with RAM or GPU limitations but to no avail.
  22. I have a big problem... I am trying to use Real Solar System in KSP, but if RRS and Kopernicus are both in the Gamedata directory, the starter loading screen with the pictures and everything happens, then it goes to the solar system in the bottom right corner loading screen forever... I have been using RRS without the planet textures but it's really not the same. Please help. Thanks!
  23. I have an idea for a simple KSP board game, and I think it would be pretty cool.... (<-- Yes, of course I am biased...) Basically, the point is to be the last space program with any funding. There would be a deck of part cards (and maybe cool little connectable models too), Funds, science tokens, and special dice. Each card would have a picture of the part, its name, its cost, its return cost, its mass and depending on the type: its resources, thrust, et c. At the beginning of the game, everyone starts with the mk1 capsule card, the basic fin card, the rt-5 flea card, 25,000 funds, and five science tokens. Also, shuffle the deck! Every turn you could turn in science tokens and draw cards (5 tokens = 3 cards, 10 = 6 cards, 15 = 9 cards, et c.), build a rocket, launch a rocket, or do nothing. If you can only do nothing, you lose. When launching a rocket, you find its success rate by checking a chart for its mass and thrust, and then use the corresponding die to check whether it succeeds. The lowest success rate would have a die with five fail sides and one success side, and the highest would have five success sides and one fail side. If it succeeds, you get funds back for the total return cost of the final stage. When building a rocket, you array the cards in such a way that it looks like an expanded blueprint of a rocket. For symmetric parts you multiply the cost by the amount used in symmetry. You would only be able to build rockets within your funds. You get 1 token for every science unit on the final stage. And yes, you need to do math to figure everything out, but that's good, right? P.S. Ideas and comments would be appreciated, I want to know what other people think. Thanks!
  24. 各位坎巴拉宇航员,大家好! 已通过中华人民共和国国家新闻出版署审批的《坎巴拉太空计划》,于今日在WeGame 平台上线更新补丁,方便玩家与社区成员分享自己的飞船。 本补丁包含了用于分享用户创作内容的UserSpace中心,为游戏和WeGame平台添加可 查看和分享制作飞船文件的支持功能。 本作于上个月登陆WeGame,首发折扣价25元(二五折),优惠截至3月23日。 谨在此热烈欢迎新玩家们加入我们的全球模组制作社区。 祝您欢乐起航!
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