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[0.25] Realism Overhaul w/ RedAV8R [Terminated]


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@Frisch: Absolutely, I plan on working on the OP and Readme and creating a good FAQ and/or Wiki with the project. Good words my friend.

@Rakird: Take note of Frisch's response, THIS is a properly worded and appropriate question/comment.

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I'll make sure NK see's this:)

FWIW...why can't you just bookmark the right one:P

I usually just leave the tab open and refresh it periodically. My KSP/RO bookmarks folder already is taller than my screen, but I'm doing it!.

Here's a random fun link from that folder: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/appmissiontable.php It's about delta-v requirements and transfer times using constant acceleration trajectories. I tried to do the Earth->Moon one with unlimited fuel on. It took substantially less than 3 days at 1g.

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Does Near Future Power pack mean the electrical or solar pack?

My goal is to do the whole NearFuture Pack. The latest update likely broke what was there, (like 4 solar panels), so it'll get a much deserved look through as I progress in v6.

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Sorry, I did not quite get it out of the reply regarding those reaction control system pods, what exactly are those pods?

Do you mean separate parts of some sort like inline thrusters? That would be really great. Or do we have the thrusters finally built into the capsules? That was one of my dreams for a long time...

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Sorry, I did not quite get it out of the reply regarding those reaction control system pods, what exactly are those pods?

Do you mean separate parts of some sort like inline thrusters? That would be really great. Or do we have the thrusters finally built into the capsules? That was one of my dreams for a long time...

Again. The RCS Quads, and maybe the linear ones too, quite frankly can't remember. IE, the ones that already existed, had some typo's and other small errors. That was corrected in the last update.

NOW, in the course of my new updates for v6, which hasn't happened yet, but soon, it's on the list. RCS will be built into crew pods. Permanently.

An example of this is the FASA/OLDD Apollo CSM. Both the Command Module and the Service Module have the appropriate RCS units 'built in'. They are now part of the 'part'. So if one selects the Command Module, there is no need to separately add RCS units to it. They are already there.

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@Frisch: Absolutely, I plan on working on the OP and Readme and creating a good FAQ and/or Wiki with the project. Good words my friend.

@Rakird: Take note of Frisch's response, THIS is a properly worded and appropriate question/comment.

I love the mod, i'm sorry if seemed like i was making pressure on you guys or something, just wanted to play it, didn't wanted to sound rude or pushy. You guys are doing a great job for the community for free, my respect for that. Regards and can't wait for the new release :)

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Question: I'm attempting to copy an SRB part config in order to modify it to a specific burn time, thrust, and Isp. (115 seconds with 263Isp at 5849kN) So far, I've gotten to this point:

stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER

// --- solid booster parameters --- 6.75

name = ModuleEngines
thrustVectorTransformName = NozzleTransform
throttleLocked = true
exhaustDamage = true
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 5849
heatProduction = 450
useEngineResponseTime = true
engineAccelerationSpeed = 8.0
allowShutdown = false
name = SolidFuel
ratio = 1.0
DrawGauge = True
key = 0 263
key = 1 238


name = ModuleGimbal
gimbalTransformName = NozzleTransform
gimbalRange = 0.3

name = ModuleAnimateHeat
ThermalAnim = SRBs

name = SolidFuel
amount = 5600
maxAmount = 5600

but I'm fairly certain I'm missing something. I know stock KSP calculates fuel flow based on Isp, and RO changes this. How would I go about ensuring the proper burn time and fuel mass/flow?

edit: attempting to turn the Thor SRB from KW Rocketry into the UA1205 booster from the Titan IIIC

Edited by Roastduck
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Don't clone the part that way. Use MM.



@name = newid

// changed params


However, RealEngines doesn't yet cover generic solid rockets. So if this is not a solid modified by RO, you would have to add the ModuleEngineConfigs manually. Look a an example from an existing solid that RO does modify for the ModuleEngineConfigs syntax.

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However, RealEngines doesn't yet cover generic solid rockets. So if this is not a solid modified by RO, you would have to add the ModuleEngineConfigs manually. Look a an example from an existing solid that RO does modify for the ModuleEngineConfigs syntax.

They don't officially...:wink: Check git this afternoon:sticktongue:

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Any ideas when the new version is going to come?

In the new Real Engine configs version what is the difference between the igniters that do require electricity and those that do not require anything but fuel and just have a limited number of restarts? Does it simulate any real life thing?

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Any ideas when the new version is going to come?

In the new Real Engine configs version what is the difference between the igniters that do require electricity and those that do not require anything but fuel and just have a limited number of restarts? Does it simulate any real life thing?

When it gets done.

At some point all of the ignitors should require electricity, whether it be to open a valve or start a glow plug, both, whatever. Realistically though, any ship is going to have plenty of power and the required power for ignitors is relatively small.

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At this time the plugin is merely a version checker, I 'think' there has been talk when something is more 'finalized' the actual changes will be in a single .dll file, don't quote me on that. With the changes made in v24.0/1/2 we have been able to remove some dependencies, like KM_Gimbal (which hasn't been officially updated either at this point), and ModuleRCSFX. NK is also looking at adding ETCv2 like functionality into RealFuels, eliminating that dependency as well.

I'm about to release ALPHA 6 of RO which is semi-built around 0.24.*. Keep in mind this is a working ALPHA and IT WILL BREAK SAVES. In fact there is the good possibility that each subsequent release will break saves, or at least I'm not guaranteeing that your saves will be intact once upgrading.

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HERE it is!!!

Realism Overhaul v6.0 ALPHA 6 - Keep in mind this is a WIP ALPHA and IT WILL BREAK SAVES. In fact there is the good possibility that each subsequent ALPHA release will break saves, or at least I'm not guaranteeing that your saves will be intact once upgrading.

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HERE it is!!!

Realism Overhaul v6.0 ALPHA 6 - Keep in mind this is a WIP ALPHA and IT WILL BREAK SAVES. In fact there is the good possibility that each subsequent ALPHA release will break saves, or at least I'm not guaranteeing that your saves will be intact once upgrading.


Now to save the craft I care about and download and upgrade my RO install.

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Stock parachutes aren't working, about to try the real parachutes mod and see if that does.

Fixed the stock chutes...HERE.

Is there any chance you are taking suggestions? If so, i think that the 2 man command pod of Home Grown Rockets would be a good Gemini pod. Just thinkin

I will add that to the list!

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