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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Managed to corrupt the Moneybroker 7 craft file somehow. So, I took the opportunity to re-design the craft. Tried a different flight profile that failed miserably - I was only going 1300 m/s when the RAPIERs kicked over and it only through the use of TAC and cannibalizing the payload that the flight made orbit. The Moneymaker probe still had enough juice for its mission, but I burned 60% of its fuel just getting it into orbit. Other than that, I didn't get much of anything done last night.

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So I landed on the Mun to establish a base.


Notice the rover underneath?

I release it to drop the rover to the surface, then move it out of the way.


Then I used the radial decouplers to jettison the engines and fuel tanks, and drop the lab down onto the surface.


Notice the docking port on the side? there is also one on the rover. The rover can dock onto it so that the experiments can be processed and cleaned. It is the most complicated thing I've designed in KSP yet, and it all went off without a hitch.

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Installed TAC Life Support. I had a pre-stranded Kerbal on the Mun who I switched to to start his supplies counting down. I had to reach him in a mere 90 minutes.


As you can see, I failed. Too much delta-V and not enough TWR meant I shot clean through the Mun's SOI.

EDIT: Or maybe not so soon. I didn't realise a Kerbal can survive a full 2 hours nominally without oxygen. Seems a bit silly when he's just in his suit, but the mod's what it is.

Edited by cantab
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Completed phase one of my Minmus rescue mission. I have two Kerbals stranded on Minmus with dwindling life-support supplies. Henson Kerman was originally stuck in a highly elliptic orbit on-board a lander that had run out of fuel, with only 5 hours of oxygen left. He managed to "get out and push" to bring the lander's Pe down to a few km, then as the craft swung by on it's closest approach, and as the oxygen tank ran dry, he jumped out and circularized a low orbit with his RCS pack. He was then able to de-orbit and land just a few meters away from a base module that Landron Kerman had successfully landed earlier (and by successfully I mean it hit so hard that the engine and fuel tank on the return stage exploded, leaving him stranded with 6 days worth of supplies).

The rescue ship is about 6 days from Minmus rendezvous, but with 2 kerbals now at the Minmus base, they only have 3 days worth of supplies. The rescue ship has a ton of excess Dv, and I now have to see whether I can change it's trajectory enough to bring the rendezvous forward enough to save poor Henson and Landron.

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Sent an interplanetary probe to Mars, to check delta v requirements and orbital speeds:


I didn't plan aerobraking, but to my amazement the probe remained perfectly intact during entry! and then crashed into the ground.

Atmosphere was not as thin as all the descriptions made me think ;D

...And I forgot to check how long the trip takes.

Later tested life support system. Used this ship to test crew endurance:


The design was flawed, the CO2 recycler didn't generate air fast enough to supply the crew, so I had to cut the trip short and return after 40 days of orbiting.

Damnit why were they breathing so heavily?? (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

Heat shield was too narrow and stuff started to burn up & explode. O_O

Endurance test #2:


Used the converter which uses CO2 and water to generate air. Everything worked fine! Just gonna need to put more food for the Mars trip.

Also added a half meter wider heat shield, and landed in the exact middle of nowhere Sahara.

Edited by Overfloater
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Well my Mun rover drove off a cliff as I thought I had enought time before needing to turn before going over it. Went over it at 11.3 m/s catching space as it where had my wheels intact for the bulk of it till I hit the max speed of 38 /ms about some time before this picture was taken:


But, yeah it skidded just fine up then back down the other side of the crater and if I was using the other wheels I would have long ago flipped over and crashed. Didspit this rover being only able to reach 8 m/s normally on even ground as well as being able to fish tail my way up a 20 to 30 + degree incline at about 5 m/s. Where my smaller rovers weep at going up 15 degree incline. But, able to go 20 m/s + no problem. So it does appear slow and steady can be a better selution.

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Launched my first 6.4x Apollo-like mission to the Mun: it's presently sitting in low Mun orbit. The intent is to abuse the science lab attached to the CM to store a large number of experiments; while I could probably milk more out with a reusable lander and a refueler in orbit, I decided overly-extensive milking of Munar biomes just isn't very fun. Launcher mass was ~680 tonnes; small hints like "in low Lunar orbit: injection stage still has a few drops of hydrogen left" suggests that probably could have been trimmed down noticeably.


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I have been playing 0.25 Career Mode with a few mods mostly relating to science and aesthetics. The game kept crashing when changing to and from the Space Centre screen.....which is fun!!

Managed to get a stable version going today so celebrated with a new flag for the new company DD Exploration.


Started the game slowly, Jeb did ok with the first flight landing close to VAB


I have the ScanSat and D Magic Science mods running so looking forward to making interesting satellites like this one from previous version.


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An employee at the Space Center is expecting a baby, and the baby shower ended with a beautiful, artificial meteor shower made of hand-sculpted babies of pure tungsten.


Here is the orbital baby carrier, assembled and launched for this specific occasion.




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Flown an eariler version of this at around 2 am:


Needless to say the first one crashed and burned do to wings flexing into the ground. Removed a twin set of trubos on a later one. Got up to 18xx m/s at 30km up (flaming all the way) had to switch to me twin lvl-909 got up to 19xx at 34k km up before it dropped like a rock. Crew still lived.

Most likely will need more intakes as well as reaction wheels to make it to space. Other then that it flys and glides alright.

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Beginning my first serious mission to Eve. I plan to get into orbit, drop a landing probe onto the planet, send a manned lander to Gilly, and come home. I think I might even keep the thing in Kerbin orbit after I return so I can use it for other interplanetary missions. I got the transfer stage into orbit after several tries, then docked a lander, probe, and habitation module to it. Right now I'm trying to dock a module with reserve fuel onto it, but I messed up my first try because I put the RCS thrusters too far forward and the thing was too hard to control.





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