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Everything posted by Castille7

  1. Trying something new with this Poll, please vote and maybe this will be something you may want to give a try one day. Sector 7 Space Laboratories VTOL Division - Spritz Spritz [imgur]g5v3M[/imgur] Prototype Craft Assembly: MK2 Inline Cockpit, 8 Whiplash Engines, Intakes 3 Shock Cones, 6 Radials, 6 Structural, 2 Inline Stabilizers, 4 Standard Canards The Spritz had started with 4 Wheesleys on the belly for VTOL then more items were added during design changes and the craft required more thrust for lifting. I am releasing both craft so you can see some of many changes my craft go through. Many days of designing and flight testing are done to produce these craft. Flight Operations: Engage RCS and SAS, throttle up to full then press spacebar for the Lift Engines to engage and a second time for the Rear Engines. When landing vertical use the downward thrusters to help control your descent. Parts:144 Mass:36.9t Size Height:4.3m Width:12.4m Length:10.0m Flight Controls 1-Lift Engines 2-Rear Engines Craft Files Spritz Spritz Prototype
  2. Coming from a fifteen year Marine Merchant Officer, that's a nice craft!
  3. Sector 7 Space Laboratories - Craft Videos - Version 1.0.4 Viper - S7X Buster Indy Xtreme Indy Xtreme GT Tommy Mig The Mother Load Challenge Sub Zero Defiance Air Trooper 12 Rabid One Galaxy Myth
  4. After seeing 180 viewers that don't know what to say I thought maybe a rating of the craft might be a simple way to give your opinion and give us builders some idea of how our work rates. Thank you for your participation. [B]Sector 7 Space Laboratories VTOL Division - Viper - S7X[/B] This Craft has been through a few changes, pictures in the photo album show other designs that were either looking nice and wouldn't fly or would fly but not chosen to be presented as a product of Sector 7 Space Laboratories. The craft is not the best at aircraft maneuvers but is fun to fly as a VTOL. This is also an Experimental Craft that was unable to continue due to Squads Budget Cuts for a new facility. (No Warranties, Fly at Your Own Risk) [video=youtube;wXKWCD_WsY0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXKWCD_WsY0&feature=youtu.be[/video] [B]Photo Album of Viper - S7X and different Craft Designs that were tested[/B] [imgur]9qnOz[/imgur] [B]Craft Assembly [/B] Engines 6 - Whiplash 6 - Rapiers Vernors Intakes 5 - Ram Air 8 - Radials 4 - Inline Sablizers 3 - LY-50 Landing Gear [B]Misc[/B] 3 - Generators 2 - Batteries 2 - Pre-coolers 2 - Air brakes RCS Thrusters [B]Engineer's Report[/B] Parts: 224 Mass: 61.2t Size Height - 6.3m Width - 12.1m Length - 12.3m [B]Flight Operations:[/B] Engage RCS and SAS, throttle up to full then press spacebar for the Lift Engines to engage and a second time for the Rear Engines. When Landing use the downward thrusters (K) to help control your descent, other thurster keys are I,K,J,L,S,W,A,D Note: Use at least one pilot to control the craft the remote control will not give correct control, most all of our Dropships and VTOL crafts are designed this way. [B]Inspiration Craft[/B] [url]http://img06.deviantart.net/e985/i/2006/101/d/c/battlestar_galactica_viper_by_coreyhayeshkh.jpg[/url] Flight Controls 1-Lift Engines 2-Rear Engines 3-Rear Engines 4-Rear Engines Craft Files [URL="https://files.secureserver.net/0sLSoXSbpLXmNy"]Viper - S7X[/URL] [URL="https://files.secureserver.net/0sIgbds5iSkepD"]Viper - S7X with Fuel Cart[/URL]
  5. [quote name='T-Bouw']Lately, I see a lot more people flying formations. How do you do it? Quickly switch between the craft? Use mods?[/QUOTE] No Mods, and yes switching between the crafts. If you like this check out my [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137525-The-Motherload-Challenge-The-Multiple-Craft-Flying-Challenge"]Mother Load Challenge[/URL]
  6. [quote name='Spacetraindriver']Many people have tried to, but with a bulky craft like that! That is a larger feat! Now lemme get my B-17s and try it![/QUOTE] I had these on the Wings of a craft about the size of a B-17 that I had built
  7. So funny! I wanted to do the same thing when I saw that River running through the Mountains, I was willing to take the extra miles to experience that view! And noticed the Mountains bridged it off. :mad:
  8. [quote name='Cupcake...']What a beast! :0.0: Great job with the styling, it looks fantastic. :cool: Cupcake...[/QUOTE] Thanks Cupcake!..... I tell ya that Jool-5 Banner is looking good!.....I might be giving it a try soon
