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Everything posted by Clockwork13

  1. Uh, no, it had nothing to do with T2. My point was simply that Squad was implementing a feature that technically already exists in the game, now please stop trying to spin it into something it isn't. Creating custom scenarios requires no mods
  2. Once again, congratulations, for winning the argument(s) that I never made. I can already tell that this thread isn't likely to go anywhere, so I'm just going to ask for @Vanamonde to lock it.
  3. Never even suggested that I could. All I was stating is that editing the scenario files provides a workable level of flexibility for creating missions.
  4. A few points: 1) From what I've seen from previews, 'ease of sharing' just means you can send people download links to your missions, similarly to mods and by extension, scenarios. 2) An upside of scenario editing is that they can be used for both stock AND modded saves.
  5. One of the biggest selling points of MH is that you can edit/create missions and share, however you already can do this in Stock KSP by copying and editing the scenario files (and someone could easily use python, javascript etc to make it more user friendly), then letting others download the file, and the historic parts already exist in mod packs. Will there ever be actions taken to block players from utilizing these features?
  6. If your Mun missions are taking 2-3 years worth of timewarping, I think you might be doing something wrong.
  7. Didn't this use to exist at one point? Either way, Squad officially uses Curse now, so that may be where missions are hosted
  8. Kerbol++ is a very simple and lightweight planet mod. This mod is based on the idea of people like me with slightly lower-end computers being able to play with a unique Kerbol System without the headache of installation and 30 minute long loading sessions. It adds no new planets and contains zero new textures (besides for Jool rings, which can be removed without hurting anything if needed), but instead improves the orbits of existing ones (including getting rid of the unnaturally perfect orbits of certain bodies), among a few other minor changes to the world. This is designed to enhance the Kerbal exploration experience while not requiring save restarts, extra mods (besides kopernicus) or anything else, while being relatively interchangeable with stock KSP saves. Only prerequisite is Kopernicus. While this is designed for 1.3.1, and will likely not be explicitly made for later versions, it probably will work fine with other versions. ** This mod is pretty new, so please report any bugs you encounter. List of changes is as follows: - One new, simplistic flag representing the mod - Mun's gravity raised marginally, now orbits farther from Kerbin and has a somewhat eccentric orbit. - Minmus now has a highly irregular and retrograde orbit around Kerbin, taken it both much closer and farther from Kerbin than previously. Could be used strategically, but also the difficulty to reach it hopefully encourages utilization of the Mun more. - Jool is now four times as large and has considerably higher surface gravity. It is a gas giant, after all. - Jool's moons have been revamped to accommodate the larger size. Read further for additional info. - Vall is now the 'shephard' of Jool's rings, and the closest moon in and has much higher surface gravity. Laythe is next, which is no longer tidally locked, followed by Tylo, Pol, then Bop, all whose characteristics aside from orbiting farther out remain unchanged. - Moho is now much closer to Kerbol and is tidally locked. Also slightly higher surface gravity. - Kerbin now orbits roughly in Duna's previous location, and has 2.5x surface gravity. - All planets further out than Kerbin are roughly twice as far out. - If player has reached, asteroids will spawn near Jool and plummet into its SOI - Moved KSC to the edge of the desert - Eve, Gilly and Ike both remain completely undisturbed Notice about transferring saves between unmodded and modded games: While most of this pack is designed to be relatively interchangeable with stock KSP, the Joolean system may include complications, especially if you put anything too close to Jool before adding this mod (may cause said crafts to be instantly destroyed) or if you have anything orbiting too far away from Jool (crafts may just float off into space) before removing this mod. Worst case scenario, these kinds of situations are relatively easy to fix in the persistent file. And remember, always back up your saves. Download link for 1.3.1: https://spacedock.info/mod/1732/Kerbol++?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E If you're interested in donating to support this and my other planet packs, my only method to do so ATM is via bitcoin: 15nhma9mEYqhBE5hyCHa4bGUyrAfnaUrxd or PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/clockwork13. Donations will go to assist this and my other projects. Additional Images:
  9. All UR data R belong to US

  10. Going to stick with my 1.2 and 1.3 directories, probably not going to update any further.
  11. Just thought this would be an interesting way to poke fun at current events going on within KSP. Basically, we're writing a letter to Take Two. 3 words per post, no chainposting please. I'll start: Dear Take Two,
  12. Or at least keep the KSP EULA separate from the other games they ruined
  13. True, but at least some response or reassurance from Squad would be nice
  14. If you guys are going to boycott Making History, maybe it'll help to spread a hashtag on Social Media, such as #BoycottMakingHistory
  15. Just thought I'd throw this in here: if you want help protecting yourself from potential datamining, get a MAC address changer
  16. Uh, yes there is. It benefits advertisers.
  17. On the current KSP directory that I used (and the heaviest), sometimes up to 20-30 minutes
  18. If the deal with spyware/data collection/etc here turns out to be as shady as it seems from scrolling through this thread, then I guess 1.2.2 is the end of the line for me. EDIT: Might I add that the KSP steam ratings plummeted 20% after the update was released.
  19. For some reason, this mod makes Kerbin's atmosphere an unnaturally deep blue for me. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
  20. I know, but all my other mods are for 1.3, and I don't really want to reinstall all of them.
  21. Is there any version of this that works with 1.3? Currently RO just causes my game to crash.
  22. As per usual, you are completely missing my point. There was, for a while a separate NASAmission folder inside GameData alongside the Squad folder, and it was often referred to by the community at times as free DLC. If you do not remember that, there is nothing I can do for you. On another note though, you seem to only care about nitpicking what I say [snip] as well as dodging my main point (which was that free DLC should stay out of already paid games), and as such, I'll save myself the headache and end this argument here. Have a nice day. [snip]
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