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Everything posted by Clockwork13

  1. By that I meant no radial attachments, you'd still be able to put it onto a rocket
  2. The problem that I've noticed with balloons is that it's considered atmospheric flight so you're forced either to wait out the mission or revert
  3. Impact probes would simply be small metal probe cores with the unique advantage that they could survive in immensely high pressures and very hard impacts. They would include a range of basic scientific instruments (i.e thermometer, gravioli, seismometer, barometer) plus a built-in antenna and perhaps some unique ones to make them more worthwhile, and be unlocked towards the very end of the tree. They could be used for landing on a planet without the need for a soft landing, at the expense that their functionality would be limited to a select few scientific instruments, and you wouldn't be able to (nor would you want to) attach anything else to it except the rocket itself.
  4. Uhh, people can already 'be inspired to look up' just with, for example, the Moon or ISS.
  5. As I said, I was only using because there aren't any alternatives available that I'm aware of.
  6. Only using this because there aren't any alternatives Honestly though, I was disappointed by the excessive typos, bugs and overall lack of effort that seems to have gone into it.
  7. Viewing the entire network, I just see this Shouldn't the two probes be communicating with eachother as well though?
  8. I put several relays into solar orbit with RA-2 antennae, but they are only communicating with Kerbin and not with any of the other relays. How exactly am I supposed to make relays work like a network instead of all transmitting straight to Kerbin?
  9. just completed a mission i started over 3 years ago in 0.23.5 to land on an asteroid for the first time

    i have quicksaving disabled on my career save, so thankfully i succeeded on my first try, with nearly the entire tank full to move it around.



    Currently I'm working on getting it into orbit around Kerbin.

  10. just completed a mission i started over 3 years ago in 0.23.5 to land on an asteroid for the first time i have quicksaving disabled on my career save, so thankfully i succeeded on my first try, with nearly the entire tank full to move it around. Currently I'm working on getting it into orbit around Kerbin.
  11. Nope, sorry. However I'm working on a different version of this planet pack called InterKalactic 2. It won't be at all affiliated with this planet pack though, because this pack has become just too buggy and broken over time, amongst a few other problems I saw with this one. InterKalactic 2 will be much less buggy and, in my opinion, better.
  12. That's roughly a quarter of my life I've spent playing KSP, or at least be registered on the forums. Kind of weird to think about. While I didn't plan on making this thread for much else, I will also say that KSP is one of the few games I know of that hasn't gotten worse in any way over time like how most game development teams gradually subside to greed over time (though I have a few doubts lingering with KSP being acquired by a major game development studio), and the moderators here seem way more like actually people (instead of just silently locking and deleting threads without any other interactions like I often see elsewhere), so good job for that.
  13. I'm not saying we'd be forced to program probes, but it'd be an option for the players who would rather do that.
  14. There should be a way to be able to 'program' space probes to be able to collect science and transmit data on their own. I don't really know what a good and simple enough way to implement this would be, but I think it's improve gameplay by a lot. What are your thoughts?
  15. Bumping because I'm having a very similar problem. The problem in my case seems to be SVE. I also am using Windows and have a fairly old (not *that* old, though) Intel graphics driver. I am working on my own planet pack, and some of the planets have this same problem while others are just fine.
  16. I've gone to pretty much every body except Eeloo, Pol, Bop and Moho. I have spent a decent amount of time playing and could go to any of the ones mentioned above, but there really isn't much incentive to.
  17. Bump, sorry for no response After messing around, pretty much all of my added planets, which worked fine in older versions, no longer works. While I managed to get the error message to go away, visiting any of my planets results in several game-breaking graphical errors. And @OhioBob, i do not have that mod. Here is the config for one of my broken planets:
  18. I have a planet pack that I made, and I believe worked perfectly before 1.3. But now, whenever I launch the game, I get a popup saying something along the lines of "kopernicus was not able to load custom planetary systems due to an exception in the loading process" I have updated ModularFlightIntegrator, Kopernicus and ModuleManager, so I don't think the installation of those is the problem. How can I fix this?
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