  9. Neat little design, looks like a nuke would take it pretty far.
  10. [quote name='selfish_meme']Does it work in 1.05?[/QUOTE] Not sure, I am finishing up on some 1.0.4 crafts that I left lingering in the SPH and was also working on the Elcano Challenge which I just completed. I picked the worst time to do that Challenge because everyone is having fun in 1.0.5 and I hadn't updated yet! ;.; [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Majorjim']OOH! That looks great, and I love the custom landing legs. GJ man! There are a fair few antenna parts there, no lag issues with them? They are a massive resource hog. Man I love a good dropship. Such a cool concept. The more I look at this the more detail I see.[/QUOTE] The antenna parts might be what is causing the lag problems. I guess it's either style or Lag for some builds?
  11. Thank you all for the wonderful comments! Here is the [URL="http://www.battlefront.com/products/dropteam/units/DropShip.gif"]inspiration craft[/URL] I used for my Model
  12. Sector 7 Space Laboratories VTOL Division - Buster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE0ZGpegpWo&feature=youtu.be Craft Assembly 12 Whiplash Engines, Intakes 4 Circular 6 Radial, 7 Inline Sablizers, 8 I-Beams, 8 Structual Pylons This is an Experimental Craft, very slugish, it's a weight thing. Due to Squads Budget Cuts for a new facility Buster and other Craft facilities have had many layoffs and had to move. The project was canned for new builds, it's been a bitter sweet for us but Sector 7 Space Laboratories will continue with new crafts and designs to regain it's lost employees bringing the family back together once again. (No Warranties, Fly at Your Own Risk) Flight Operations: Engage RCS and SAS, throttle up to full then press spacebar for the Lift Engines to engage and a second time for the Port, Starboard and Rear Engines. When Landing use the downward thrusters to help control your descent. Note: Use at least one pilot to control the craft the remote control will not give correct control, most all of our Dropships and VTOL crafts are designed this way. Flight Controls 1-Lift Engines 2-Rear Engines 3-Vertical Landing Lights 4-Runway Lights Craft File Buster
  13. [URL="https://files.secureserver.net/0sZZQMKujgHVgt"]Omega 7[/URL] [url=http://imgur.com/hIkv7uv][img]http://i.imgur.com/hIkv7uv.png[/img][/url] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/mBiaYNF.png[/IMG] Launcher with Space Station "Omega 7" All Stock 1.0 Version Launch at your on Risk, Boosters will be exploding during it's ascent and control is not good but I managed to put my Space Station in Kerbin Orbit. Lagging became an issue so refueling or any visits are not going to be attempted any further. Engineer's Report Parts:1433 Mass:4,343.1t Size Height:80.7m Width:30.4 Length:26.8 Pilots & Crew Capacity 61 Kerbals, Kermans Only 1 each MK1 Lander Can 10 each PPD-12 Cupola Module 6 each Service Bay 1.25m 10 each PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container 10 each Service Bay 2.5m 5 each Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2 4 each ISRU Converter 30 each Fuel Cell Array 18 each Large Holding Tank 6 each Small Holding Tank 36 each PB-X750 Xenon Gas Tank 12 each FL-R1 RCS FUEL TANK 42 each Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large 6 each Rockomax HubMax Mulit-Point Connector 12 each Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank 6 each Kerbodyne S3-3600 Tank 6 each Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank 24 each Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank 54 each S1 SRB KD25k "Kickback" Solid Fuel Booster
  14. Maybe after the crafts leave page one they could fall into a Categorized Archive? This would be nice also! Something like this, but in Alphabetical Order The Spacecraft Exchange VTOL Crafts SSTO Crafts Space Planes Space Stations Rovers Aircrafts Watercrafts
  15. This is awesome and so is the craft your showing here! I apologize for just getting back to this, I was caught up in the completion of the Kerbin Elcano Challenge. Here is the Craft I was looking to use it for. Thanks again DMagic!
