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Everything posted by Clockwork13

  1. T2 has one of the most egregious data privacy policies I've ever seen from a company. Just stick with 1.3.1, the newer versions have almost nothing of value besides for a few new parts and bits of functionality. KSP 1.3.1 is what I use and it works great. IMO, this is the best approach. Also as a sidenote, wireshark might be useful for figuring out where it's sending requests to. With this aggressive anti-privacy stance from T2, that's another reason why I'm skeptical of KSP2. I understand most people don't really care about that sort of thing and it'll probably do fine regardless, but I know that I'm not going to waste my time trying it if it's as privacy-invasive as KSP 1.8 is. As another side note, don't trust 'opt out' features. I remember facebook had something like this and it didn't respect whether a user had opted out or not. T2 might be the same way. It's also possible that the Unity update may have to do it, as they don't have the best privacy track record either. Though it's probably T2. Lastly, unlike the original KSP team, T2 doesn't care about making a good product or respecting its paying customers. Like most big companies, especially just big gaming companies, they just care about making money through any means possible, even if that means taking away the player's right to privacy. It's a shame that situation befell KSP, although not surprising. Anyways that concludes my mini-rant lol. This post ended up being a lot bigger than i intended.
  2. This came to mind a little while ago and I'm trying to find out if it's theoretically possible or not, but am not getting a clear answer anywhere. Say you have two entangled particles. One is put into a spaceship on orbit, the other is on Earth. Then, you use a giant laser or some other means to propel the spacecraft in orbit to very close to light speed. At that point, the spacecraft is traveling through time very quickly due to time dilation. From the ship's perspective, it would've traveled much farther through time. Through the entangled particle on Earth, would you be able to use this to 'see' into the future (or interact with the distant future), or is something missing here?
  3. I do agree that the gas giant is an eyesore, and that's a complaint that I, too brought up in the past when I first started playing the game. However, not all gas giants in the game look like that and I should've picked a different one. i'll forward that complaint to the developer.
  4. The modern environmentalist movement frustrates me so much. It's no longer about the science, it's about economic reform and unrelated social issues (i.e 'reparations'). They reject actually feasible methods of clean power like nuclear and hydro and are against pretty much everything except for wind and solar. No biofuels, natural gas or geoengineering is acceptable to them, even though they're all potentially useful tools to combat climate change. The people at the head of this whole thing have no spine. also see: https://www.acsh.org/news/2017/11/02/climate-scientist-mark-jacobson-sues-journal-10m-over-hurt-feelings-12081 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/11/01/stanford-professor-files-libel-suit-against-leading-scientific-journal-over-clean-energy-claims/
  5. This is quite an interesting idea. I'll try it out when I get the chance.
  6. Maybe I should've picked another gas giant for that scene then, because most of the gas giants in the game don't look that eccentric. Same can be said for the spiky moons. Most gas giants look more normal, such as this one: Also, the game is still in early-access development (which I should've made clear earlier) and is entirely developed by one person, so I guess some lack of polish is what you'd expect.
  7. To be fair, we only 'know' the appearance of a handful of gas giants, so it's possible that some may actually look like that.
  8. Just putting this here in case any of you are interested. Basically it's a game about colonizing space in a kind of post-apocalyptic sci-fi settings. There's 270 billion planets and any player can contribute to the game's current network of player-built jumpgates, colonies, and soon, terraforming. The ultimate goal of the game is to find Earth. Scott Manley also made a video of it a while ago, but it's fairly dated. Even if the game doesn't interest you or you don't want to shell out $20, you may enjoy the video that I made, which obviously is inspired by the KSP Build Fly Dream video.
  9. 5G sounds cool in some circumstances but because of how short-range and noisy it is, I doubt it'll ever fully replace 3G or 4G
  10. I already see KSP as feature-complete, so all that would really be left is to fix bugs and improvement performance
  11. I'd like if KSP 2 has broader mod support, i.e adding new buildings to the KSC or changing its layout
  12. Is it just me or are all the parts scaled incorrectly? I tried creating an RO career save and all of the liquid engines are slightly wider than the fuel tanks and all claim to be 1 meter across regardless of how big they actually are.
  13. KSP craft files use plaintext JSON instead of a binary format, so if KSP2 uses that as well then it'll be pretty easy to convert them
  14. I think KSP2's main appeal will be that the game is being rewritten to better support things like interstellar travel and colonization. People say that we shouldn't judge it by its current FPS too much since it's in pre-alpha, but I think it's a red flag that it's already this low and it's likely going to get worse as they add new gameplay mechanics and whatnot. I'd like to be wrong on that though EDIT: It looks like they're using some kind of shaders in the gameplay footage, which *might* be the cause of the low FPS rather than the game itself
  15. The fact that KSP 2 is being written in Unity means that supporting additional platforms should be relatively easy.
  16. I wouldn't worry. The 9 year olds are all playing Fortnite and Roblox, not a more sophisticated thinking man's game like KSP
  17. Minecraft and KSP are two different games. KSP, in my opinion, desperately needs a sequel because of how badly optimized it is, as well as the fact that KSP 1 isn't written to support things like interstellar travel, and only colonization to a fairly limited degree. I'm still skeptical about KSP2 because it's being written in Unity as well and the first released gameplay footage isn't promising as far as performance is concerned, but we'll see
  18. there's going to be delays, so probably Q4 if not later in 2021
  19. you can create weapons with boosters, etc that are already in the game.
  20. Thankfully they've already confirmed that KSP 2 will not have loot boxes or microtransactions. Might have some kind of DLC though
  21. Unity is usually a good game engine, but with large games (space and physics oriented games especially) like KSP, there's often technical limitations or weird unfixable physics bugs that appear (e.g. the Krakens). Though on the other hand, it makes sense if they want to port KSP 2 to various platforms, which would be completely unfeasible if it were written from scratch without a proper game engine.
  22. It's not really a single mission but back in 2014 or so I went to the Mun, Minmus (both of which for the first time), Duna, Eeloo, Jool and Laythe in one sitting
  23. KSP 1.3.1 is still my favorite version by far. It seems to have the best modding support, very stable (comparatively), the last version before being bought out by T2 (i probably would've kept updating if it weren't for the redshell scandal though), and the later versions of KSP don't really add enough new stuff to make me want to bother upgrading my mods.
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