  16. I have just completed the Elcano Challenge to Circumnavigate around Kerbin and would like to share the craft with you. The craft was inspired by the Indy Xtreme See the details of the craft and Mission here Craft File Indy Xtreme GT
  17. Fengist, Circumnavigate Kerbin Elcano Challenge Completed The beginning was still looking like Craft testing for me, a few times I started the Mission and tweaked the Craft until I was satisfied with the first leg of the Long Journey. Immediately I noticed it was less troublesome to travel by water rather than by land so I chose to make a water travel route. With speeds up to 70 m/s on the water and the ability to use Warp at 3x helped towards the end of the trip because my first attempt at warp 3x the craft was not holding a good course so I didn't bother with it for awhile. Most the the trip was only at 1x or 2x warp. I am sure the Mission Time could have been reduced drastically if I would have discovered this sooner. The Craft was designed with Mk2 Inline Cockpit, an ISRU Converter, Fuel Cell Arrays, Thermoelectric Generators, Small holding Tanks, Wheesley Engines, Drill-o-Matic, Z-4k Rechargeable Batteries, Large Reaction Wheel, Structural Intakes and with a great suspension system. Craft Type: Catamaran/Amphibious - Indy Xtreme GT (Indy Xtreme Global Transport) Mission Start Date: 11.06.2015 Engineer's Report Parts:165 Mass 26.0t Height:5.5m Width:9.8m Length:12.2m Crew Pilot: Jebediah Kerman Co-Pilot: Bill Kerman Driller/Surveyor/Engineer: Camgard Kerman The Route Photo Album The Craft that inspired the design for the Indy Xtreme Global Transport Craft File Indy Xtreme Craft File Indy Xtreme GT
  18. Sector 7 Space Laboratories - Circumnavigate Kerbin Elcano Challenge The beginning was still looking like Craft testing for me, a few times I started the Mission and tweaked the Craft until I was satisfied with the first leg of the Long Journey. Immediately I noticed it was less troublesome to travel by water rather than by land so I chose to make a water travel route. With speeds up to 70 m/s on the water and the ability to use Warp at 3x helped towards the end of the trip because my first attempt at warp 3x the craft was not holding a good course so I didn't bother with it for awhile. Most the the trip was only at 1x or 2x warp. I am sure the Mission Time could have been reduced drastically if I would have discovered this sooner. The Craft was designed with Mk2 Inline Cockpit, an ISRU Converter, Fuel Cell Arrays, Thermoelectric Generators, Small holding Tanks, Wheesley Engines, Drill-o-Matic, Z-4k Rechargeable Batteries, Large Reaction Wheel, Structural Intakes and with a great suspension system. Craft Type: Catamaran/Amphibious - Indy Xtreme GT (Indy Xtreme Global Transport) Mission Start Date: 11.06.2015 Engineer's Report Parts:165 Mass 26.0t Height:5.5m Width:9.8m Length:12.2m Crew Pilot: Jebediah Kerman Co-Pilot: Bill Kerman Driller/Surveyor/Engineer: Camgard Kerman The Route Photo Album The Craft that inspired the design for the Indy Xtreme Global Transport Craft File Indy Xtreme Craft File Indy Xtreme GT
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